View Full Version : Unable to remove a burr

Mike Cherry
09-08-2015, 2:10 PM
So I hollow grind my chisel, hone on 1k then 8k and go to remove the burr. I make a couple swipes in one direction but I think I can still feel a burr. The chisels have been flattened and I doubt my skills sharpening quite often. I flatten my stones every time I finish a blade. Is this a wear bevel that I am experiencing? Are my chisels somehow concave across the width of the blade?

i seem to feel the burr more in the center of the chisel

Brian Holcombe
09-08-2015, 2:26 PM
Sounds like a wear bevel.

ian maybury
09-08-2015, 2:54 PM
I'm no expert, but a wear bevel would make reducing a burr difficult as a result of the edge not contacting the stone - at least until enough honing is done to reach it. Ditto towards the centre of the edge in the case of a hollowed stone if the edge was straight from the previous stone.

Guess it depends a bit on the size of the burr too. Each stone will leave a successively finer burr, so short of a quick strop or polish with a fibre disc there could still be a microsopic burr left after the finest stone....

Robert Engel
09-08-2015, 5:03 PM
I'm guessing back bevel, too. I've had chisels I thought were flat that turned out not to be. How I knew that was I couldn't get them sharp.

I would mark the back edge with a sharpie marker, re hone the back with a coarser grit, like 600, and check to make sure the marker is removed all the way to the edge. I find a magnifying lamp very useful. It may be ever so slight.

If its not flat all the way to the edge (and I suspect it is not) then you'll have to regrind the edge back a bit, re-hollow grind, re-sharpen/hone and you're back in business.

Mike Cherry
09-08-2015, 5:31 PM
Ok I guess I was in doubt about it being a wear bevel because it's just a chisel. I thought wear bevels were more likely to happen on a plane blade.
I have been able to remove this remainder of a burr by stropping, but I have a feeling that the blade is not as sharp as it could be after doing this. I imagine I am rounding the blade over on the strop.

Tony Zaffuto
09-08-2015, 6:41 PM
What kind of chisel and/or steel? I had a similar issue once or twice in the past years-one was a Dunlap socket chisel, the other I can't remember the name. I attributed it to poor heat treating.

Mike Cherry
09-08-2015, 6:48 PM
You know, I get this issue rather often. Sometimes with A2 sometimes with pmv11. The chisel in question currently is a vintage Stanley 750.