View Full Version : going to Vancouver... any woodworking 'must see's?'

John Loftis
07-26-2015, 9:23 PM
Hi folks, I'll be spending a couple days in Vancouver, BC in the near future. Was wondering if there's anything woodworking-related I should seek out while I'm there. Won't have a ton of spare time, but if there's some place really worth seeing/shopping at, would appreciate a head's up.


Nike Nihiser
07-26-2015, 9:31 PM
It's not woodworking related, but I wouldn't miss Butchart Gardens.

Matthew Hills
07-26-2015, 9:49 PM
That's Victoria. And if you're going there, I'd recommend checking out Brasserie L'ecole, too

There are some Lee Valley stores in the area, but never made our itinerary.
Look for Chris Wong's blog (Flair Woodworks). He should have some suggestions.


John Loftis
07-26-2015, 9:53 PM
We will be in Vancouver proper... looks like there's a Lee Valley 25 minutes from our hotel. They've gotten a lot of my money over the years, but not sure it's worth a big trip to visit them in person.

Bill McNiel
07-26-2015, 9:54 PM
Lee Valley Veritas! There is a huge Grizzly store down the road about an hour in Bellingham, Wa. Vancouver Island is really nice (high tea). Whistler Mountain ski area is great in the summer, people use the lifts to take their mountain bikes up and ride down (great spectator sport viewed from one of the outdoor bars). Vancouver has a number of great restaurants.

Plus 1 on Butchart Gardens. Also Cricket Matches in the park (really pretty boring but everyone should experience a match at least once).

Rick Fisher
07-27-2015, 5:08 AM
Hey John ..

Sounds like you will be downtown. Lee Valley for sure. There's a Felder store in Burnaby called Clermont Ultimate tools. Canadian Woodworking has a store nearby as well.. There is also a new SCM distributor called Woodworking Machinery Services in Burnaby as well.

Downtown Vancouver is a pretty amazing city. Robson Street between Denman and Granville is very nice, easy walking, lots of people. Gastown during the day is also very nice. The Downtown East side is a no-go at night .. Basically W Hastings = good .. when it turns into E Hastings.. it goes down hill fast. Stanley Park is beautiful and welcoming. Any questions about the area, feel free.

Gerry Grzadzinski
07-27-2015, 8:03 AM
Go to the Capilano suspension bridge in north Vancouver. Very cool. It's only about 5 minutes from Stanley Park.

Try to avoid crossing the bridge to north vancouver during rush hour, though.

Mike Ontko
07-27-2015, 12:17 PM
If you're able to play tourist, I would also recommend the Capilano suspension bridge and/or Stanley Park, which you'll pass by on your way. Granville Island has a nice market where you can shop around or grab a bite, and if you take the water taxi over from the other side of False Creek (which may be within walking distance of where you're staying) you'll be able to get a more intimate view of the area.

David Bassett
07-27-2015, 12:52 PM
Sounds like you won't get to Vancouver Island. If you do, there is a museum in Victoria with a lot of native sculpture and carving. (Totem poles, etc.) I'm real fuzzy on the details, but remember the little kid me was very impressed, eh... decades ago. Also, already mentioned & on the island, the gardens are spectacular. (Those are a clearer memory, saw those only ~25 years ago with my wife. :-) )

Daniel Greening
07-27-2015, 1:18 PM
The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden in the Chinatown area is pretty cool!

Kyle Iwamoto
07-27-2015, 1:36 PM
Another vote for Stanley Park, the Gardens and the bridge! That bridge is something to see. It must have wood and woodworking in it somewhere.... I recall some fabulous gazebos in Buchard. Not the attration per se, but something to sit and rest in.

David Helm
07-28-2015, 1:29 PM
Definitely go to Granville Island (you do drive there). It has great markets, shops and restaurants. There are a couple of interesting wood working shops open to the public, and there is a very interesting native carving shop (totem poles). It isn't always open but you can still see the work going on through the fence. If gardens are your thing, Van Dusen Garden in Vancouver is way cooler than Butchart. It is a multi acre mixed perrennials, forest, Asian and others in the heart of the city. Looking for something a bit wilder, the UBC Arboretum is pretty amazing. If you get down to Bellingham (where I live) the guys at Grizzly are very friendly. There is also a very funky hardwood shop called Hardwoods to Get on E Street. Obie, the gentleman who runs the place (I've known him for decades) is a neat guy. Has two sons who played in the NFL. Prices are always better than any where else. If you are in to Shakespeare, check out Bard on the Beach in Vancouver. Plays are done in large tents with different themes than you might imagine. Get Wine at intermission or before the play starts. Take a picnic or buy eats there.

Doug Garson
07-28-2015, 3:57 PM
If you are in to Shakespeare, check out Bard on the Bay in Vancouver.
All good advice, one small correction it's Bard on the Beach.

David Helm
07-28-2015, 5:57 PM
All good advice, one small correction it's Bard on the Beach.

You're right Doug. Been there quite a few times. Don"t know why I got the name wrong.May be old age sneaking up.

Mitchell Garnett
07-28-2015, 11:33 PM
another + on Butchart but if you are into gardens, I'd also recommend Van Dusen in Vancouver - it is a little bit south of the downtown area. There is public bus service almost to the door if you don't want to drive.



Fred Chan
08-02-2015, 12:41 AM
My own backyard and I needed to think about what's good to see! We have the best Chinese food in the world in Richmond (5 mins from the airport), also right next to the airport, a brand new high end outlet mall (McArthur Glen Designer Outlet Mall) that just opened in July. Stanley Park, the aquarium, and Science World is located next to downtown. Vandusen Gardens and Queen Elizabeth Park is just south of the downtown core. Grouse Mountain is just across the Lions Gate Bridge and is where some of the winter Olympic events were held. The Olympic Torch is by Canada Place (the cruise ship terminal downtown). Couple of Lee Valley stores. Good deal if you're American, considering the current exchange rate of our dollar. If you want something different you could go on a sturgeon fishing charter on the Fraser River. I seem to recall a person from England reeled in an 11ft one last year. You can take the aquabus (shuttle boat) from downtown to Granville Island, no need to drive. Check out Groupon for deals. Whistler Blackcomb is a 2hr drive north. Grizzly's store is just an hour south in Bellingham. Victoria and the Buchart Gardens are on Vancouver Island, a two hour ferry ride away. Or if you want to get an all-around tan, you simply must check out Wreck Beach! (Warning! Nude beach)

David Helm
08-03-2015, 2:42 PM
My own backyard and I needed to think about what's good to see! We have the best Chinese food in the world in Richmond (5 mins from the airport), also right next to the airport, a brand new high end outlet mall (McArthur Glen Designer Outlet Mall) that just opened in July. Stanley Park, the aquarium, and Science World is located next to downtown. Vandusen Gardens and Queen Elizabeth Park is just south of the downtown core. Grouse Mountain is just across the Lions Gate Bridge and is where some of the winter Olympic events were held. The Olympic Torch is by Canada Place (the cruise ship terminal downtown). Couple of Lee Valley stores. Good deal if you're American, considering the current exchange rate of our dollar. If you want something different you could go on a sturgeon fishing charter on the Fraser River. I seem to recall a person from England reeled in an 11ft one last year. You can take the aquabus (shuttle boat) from downtown to Granville Island, no need to drive. Check out Groupon for deals. Whistler Blackcomb is a 2hr drive north. Grizzly's store is just an hour south in Bellingham. Victoria and the Buchart Gardens are on Vancouver Island, a two hour ferry ride away. Or if you want to get an all-around tan, you simply must check out Wreck Beach! (Warning! Nude beach)
Grizzly's store is an hour away in Bellingham if you don't count the border crossing. Crossing times can range from five minutes to two hours depending on when you try it. Those of us in Bellingham research crossing times and choose the appropriate one. Sometimes it is easiest to take the time to go to the Sumas crossing. Peace Arch (main crossing) is usually the busiest, which means it usually takes the longest. There are four crossings that go into Whatcom County (Bellingham being the county seat), Washington.