View Full Version : Mystery saws, and medallions

steven c newman
07-20-2015, 12:32 PM
Been cleaning up a few saws. Got a pair of No.7 ( 1896-1917) cleaned up, without any "issues"
Twins? 8ppi, 26" long.
Working on these saws next
Rogue's Gallery? :eek: Anyway, got the D8 ( seems to be about the same age as the No.7s) are spiffified up
8ppi, skew back. 26" long. Handle has a bit of damage along the bottom edge. Very,very faint etch. The handle?
That very thin area at the bottom.
Now about the rest of this motley bunch. :eek:

There was a Disston & Sons medallion on one of the saws...but, there was a strange looking one on another. 13/16" diameter. (top to bottom) SHEFFIELD Patented a Shield with the letter "A" on it, then WARRANTED under that. Bolts are smaller than the Disston ones at the heads. The handle was a three hole one, BUT, it was on a full length (26") plate. I also had the "Disston" handle with four holes, but it was on a Panel saw's plate...with four holes.
The third handle was one of the "Birthday Saws" I am trying to clean up..The panel saw plate?
Four holes. Teeth count is 7ppi. Three of the holes match the three hole handle just about perfectly. Leaving an odd-ball hole covered up. Three hole handle also matches the strange medallion in the size of the hole for the medallion to sit in. The four hole handle, though, was on this panel saw....Transplant?:confused:?? have some issues to fix on two of the handles....cracks need a spot of glue, and a clamp for a day. Gives me time to clean three plates, and find out what that little medallion was from.

Any clues on the medallion from "Sheffield"?

steven c newman
07-20-2015, 6:18 PM
Well, after cleaning the panel saw's plate, and finding this straight back has a nib......Cleaned the proper handle up. Had to adjust the way the plate fit into the handle a bit. Proper holes had been lost long before I got this saw, so two new ones were made. The smaller Medallion was installed, and two other brass bolts shined up and installed.

Plate is 20" long, is a 7ppi. It is a straight back. And, it has a nib. Small, but there is one there. handle now hangs better on the plate, crack is fixed ( for now) the way the Oltimers did....drove a nail.
A look at this Mystery Saw?
Medallion side
The other side of things
May have made it too shiny....there is a nib there, though..

Four saws are now cleaned up, awaiting a saw file visit. The D8/No.8 has two missing teeth. There is still a skew back needing a handle.....maybe later....

Lee Schierer
07-20-2015, 7:06 PM
So what do you use to clean the saws?

steven c newman
07-20-2015, 8:01 PM
60 grit, 100 grit, 220 grit sandpaper.

Tried the JASCO junk...just made a black, smelly pile of crud. Scraped it off, to find a gray, smelly layer. NEVER AGAIN.

have BRASSO for the...brass stuff.

Rob Paul
07-20-2015, 8:13 PM
The Sheffield "A" medallion is from EC Atkins Co
The Sheffield branded saws were Atkins' cheaper line of saws, and their 1919 catalog shows the Sheffield No 62 only had 3 screws in a handle with a plain oval grip hole, 26" saws costing only $7.50/doz, (compared to top-of-the-line No 400 saws costing $48/doz ) ,,,,,But the catalog shows the No 62 with the Sheffield medallion as the bottom screw, not in the middle....?

steven c newman
07-21-2015, 3:04 PM
I merely had a "correct sized" handle, and went with the bolt locations it had.

Last saw was cleaned up last night.....took my son to his factory job around 1035pm.....came back from that, smelled a "BBQ Grill" going????? Went inside to find the upstairs front bedroom full of smoke and flames.....

Somehow, I forgot all about hundred year old saws....

Just the one room damaged, and my lungs. Fire department is just two blocks away.....911..... maybe after things get back to "normal" I might start cleaning tools again...

It wasn't quite the Late Night Block Party I would have liked to have had...