View Full Version : Rustic looking finish - how?

Larry Fox
08-30-2015, 9:55 AM
I am a little out of my depth on this one and could use some help if you have thoughts about this and can spare the time. Wife wants a vanity for the kids bathroom and wants a somewhat weathered or rustic finish and this is not the type of work I typically do. I am used to spending a lot of time making sure my pieces DON'T look rustic or weathered because that is not a look I am particularly fond of. Looking for suggestions on wood species / finish techniques. She is looking for something similar to the pic below but maybe a bit more grey. I have the ability to spray pretty much anything and would even consider a reactive finish if need be. I looked at tropicals that don't require finish (ex jatoba) but I don't see one that quite fits. Thanks in advance for your time.