View Full Version : Gluten Free label on a chalice and plate

Brian Kent
08-19-2015, 11:00 AM
Some of my communion sets are made for gluten free wafers. But the plate and the chalice need to be set aside for this purpose only. My son has Celiac's and cannot handle the crumb of bread without long time intestinal pain. Over time I will make dozens of these.

I am looking for a way to mark the chalice and plate for Gluten Free usage. One option is to mark the base of the chalice and the inside of the plate with the GF in a circle mark.

How would you recommend I mark them? custom logo wood burner? A screen process? Laser? I do fancy calligraphy but block letters are difficult to do cleanly.

What do you think?

Grant Wilkinson
08-19-2015, 12:00 PM
Since you are doing many of them, a custom wood burner would be the best approach, IMHO. You would know that it cannot be wiped off.

Brian Brown
08-19-2015, 12:29 PM
How about something as simple as a dyed (or segmented) ring around the rim or worked into the stem or base. Black ring = GF no ring = Wheat based. This would signal to parishioners which was which without having to turn it over.

Bill Boehme
08-19-2015, 12:59 PM
Does any of the national Celiac's Disease organizations have a logo to indicate gluten free products?

Brian Kent
08-19-2015, 1:01 PM
Yes, there is a block letter GF in a circle.

Brian, that works in a local situation. These will be distributed to others and I want a symbol they can possible recognize without explanation.

David DeCristoforo
08-19-2015, 2:20 PM
As of this time there is no universal standard. Years ago we created this one:
If you search the web, you can find lots of similar logos, many of which are much simpler than this one.
If you plan to make these on an ongoing basis, you might consider having a small brand made up.
If you go that route, I would recomend Buckeye Engraving.

Brian Kent
08-19-2015, 2:31 PM
Thank you for the reference David. I have been looking for the right place to look to get a tool made.