View Full Version : Applying finish over tearout

David Ragan
10-04-2015, 7:09 PM
Please observe the following tearout in mahogany:


I was unable to tame it despite the 112 and card scraper. Did not use my BU plane.

You are looking @ an in/out tray for my desk, before partitions are put in. Edge is already done. (What really happened was I forgot about tearout, then did the fancy edge routing.)

I am intent on applying a finish to this tomorrow. Planing some more is not possible cause it will effect the profiled routed edge.

Any ideas on something I can put on it tonite to fill in the small tearout? So I can spray with rc lacquer or Danish Oil tomorrow?

Maybe the West 105/207....let is set overnight, and scrape in the am?

As always, thanks

Leo Graywacz
10-04-2015, 7:30 PM
The West System will certainly work if you are doing a natural finish.

Andrew Hughes
10-04-2015, 10:30 PM
David it doent really look that bad, looks more like tear back.I say finish it you'll do better next time.👍

Andrew Helman
10-04-2015, 11:03 PM
I have done this successfully. In one spot it darkened the wood (the wood was soft due to spalting), while it didn't do that in other areas. 12 hours isn't a full cure on epoxy; I do not know whether applying a finish directly over the epoxy before a full cure will prevent a full cure. That may not be an issue for you, but the folks at West are pretty helpful and may have a suggestion. I've also heard of folks brushing on a finish a little thicker in those types of spots.

Good luck.

Daniel Smith
10-05-2015, 8:30 AM
More card scraper? It looks like you should be able to clean it up while staying away from the edges. From the description of what the piece is for, a slight hollow in that area doesn't sound like a problem.

Stan Calow
10-05-2015, 5:29 PM
I've used CA gel glue in this situation - a bit easier to use than epoxy. But never an area this large.