View Full Version : Jet 1642 Screaming Banjo

Kim Hillard
10-13-2015, 9:54 AM
Hello, I bought a new Jet lathe a few years ago and have the most annoying problem with it. The tool rest, as it is moved across the lathe bed, absolutely screams this horrible sound. I have tried the loosening of the nut, tightening of same nut, lubing, filing, crying, and even contacted Jet Warranty Dept. They have sent me a new tool rest and even when that one was installed that one screams the same way. The functionality is OK but the annoyance factor is off the charts. Oh I also tried to add a cross bar made of dense hardwood to dampen the vibrations without any joy.
Has anyone else had these problems or heard the screaming?
Best regards,

Steve Schlumpf
10-13-2015, 10:07 AM
Kim, I have the same sound issue with my Jet but it isn't extremely annoying to me. I filed the edges of the banjo to remove any portion that would scratch the bed and I also used a green scratch pad on the bed to remove any raised areas created from moving the banjo - then I waxed both the bed and the banjo with Johnson's Paste Wax. Made a huge difference. Now, whenever I hear the banjo singing - I know it is time to wax them again!

Kim Hillard
10-13-2015, 10:40 AM
Steve, thanks for your reply. I also was asked be Jet Warranty Dept to remove the tool rest, file edges of that and of the lathe bed and finally to wax both the rest and bet before reassembling. My ears are almost deaf now and I typically don't wear noise protectors while turning as it is mostly a rather quiet process....except the screaming tool rest part. Drives my ears nuts. It is definitely a speed issueas when I move it very,very slowly it won't happen then.

Steve Schlumpf
10-13-2015, 11:16 AM
Kim - I just went to my shop (basement :D) and checked if the banjo still makes noise. Had to check because I wear earplugs while turning. If I move the banjo really fast - and I had to really push it - I can get some sound from it but other than that it is totally quiet. My Jet has a lot of miles on it, maybe your banjo just needs a bit more time/use.

Don Orr
10-13-2015, 12:28 PM
Kim-I have the same issue on my Jet 1642 which is well over 10 years old. I have tried all the things you have and more and the only thing that really helps at all is a good cleaning of both the lathe bed/ways and the bottom of the tool rest and the a good waxing of the same with a decent paste wax like Trewax or Johnson's. As Steve said-when it's time to clean it will let you know.

Kim Hillard
10-13-2015, 1:04 PM
Thanks Don and Steve. I'll give wax a try again. Anything to get rid of that screeching. I am ready to sell it because of this. Seems like JET would address this better.
Best regards,

Don Bunce
10-13-2015, 1:22 PM
It is not only Jet that has this problem. My PM 3520b also screams. Cleaning and waxing helps, but doesn't completely solve the problem. I recently saw a video on youtube where a Robust AB did the same thing.

Reed Gray
10-13-2015, 1:23 PM
I never used paste wax, but did use a product called Top Cote, which was a spray of some sort that left the bed and bottoms of the headstock, banjo, and tail stock quite slick. You spray on, let it dry, then wipe off. I use it on all of my tool surfaces. To get the bottoms of headstock, etc coated, spray it heavy on the ways, then move the tools around. I think you can only get that kind of screaming if the surfaces are pretty much dead flat against each other, which is a good thing.

robo hippy

Kyle Iwamoto
10-13-2015, 1:25 PM
Have you tried any lube like WD-40, CRC 6-36 or similar? It also helps prevent rust. I think any metal on metal contact without a lubricant will make some noise. Selling the Jet won't help, I don't think.......

Geoff Whaling
10-13-2015, 3:45 PM
My 1990's Woodfast banjo will also make a high pitched noise if I don't keep up the maintenance of the lathe bed & banjo.

Simply friction of cast metal on metal without lube causing the problem, although the cross sectional design of the banjo & bed may contribute to the pitch of the noise. Its a bit of a trade off using paste wax etc to lube the bed ways as it will reduce the friction available on the tail stock / lathe bed interface too. Lubing means that higher clamp pressures are required on the banjo & tail stock clamps. Trick is to use just enough lube. I've been trialing "Silver Glide" dry slip which seems to work well with minimal other problems like cross contamination issues with sprayed finishes etc.