View Full Version : Need help with wood id

Brian Myers
08-13-2015, 12:50 PM
Thinking sycamore but have only had a couple of small pieces of sycamore years ago and it was fresh cut. This is dry and in board form.
Moderately soft but not as soft as pine , more like a soft maple.

Faust M. Ruggiero
08-13-2015, 1:07 PM
It is sycamore but the quarter sawn side.

Reed Gray
08-13-2015, 2:32 PM
Yup, Sycamore or London Plane, which is almost identical, and quarter swan. If you are making bowls from log sections, you want the pith area to be the bottom of the bowl.

robo hippy

Brian Myers
08-13-2015, 4:19 PM
Yup, Sycamore or London Plane, which is almost identical, and quarter swan. If you are making bowls from log sections, you want the pith area to be the bottom of the bowl.

robo hippy

Why do you want the pith side to be the bottom ?

Reed Gray
08-13-2015, 4:37 PM
The medullary rays, or flecking as it is some times called will only show if you quarter saw the log. This means all board stock must be cut straight in towards the center/pith of the log. So, by having the pith part of the log being the bottom of the bowl, you will get the rays showing up there. If you turn it the other direction, with the outside of the tree being the outside of the bowl, they are just about invisible. With hollow forms, you will get the rays on maybe 1/4 of the piece.

robo hippy

charlie knighton
08-13-2015, 7:13 PM
should make some pretty plates

Brian Myers
08-13-2015, 11:04 PM
The medullary rays, or flecking as it is some times called will only show if you quarter saw the log. This means all board stock must be cut straight in towards the center/pith of the log. So, by having the pith part of the log being the bottom of the bowl, you will get the rays showing up there. If you turn it the other direction, with the outside of the tree being the outside of the bowl, they are just about invisible. With hollow forms, you will get the rays on maybe 1/4 of the piece.

robo hippy

Thanks Reed and everyone else

robert baccus
08-13-2015, 11:08 PM
They scare me .

Brian Myers
08-14-2015, 8:44 AM
They scare me .

What ??????