View Full Version : Meet My New Girlfriend

Dale Bonertz
08-28-2015, 5:11 PM
Wife approved, so I would stop bugging her. New girlfriend moving in soon.

Her name is Victoria but also goes by Vikki. She is a super model from Australia and has a solid head on her shoulders to provide me with stability. I’ve looked at models from Canada, United States, China and other areas but none could satisfy my needs quite like Vikki.

Vikki has an inside and outside bed to fulfill my passion. When we go dancing she has twin tail stocks that swing away with flexibility. She is so talented with her two banjos that she uses to seduce my imagination and artistry. With her power and flexibility we can handle anything together, she has no problem adjusting to my height. She is so thorough that when I push her buttons she responds remotely satisfied. She takes safety seriously, when we are playing, and will stop quickly a couple of ways before someone gets hurt. She is slim line and at a perfect weight so she is not to light and anemic or to bulky and cumbersome.

The Canadian model was set in her ways which normally I like. She would only move in ONEWAY though. She required me to redecorate my fixtures to fit her style. If we start our relationship like that what else might I have to change down the road?

One of the U.S. models was a SERIOUS contender. She was the heaviest of all models which was not a concern. After all everyone has a different body shape. As with the Canadian model she required that I change my fixtures to suit her and neither of them was very flexible with my height.

The other U.S. model, she was an AMERICAN BEAUTY, and the Chinese model; she had plenty of POWER which came autoMATIC, were both to unstable in the head for my liking. Depending on the issue at hand they slid all over the place. I needed someone more set in their ways which would offer me more stability in my life and with my style.

There were a few other models I looked at early on. One insisted on being called by her initials VB. Another had a cute name VEGA and yet another had an odd name STUBBY. Can you imagine introducing someone to your new girlfriend STUBBY or VB. These models were eliminated quickly since two were fairly limited on what they would do for me unless I dressed them to the hilt. Then one would require too much space and the other did not have enough accessories to fit her. The other would move around in so many configurations that it confused me. She still would have been nice but she wouldn’t leave her homeland so moving her here would have been difficult.

All these models were very nice but alas I settled on the perfect one for me, my personality and style.

Thank you Christian and Jeri for introducing me to Victoria and you are welcome to visit us anytime.


Isn’t she wonderful? She is a little blue from having to leave her family but I am sure she will settle in nicely. I hope you enjoyed meeting her and find humor with my thought process on choosing her.

In seriousness it is like having two lathes in one and I don’t have to lose shop space with two lathes. When I rough turn I can go from roughing the outside to coring the blank without having to stop and switch chucks or change setups. I can simply go from inboard side to outboard side or vise versa. This will give me less handling of the blanks and hopefully spare my back some pain. This process will also be used in finish turning bowls as well. Vicmarc, thank you for such a well built and thought out lathe, you are a leader in the lathe industry. Thank you to Woodworkers Emporium for having the patience and taking the time to get this right the first time through.

Walter Mooney
08-28-2015, 6:31 PM
An absolutely superb narrative! Congratulations-- on both the wording and the lathe. Was that picture taken at SWAT this past weekend?

Dale Bonertz
08-28-2015, 9:05 PM
I think it was taken at Woodworkers Empotium shop. However I am not sure. I ordered it awhile back and it is in and Christian sent me a picture. He will bring it with him to our Symposium in a couple of weeks.

Jim Sevey
08-29-2015, 12:49 AM
Nice tailstock.

Joe Kieve
08-29-2015, 8:05 AM
Excellent...in both your wording and your new lathe!

Doug Ladendorf
08-29-2015, 8:50 AM
I hope you don't mind if I say that Vikki is gorgeous! Even the outboard can swing away, that's pretty cool. Pretty spectacular set up you have there sir. Have fun!


Pat Scott
08-29-2015, 11:46 AM
She's a head turner for sure. That would be nice to be able to have 2 setups like that and go from roughing to coring without having to take the time to reconfigure things. Or go from a chuck on one side to a vacuum chuck on the other.

I gotta say though, that one angle support doesn't look beefy enough to support that bed. I'd be afraid of vibration or flexing. It would be better if the stand was longer and went underneath the bed.

Dale Bonertz
08-29-2015, 12:32 PM
Vicmarc uses pins and bolts to mount that bed and generally don't send supports. They don't feel it is needed. Glenn and I spoke about it and we both felt support for coring would be advised. I spoke with Christian and Marco at Vicmarc about my intentions. They do make a support that goes straight down and you can bolt it to the floor. I did not want that because I felt it would get in my way and that I would be kicking it all the time. Vic who designed the lathe understood and designed this for me so I feel it was done professionally and correctly. Having said that I won't really know until I give her a go for a few months.

Dok Yager
08-29-2015, 7:13 PM
She`s a stunner for sure Dale! Wish I was coming in a little later so I could meet her. Coring on one side and roughing on the other, Nice!!

Dale Bonertz
08-29-2015, 9:47 PM
See you soon Dok.

Faust M. Ruggiero
08-30-2015, 5:22 PM
You're too much! Congrats on the new lathe. Have fun and treat her like a lady. I am sure she will perform beautifully for you.