View Full Version : How do I make this cut?

Russel De Arman
09-23-2015, 10:41 PM
Just had some windows installed. Our front room has a series of five slightly angled picture windows that now have old 1/4" (true 1/4", been there since 1964) plywood that will need to come out so I can trim the openings with whatever my wife decides belongs there.
I will need to cut along the line of the window frame (I had to be four different places or I would have had the installer just take it all out at the same time). I don't have one of those fancy new fangled oscillating saws but suspect that it might be the right thing for this job.
What say you?

Matt Day
09-24-2015, 6:42 AM
Those fancy new oscillating tools can be had for $20 at harbor freight. I'm not 100% sure of the cut you need to make, but these types of situations usually call for the likes of an oscillating tool.

Bill Ryall
09-24-2015, 8:27 AM
If I understand what you are trying to do correctly, one of those fancy new fangled oscillating saws is perfect for this. It is a tool you wont use all the time, but there will be times you will be very glad you have it.

Jim Dwight
09-24-2015, 8:36 AM
I would probably use the oscillating saw but you will have to be patient. It cuts fine but not real quick. If your hands are really good, you might be able to do this with a reciprocating saw but you also might ding up the new window frames. Oscillating saw is safer but slower. I have a HF and a cordless Ryobi. Both work fine. I am on my second HF. If you catch them on sale, the single speed is $15. I got 5 years or so out of the first one. Seems fine for a $15 investment to me. But the cordless Ryobi is smoother - and also about $70. Fein is the premium brand (Festool is apparently a rebranded Fein but comes with a nice plunge accessory). You can spend $500 or more. Quite a range.

Russel De Arman
09-24-2015, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the responses guys...this is what I suspected
Off to research oscillating saws now, HF is my default for tools I'm unsure of usage on, so that's probably where I'll end up

Mike Schuch
09-24-2015, 12:33 PM
Those fancy new oscillating tools can be had for $20 at harbor freight. I'm not 100% sure of the cut you need to make, but these types of situations usually call for the likes of an oscillating tool.

My girl friend has burned up 2 of those cheap $20 single speed HF oscillating saws. I have had my $35 variable speed oscillating HF saw for twice as long and it is still running strong. It definitely sounds like the right tool for your job. The HF blades don't last long but they do get the job done. You might want to pick up a couple extra of the HF blades if you have a lot to cut.

Rich Engelhardt
09-30-2015, 7:24 AM
It took me a couple of years of relly hard use o burn up my HF single speed. No problem since I bought two of them! I kept a half moon blade on one and an Imperial blade on the other. Great tool - made exactly for this type of work. My conrqactor buddy has a Rockwell hat he abuses the stuffibng out of. I believe I'd go that route if I could only have one.

Charles Lent
10-01-2015, 7:54 PM
If you buy the HF model, use the stuffings out of it right after you buy it. If it's going to fail it will most likely be within the first hour or two of use, so you can take it back and exchange it while you can still find the receipt for it.

I have had several of their tools break within the first 2 hours of use. If they can last more than 2 hours they will likely have more than paid for themselves anyway. Those that can last through 2 solid hours of use will likely last you a long time. Their Quality Control seems to be quite poor, so defective parts will usually fail early on. If it lasts through 2 hours of heavy use you've got a keeper.
