View Full Version : Delivery Today

Gail O'Rourke
08-27-2005, 5:05 PM

I had a delivery today for a set of bookcases...here is the before picture

And then the afters....

There was only one really tenuous moment when the face frames (not yet on the bookcases, because I deliver in pieces) launched itself out of the back of my truck and broke into pieces....It was bad, but turned out fine, the customer was very pleased and will photo once their books have found a place in their new home.

Dennis Peacock
08-27-2005, 5:08 PM
Well Gail......

Looks like you did another fine and outstanding job. Very well done. Can't say I like the wall color too well....but your woodwork looks very nice. Congrats!!!! :D

Dan Gill
08-27-2005, 5:12 PM
Looks good, Gail. I see you have a client who wants to see the wall through the cases, too.

Richard Wolf
08-27-2005, 5:19 PM
Nice job Gail, looks like a good fit. It's always nice to get paid to work with wood.


Dan Oliphant
08-27-2005, 5:22 PM
The shelving looks great. Did you lag them to the wall at the top or use some other method of securing them?
So, sence you opened the door and told us a little bit about the face frame missle, how did you make your client happy so quick? Looked to me like both units had face frames installed.

Mark Singer
08-27-2005, 5:23 PM
Nice, After is way better and there is a place for books and stuff..

John Lucas
08-27-2005, 5:24 PM
You do good work, Gail!!!

I must say I was looking for negative results of the trucking faux pas....seems that you covered it up well.

John Renzetti
08-27-2005, 5:34 PM
Very nice job on the bookcases, Gail. Glad that the mishap with the frame coming out of the truck was not a disastrous event.
take care,

Gail O'Rourke
08-27-2005, 5:46 PM
So picture the face frame - two big rectangles sharing a center piece....the center piece (on both) break, top and bottom where the pocket screws are...

The frame is unscrewed, the chips are glued back on and sit clamped in driveway, the center rail becomes the side against wall, flipped over, lucky for me I finished both sides of the face frame. The side rail becomes the middle and all is covered up, and voila, the chips and all damage is hidden. I have no problem fessing up to the customer and remaking if I didn't think that the solution was acceptable. I was very pleased to not have to do it though.

Was it someone here who said:

A mistake is only something that can't be fixed.

Thanks for the kind words.

Jim Becker
08-27-2005, 6:29 PM
Very nice, Gail. It really adds to that room, too. I like how you did an open back design...the one I'm working on for our girls is being built that way and it looks like I picked the right way to do it based on your pictures.

Michael Gabbay
08-27-2005, 6:43 PM
Great job Gail. I can imagine how bummed you were when you had pisces launching themselves out of the truck.:eek:


Mike Cutler
08-27-2005, 7:16 PM
They look Great Gail. They really fill in that wall, and will look very nice when full, nit that don't look nice right now.
Having that face frame fly put of the truck must have really given you a start. I'd have been in a full blown panic.

Seems interesting to me, that here in the internet age,there are more than a few ongoing bookshelf projects, hmm....

Once again nice work, and well done on the impromptu repair. ;)

Mark Hulette
08-27-2005, 7:51 PM

It's really sad those folks don't like yellow!! :D :D :D

Fine work on the bookholders and good recovery with the FF!

Corey Hallagan
08-27-2005, 8:12 PM
Nice work Gail,they look great!


Steve Clardy
08-27-2005, 8:23 PM
Really nice work. Don't it really bum you when stuff gets banged up? I had a vanity to fall over in my truck once. Had to replace the false front under where the sink went.

Rich Carmack
08-27-2005, 8:24 PM
Nice work Gail

Eddie Watkins
08-27-2005, 9:51 PM
Nice job. It really added to the room and fireplace.

Dennis McDonaugh
08-27-2005, 10:14 PM
Nice shelves, glad the mishap wasn't catastrophic for you!

Kelly C. Hanna
08-27-2005, 11:07 PM
Beautiful work Gail! I bet you were just sick when the launch took place. Made me nervous just reading about it.

Mike Stanton
08-27-2005, 11:33 PM
Looks great Gail. Nice work. Mikie

Vaughn McMillan
08-28-2005, 3:31 AM
Well done Gail, and nice recovery. The finished product speaks well of your skills.

- Vaughn

Brian Hale
08-28-2005, 6:28 AM
Looks great Gail and i'm real gald you were able to fix the booboo on the spot!!

Can i ask how many hours you have in it? Most everything i build takes a year....

Brian :)

Gail O'Rourke
08-28-2005, 7:21 AM
I had some comments via PM and thought that I would share my response with you all also.

I believe projects can be divided into two different things, design and workmanship.

Comments on workmanship are appreciated. These types of things will make me a better cabinetmaker. I love comments on the design, but unfortunately, I will never be an interior designer. However, this is where the sometimes a project will fall short.

What you can't see in the picture is that all of the shelves are edged with solid wood and routed, the finish on all pieces feels like glass, there are no gaps and the installation is solid. I chose all the rift pieces for the face frame front, as I like that look better and serves the piece nicely up close.

Bookcases are a cabinetmaker's most boring project...yuck. Wood choice, very personal, I showed wood samples from pine to mahogany, even did up 5 color samples and the oak is what they chose. Not my favorite, not my house. Just my customer.

The crown....this is an ongoing challenge for me. I did choose the crown and make it myself. So I do appreciate the critique. They have several formal pieces in the room, wing chairs and lots of antiques, so I didn't want to do something too small. (the room is a design mix, with 12" wide pine floors and fancy oriental on top) I felt that once the bookcases are full, (they plan on putting books in which is why the cases are double instead of single.) then they would look very heavy and boring and I wanted a little more detail at the top.

As I continue to build my skills, I get a project like this and I don't want to go down to home depot and buy some crown and slap it on. I haven't got a design eye for it and also am not that good at putting it together on my own, or building it. I pour over every article I get about crown and recently bought some finish carpentry books in order to get some design ideas, as well as getting ideas from furniture catalogs. So, if you can reccommend any books, or perhaps be willing to consult on top treatments in the future, that would be appreciated.

ALL comments are always welcome, I am a big girl, with very thick skin.

Thanks again, it has been great getting to know you all.