View Full Version : delta dl 40 lathe, is running, few questions

cody michael
10-01-2015, 8:19 AM
I am trying to locate a spacer/washer/bushing, it goes on the spindle needs to have 1 in ID and be about 1/2 in thick. but I have the lathe running, I purchased a dc motor controller with a spare motor, connected controller to my stock motor and it runs.

there are a few things I'm concerned about.

1. at very low speeds it hums quite loudly, is that normal for a DC motor? it stops when you get to just a slow speed.

2. the motor kinda lurches, every second or so (depending on speed), I think this is from the belt being in one position for along time, will this smooth out or does it just need replaced. any idea what size belt? I forgot to measure and want to try and get a new one today.

3.my faceplate seems to have a wobble when its on the lathe, I cannot see any wobble at all on the shaft, and it is missing the spacer/bushing/washer that the faceplate seats against could that be causing the wobble, I put the faceplate on the first time, and it had a lot of wobble, I put my chuck on and it seems to have either none or very little, I put faceplate back on and it seemed to wobble less. on my old lathe the faceplate runs true. (I called delta about some parts, tech said this was normal without spacer)

here is a video showing what I am talking about, and you can hear the hum.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0nlpoetb55kjh ... 4.mp4?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/0nlpoetb55kjh19/20150930_215644.mp4?dl=0)