View Full Version : Yahoo Minimax Site Driving Me Nuts!

Derek Arita
09-05-2015, 10:01 AM
Sorry I have to post this here, but I'm at the end of my wits. I've been a member of the site for many years, however I seldom post. Well, I just tried to post a question and it won't allow me to post! It just says I'm not authorized to do so. I've always been authorized in the past, so why not now? Can anyone give some help here?

Al Bacon
09-05-2015, 11:21 AM
Ya today i'm getting adds every time I log in and I'm a contributor and am not suppose to. I think there is a problem some where here.

Erik Loza
09-05-2015, 11:21 AM
The Yahoo Group or the Minimax website? You can't post to the actual Minimax website. If it's the Yahoo group, we all know it sucks but that's a different conversation. What's your question? Maybe I can answer it here.


Erik Loza
09-05-2015, 11:25 AM
Ya today i'm getting adds every time I log in and I'm a contributor and am not suppose to. I think there is a problem some where here.

The Minimax Group on Yahoo?


Derek Arita
09-05-2015, 11:44 AM
Ok. I'm not a computer guy, so be gentle here. I used to be able to at least reply to posts on a thread via my email, but now I can't even do that. Comes back undeliverable. When I try to start a thread, it says I'm not authorized. Where can I post Minimax questions? Is there another MM forum somewhere?

Matt Day
09-05-2015, 11:53 AM
Could you guys please clarify which site you're talking about for Erik??

glenn bradley
09-05-2015, 12:08 PM
Could you guys please clarify which site you're talking about for Erik??

For some reason the answer to this question seems elusive . . . .

Erik Loza
09-05-2015, 12:41 PM
Derek, not sure what's going on. As we have discussed at length on that forum, the whole Yahoo format is archaic and has numerous issues. Many of which seem beyond even the scope of Mods and Admins to control or rectify. But again, as to why Minimax still hosts it there a different conversation.

What's your question? I'll try to answer it here.


Derek Arita
09-05-2015, 12:57 PM
While recently doing some planing I heard a slight clanging sound. Soon, the boards stopped pulling through. I looked and saw the chain had come off the pressure pulley, which allowed the chain to come off the roller gear.
I'm afraid that if it happened once, it will happen again. Is this common or do I have a problem with the machine?
Also, is there another MM forum that's easier to use?

Bruce Page
09-05-2015, 1:20 PM
For some reason the answer to this question seems elusive . . . .

I'm going to gamble that Derek means the Yahoo site and change the title accordingly.

Lee Schierer
09-05-2015, 1:46 PM
Ya today i'm getting adds every time I log in and I'm a contributor and am not suppose to. I think there is a problem some where here.

You may need to reset your preferences in your user profile if it is happening here at SMC. I'm not seeing any ads. If the problem persists, send a pm to Keith and he will get it fixed.

Derek Arita
09-05-2015, 2:22 PM
Just to clarify, it's the MM forum on Yahoo.

Erik Loza
09-05-2015, 2:49 PM
While recently doing some planing I heard a slight clanging sound. Soon, the boards stopped pulling through. I looked and saw the chain had come off the pressure pulley, which allowed the chain to come off the roller gear.
I'm afraid that if it happened once, it will happen again. Is this common or do I have a problem with the machine?
Also, is there another MM forum that's easier to use?

I haven't run into that issue before. Chain greased appropriately? I tend to hear about weird, one-off issues with machines that aren't used frequently or that go for long spans of time between uses. Not sure if yours falls into that category or not.

Regarding Minimax forums, the Yahoo one is the only one I am aware of.


Derek Arita
09-05-2015, 4:51 PM
If it happens again can I contact u direct?

Lee Schierer
09-05-2015, 5:26 PM
Check the alignment of the gears. I the gears are held on the shafts by set screws, it is possible one of the gears is loose and slipped under load. Also check to insure no teeth are bent or missing.

Derek Arita
09-05-2015, 6:24 PM
Check the alignment of the gears. I the gears are held on the shafts by set screws, it is possible one of the gears is loose and slipped under load. Also check to insure no teeth are bent or missing.
Thanks Lee, I'll check.