View Full Version : Stanley planes circa 1905, frog adjusting screw?

Mike Holbrook
08-15-2015, 1:23 PM
I was looking at some Stanley planes some manufactured from 1900- 1910. I read that prior to those dates there was no screw to adjust frog position on the plane body. I guess the blades on these planes would all have to have the mouth gap that was manufactured into the frog/body? I suspect that a slightly thicker or thinner plane blade would be the only variable? These planes might not even work with the new LV plane blades which I think are a little thicker?

Joe Bailey
08-15-2015, 5:04 PM
you can still loosen the frog hold-down screws and move the frog to close up the mouth on the earlier models.

all that was missing was the "screw and plate" frog adjuster

Mike Holbrook
08-15-2015, 6:00 PM
Ahhh, that is exactly what I was wondering Joe, thanks. I could not tell from pictures.