View Full Version : Test boards & stock solutions

David Ragan
08-28-2015, 8:38 AM
I am ordering the stuff you guys recommended to get started w shellac-the best sealer ever made.

So, am going to set up a bunch of test boards, in this case for wife's hand mirror, ambrosia maple.

How this works, is to make up the test boards for a particular species of wood (including final sanding grit, etc), and be methodical, keeping track of all the steps so in the future, one can just pick out the end result desired, and then look and see what the recipe was.

*If* you have a thick board, you can mark on the edge what the particular treatment is for a 2-3" stripe across.

But, *if* i want to get more out of my lumber, and make really thin sample boards, is just marking across the bottom w a pen what you all do? Seems obvious.

And, for the powder dyes/pigments, I can weigh them out and make a solution-Transfast. With the liquids (Transtint), the easiest thing to do is the # of drops per solute volume?

Where do you all start in the process please?

As Always, thank you, D

Mike Nolan
09-07-2015, 12:30 PM
I usually test on the bottom or back of the board I am going to finish. I have tested a series of thin boards. I wrote on index cards and taped them to the test boards.

Prashun Patel
09-07-2015, 12:45 PM
counting drops of transtint is dangerous. I challenge you to cut two tips off two different bottles so they drip at the same rate. If you are able, you are a better man than I.

Instead, use a scale to measure Transtint by weight. or use measuring spoons to be more accurate.