View Full Version : Beetle Kill Pine nested bowls courtesy of Doug Herzberg

Pat Scott
08-21-2015, 4:42 PM
Several years ago I got a big chunk of Beetle Kill pine from Doug Herzberg. I roughed it out right after getting it from him, and it's been sitting in my basement waiting for me to get off my duff and finish it. Sorry it took so long Doug!

What a nice nested set it turned out to be. The largest bowl is 13.5", medium is 10", and smallest is 7". I put a detail around the outside edge ala Mike Mahoney. I usually don't use this detail because I find it a pain to sand. Speaking of sanding, boy does the pine clog up your sandpaper! It's soft wood so make sure you use a light touch as well. Other than that it cut and shear scraped easily.

There was a knot that ran all the way through, so I filled around the knot with colored epoxy. Knowing how soft pine is, I put on a coat of sanding sealer, and then 2 coats of Danish Oil. Done.

319994 319995 319998 319999 320000

Thanks again Doug. And I'm not going to mention that the smaller piece you gave me is still in the plastic bag! I haven't done a thing with it. I'm so bad.

Eric Gourieux
08-21-2015, 7:40 PM
Nice job on the pine, Scott. I like the satin finish of the Danish Oil. Doug has long been my favorite guy ever! :D If you need my address, Doug, just let me know

Doug Herzberg
08-22-2015, 9:37 AM
That's a nice set of bowls, Pat. You're absolutely right about the shear cuts and sanding issues. I'm glad we got to meet and that you were willing to take that wood. I lost a lot of that tree by not getting to it in time. Can I interest you in some Siberian elm that's been down for over a year now?

Doug Herzberg
08-22-2015, 9:44 AM
Nice job on the pine, Scott. I like the satin finish of the Danish Oil. Doug has long been my favorite guy ever! :D If you need my address, Doug, just let me know

Eric, I've been sitting on that Ambrosia maple you sent me longer than Pat had that pine. It's so nice I wanted to wait for my turning skills to catch up to the quality of the wood. Still waiting. I have so many other projects going on I just can't get to the shop to practice.

Eric Gourieux
08-22-2015, 2:21 PM
Eric, I've been sitting on that Ambrosia maple you sent me longer than Pat had that pine. It's so nice I wanted to wait for my turning skills to catch up to the quality of the wood. Still waiting. I have so many other projects going on I just can't get to the shop to practice.

Doug, I've seen your turnings. You're more than up to the task!

Pat Scott
08-23-2015, 12:27 PM
Can I interest you in some Siberian elm that's been down for over a year now?

You mean some more Siberian Elm like this? I think I'm good.
320058 320059

I forget exactly how big the larger rounds are, easily 24" across. I got 2 pickup loads from a tree that was being cut down. Took me a while to process it all (some of the smaller pieces went for firewood). I probably got at least 50-60 bowls from it. Then the other day another elm tree was being taken down so I snagged a couple of the larger pieces. Speaking of that, I need to go outside now and start processing the logs and rough turning it.

And I agree with Eric, your skills are more than up to the task. I used to think the same way, that I "wasn't good enough yet". But then you realize that yes you are, and that you've been ready for quite a while. Go for it, it's only wood.