View Full Version : air pinner

bob stotts
06-06-2003, 9:23 PM
Just got a new senco pinner and it is just great. But the pins are another ouestion. They are about $9.00 for 2600 half inch lenght. Were 1 inch brads are &8.00 for 5000.you could make many thousand of the pins from a box of brads.Does anyone know of a place to buy pins cheaper or in bulk? Appreciate any info. thanks bob

Jim Becker
06-06-2003, 10:27 PM
Coastal Tool (http://www.coastaltool.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/a/senc/23_gauge.htm?L+coastest+qbyl8387ffd2c4d2+105498661 7) has them for $7.25.

BTW, these folks are also wonderful to do business with. I recently bought a Senco framing nailer from them and it included a "free" brad nailer. Since my large project is not ready for the big gun, it's still in the box, but the brad nailer was put to use immediately so I could dedicate the new gun to one size fastener for the cabinetry I'm working on. I had problems with a sticky safety switch and contacted Todd via email. He replied the same day that he would replace the apparently defective gun if I send it back to them. I sent it the next day...they received it the day after that...and I had a new gun the day following that one. Granted, PA is close to CT, but their responsiveness is exactly what I look for in a vendor. All but one of my Accuset/Senco guns came from them as well as my Flexeel hose.