View Full Version : Turning green Camphor

Brian Kent
09-05-2015, 9:44 PM
My shop smells so good tonight. I am turning some green Camphor and it smells like Vick's Vapor rub.

John Grace
09-05-2015, 10:12 PM
I've been fortunate enough to turn several pieces of camphor wood. Weird...I love the smell for about ten minutes or so and then develop a pounding headache. Then again, the richness of the color is worth it.

robert baccus
09-05-2015, 11:42 PM
Myfavorite wood--the colors when green are mindboggling. Find some with color and crotchgrain and drool. The wood and leaves are distilled for the medicine in it. Even the sapwood looks nice. Cleans out the Roaches, cats and pesky kids too.

Bruce Lewane
09-06-2015, 11:20 AM
Have to say. By the time I finished the piece of Camphor I turned into a ten inch bowl I was weary of the smell, but turns easily, finishes wonderfully, and the colors are great. I'm just not going to do it every day.

Brian Kent
09-06-2015, 11:31 AM
What have you done to keep the colors bright? By the time I finish sanding, the beautiful reds have turned brown.

robert baccus
09-06-2015, 10:14 PM
No known cure for that but it does give the browns some texture. I'm turning Podouk tonite. Does everyone know it was used more for a dyewood than lumber for a long time. Also lipstick was made of it until 30 years ago. First time I cut some I thought I was in the backseat of my old 40 Ford. (the smell) Some camphor has a carrot color but it fades also.