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View Full Version : Tool Gloat! - bittersweet

Scott Allen27
09-02-2015, 10:17 AM
Well guys,
I was going to wait on this post until I got my first project finished with it, but I keep thinking now would be an appropriate time (considering this type of post may go the way of the dodo soon) to put it out there.

Preface: been lurking awhile - then after awhile decided to actually create an account on the site, lurked more, don't really have time (or the experience) to post much.

The story starts here: I needed a Jointer and planer. I have a small garage shop, so naturally I thought a J/P combo would be the way to go. I researched a bunch, read a bunch, and it came down to a choice between the Big White Grizzly, or the FS30 classic.
I made my decision....then I looked at my Dewalt contractor saw on (an admittedly kick-butt) Rousseau stand. I thought - wow I'd really like a safer saw....
So I thought..hmm..maybe a SS. Then, I did the research..and discovered that those people over in Europe really have a better answer. So.. I did the research on sliders.
Very quickly, I came to the (obvious) realization that the only way I could fit a slider and a J/p in my 1 car garage shop (other side is occupied) was to crush them together.
I then did more research! Then I cried. Combo machines aren't cheap.

However, Sam Blasco had an answer for my dilemma. He had a machine tucked way in the back of a warehouse somewhere that the company needed to get rid of. I had been talking to him about the FS30 and my "space" problem.

Turns out I got a really good deal on a Minimax CU300 that was brand new, but had been rejected at delivery due to the pallet being bumped a bit. 8 ft. slider, new design (no gap between J/p tables and main shaper table).
I was offered the machine at around half retail value (less actually), with the only warranty being on the electrical components for 30 days. Everything else was on me.
The pics of the pallet looked good, I got them to check to make sure the slider 'actually slid', but had no idea if the motors would even turn on (machine wasn't wired).
The machine came with both fences, Mortiser, rip boot, and a couple other odds n ends.
I dealt with Sam, he was awesome - Love the company, love the way they produce things - heavy, precise, and simple. Nothing extraneous that doesn't need to be there, minimal focus on aesthetics(even though it is a good looking machine), maximum focus on engineering intent.
After getting the machine off the pallet, I discovered that there was some minor dings, a broken switch and a smeared decal. Other than that, there was nothing wrong with the machine. I did have quite a bit of adjusting to do - the slider was .01 above the main work table, and toed IN by quite a bit so I completely recalibrated that - also had to put in a little work to get the j/p tables coplanar... but I actually enjoyed all of it. I learned QUITE a lot about the machine - it was great!

Anyway, long story short , THIS new Minimax CU300 Classic is now in my garage shop - total price from Minimax (including shipping) - $6600
And I am 'ABSURDLY' happy with the choice I made.

This is actually my friend helping me get the machine off the pallet - Fun Times.

Now, normally I would be fully expecting A LOT of 'New Ducks' and I am actually really disappointed that none will be forthcoming. I think it is absurd, totally disconnected with reality, and really shows the ridiculous pervasiveness of the 'PC' mentality in this country. Kent's post about the 'least common denominator' is spot on.
Hope it changes, hope adults start realizing that your job as a parent is to teach your child how to be a functioning adult. Key word there is 'your'.

Now *I'M* going to have to deal with NOT having about a THOUSAND 'new ducks' :) because some people want everyone else to filter the world for them. (rant off)

However, having said that, thanks for all the learning you people have given me, and I hope to give back when possible!


Harold Burrell
09-02-2015, 10:24 AM
You should be "absurdly happy".

I, on the other hand, am absurdly jealous.

Which means, YOU **you know**! ;)

Seriously...I look forward to seeing what you do with the new machine. :D

David Kumm
09-02-2015, 10:27 AM
Well done. There are great deals to be had on machines with no real warranty but that should be a non issue. Most everything on a machine can be dealt fairly easily with so save your $$ and keep looking for higher end stuff with few miles. Dave

Malcolm McLeod
09-02-2015, 10:34 AM
(admin edit)

..please apply self-context.:rolleyes:

John Donofrio
09-02-2015, 10:46 AM
Golly gee, you rock

Harold Burrell
09-02-2015, 10:53 AM
Golly gee, you rock

OK...that almost made me shoot coffee out of my nose! :D

Mike Goetzke
09-02-2015, 10:54 AM
Let me be first to say...

Congratulations. ;)

Peter Aeschliman
09-02-2015, 10:59 AM
New Ducks! Electolux! Dang it I know I'm missing something. Shoot, am I allowed to say dang? Golly, am I allowed to say shoot? Oh my, am I allowed to say golly?

I give up. Congratulations. ;)

Harold Burrell
09-02-2015, 11:12 AM
Sorry...but I couldn't help myself...

David Nelson1
09-02-2015, 11:14 AM
Nice machine and a very large looking area to put it in!

Michael Stein
09-02-2015, 11:17 AM

You are such a terrible person, why couldn't it have been me to find that deal?


Rich Engelhardt
09-02-2015, 5:58 PM
Shazam! :D

Kent A Bathurst
09-02-2015, 6:10 PM
Now, normally I would be fully expecting A LOT of 'New Ducks' and I am actually really disappointed that none will be forthcoming. I think it is absurd, totally disconnected with reality, and really shows the ridiculous pervasiveness of the 'PC' mentality in this country. Kent's post about the 'least common denominator' is spot on.

Fear not, Grasshopper. The Provo wing [provisional subversives] of the SSSC sent you a legit New Duck via PM, skirting the LCD-PCP [least common denominator-political correctness police].

By definition, you are not in the hotdog saw owner's guild, and therefore are automatically enrolled in the SSSC.

If you pay a lousy 6 bucks to be a Contributor, you can gain access to the Comintern's discussion in the Lumber Yard. Usually, I encourage it. With Hurricane Insanity currently hovering over the SMC server, though, I cannot in all good conscience recommend it. But I won't advise against it , either.

Susumu Mori
09-02-2015, 6:17 PM
Congratulation Scott,

Funny that you went through the same thought process as mine, eventually discovering the European sliders. Mine was Hammer, though. Oh, and although I also got a nice deal, it was nowhere close to yours!!!

Jesse Busenitz
09-02-2015, 6:26 PM
Nice score! Right now all I'm doing is dreaming of the day when I buy a sliding TS....

Pat Barry
09-02-2015, 6:33 PM
Oh good for you! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hR5YNqE3K8)

glenn bradley
09-02-2015, 6:58 PM
Nice machine and a very large looking area to put it in!

Wait did I miss something. Is this what the "you suck" problem comments have been about!?!

glenn bradley
09-02-2015, 7:00 PM
Just in case there was an issue I will, in good cheer, post this separately in case it has to be removed. Its a shame you look so disappointed in the second pic ;-) Congrats!


Peter Aeschliman
09-02-2015, 7:05 PM
Just in case there was an issue I will, in good cheer, post this separately in case it has to be removed. Its a shame you look so disappointed in the second pic ;-) Congrats!


I'm pretty sure that violates the new rule... hence the earlier picture that didn't have text.

Steve Burland
09-02-2015, 7:18 PM
New duck :)

daryl moses
09-02-2015, 8:10 PM
Looks great.
Uyay uksay!!!!

John Lankers
09-02-2015, 8:15 PM
Scott, what an amazing find, and if you ever decide to sell you should be able to get your money back + interest - I sure hope you never will, though.
Congratulations :)

Frederick Skelly
09-02-2015, 8:18 PM
Welcome Scott! Glad to have you with us.

New Duck!
Moo Cluck!

John Kananis
09-02-2015, 9:10 PM
No one else said it so I will, I'm loving the expression on your face - reminds me of being a little kid at Christmas.

Enjoy your new 'toy'.

Peter Quinn
09-02-2015, 9:24 PM
Scott, that grin in your pic says it all. I can feel your excitement. Enjoy that tool and stay safe. Oh, and you sir, are an ELECTROLUX SUPREME. What more can't I say. MOO CLUCK!


Mike Heidrick
09-02-2015, 11:41 PM
320680 Congrats

Mike Henderson
09-02-2015, 11:44 PM
That's a great deal. I wish I'd run into something like that. Congratulations!


Greg Muller
09-03-2015, 1:39 AM
Oh yeah...

peter Joseph
09-03-2015, 1:47 AM
I am envious of you.
I wish it were me who got the deal that you did.
from my perspective, it is unfortunate that your purchase is in your shop and not mine.

paul cottingham
09-03-2015, 2:02 AM
<absurd admin edit>
may i offer you hearty congradulations on your fine purchase.

admins, feel free to edit, if i have crossed a line here.

Brian Tymchak
09-03-2015, 8:00 AM
Sweeet! (I couldn't think of a unique New Duck saying.. sorry..)

BTW, your buddy have a 2nd one of those stuck in the corner of his warehouse??? ;)

Scott Allen27
09-03-2015, 8:58 AM
Thanks everyone for the hearty round of 'ducks'!

For anyone else interested, I would ping Sam and see if there are any other 'scratch and dent' machines available. Not for the risk averse, the machine may or may not come with any warranty, but if you are 'mechanically inclined' (which I would think most people who read this forum are) it's probably a safe bet.

Kent, I think I am going to wait a bit for the hurricane to blow over. Depending on how many of the 'fun' people survive the storm, I may add that 'C' to my tag.

Terry Beadle
09-03-2015, 1:40 PM
Congrats! Y _ _ S _ _ _ ! Hoot!

Have you checked out Marius Hornberger (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn7lavsPdVGV0qmEEBT6NyA) on you tube. He has a niffty machine similar to yours. A well presented channel too.


Regards and again a big green envy award is issued to myself.

Patrick McCarthy
09-03-2015, 4:43 PM
<absurd admin edit>
may i offer you hearty congradulations on your fine purchase.

admins, feel free to edit, if i have crossed a line here.

Paul, Paul, Paul . . . . . . . . the admins are probably fine with the post, BUT the SPELLING Police have issues . . . . . as do the Grammatical Guardians (whom will be along shortly) . . . .

Congratulations is surely what you meant.

Paul, take it in good fun, please. Patrick the smart-aleck

Kent Adams
09-03-2015, 4:50 PM
I've never even seen a machine with all that together, that is freaking awesome. Now, suddenly, I regret my recent PM2000 5hp 52 inch fence purchase because I could have had something like that if I waited a couple of months. YOU ABSORB!

Peter Aeschliman
09-03-2015, 6:18 PM


That was a good one.

paul cottingham
09-03-2015, 6:24 PM
Paul, Paul, Paul . . . . . . . . the admins are probably fine with the post, BUT the SPELLING Police have issues . . . . . as do the Grammatical Guardians (whom will be along shortly) . . . .

Congratulations is surely what you meant.

Paul, take it in good fun, please. Patrick the smart-aleck

Gah! Hoist on my own petard!

julian abram
09-03-2015, 11:33 PM
Blind hog lucked an acorn. Congrats, sweet deal! Start making sawdust.

Andrew Hughes
09-03-2015, 11:45 PM
Looks like a Awesome machine,If only it had a bandsaw drillpress and disk sander then it would be super Awesome.
Happy for Ya,have some safe fun.