View Full Version : Gustav Stickley's "The Craftsman" Available On-line

Joe A Faulkner
08-01-2015, 5:53 PM
A recent build here on an Arts and Craft style coffee table inspired me to order Robert Lang's book, Great Book of Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture, Revised Edition: Authentic and Fully Detailed Plans for 57 Classic Pieces. This also prompted a little more research on the topic of this style, where I learned that Gustav Stickley's magainze, the Craftsman, is available on-line. May not be everyone cup of tea, but for those of you interested, you can find the digital archives at: http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/DLDecArts/DLDecArts-idx?type=browse&scope=DLDecArts.HomeDesign. 31 issues published from 1901 thru 1916.

Kent A Bathurst
08-01-2015, 10:44 PM
Now, THAT is beyond cool. Verges on full-throttle groovy.

Thanks very much, Joe. Greatly appreciated.


Maurice Ungaro
08-02-2015, 9:47 AM
Very cool, and much appreciated! When I was at UGA, the library had originals that we would thumb through.

Bill Houghton
08-02-2015, 3:36 PM
Dang...another place to get lost on the internet. I'm gonna need to get a St. Bernard to come rescue me from the computer!

Moses Yoder
08-02-2015, 6:50 PM
Thanks for the link. I am living in a turn of the last century Craftsman home now and look forward to researching it.