View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
06-06-2003, 9:20 AM
Hey All,

Another week has flown by again as I woke up this morning to find its Friday already. So what's everyone up to this weekend?

I started varnishing "The Crib" last night and will continue to focus on that this weekend and with luck should be done with it by Sunday night. I am sure while varnish is drying LOML will have a myriad of other things for me to attend to. Might even get some gardening done if it ever quits raining.

Have a great weekend,

Jim Becker
06-06-2003, 11:18 AM
Ditto last weekend...I hope to get the "fabulous fake fireplace" cabinet insert finished and move on to other cabinets. It will probably be raining again, so that shouldn't be a problem! (The lawn will get dealt with this afternoon since the sun is actually out for a change)

Noah Alkinburgh
06-06-2003, 11:24 AM
Stinking rain wont quit....I am going to forget putting in a patio and just let the big hole in my yard be a pool!!!

Since it will probably rain all day Saturday I might work on a mirror I was supposed to have done for Christmas, and then promised to have done by April....oops.


Scott Greaves
06-06-2003, 12:02 PM
Well, it's not so much weekend doings as all I ever do on weekends in the Summer is hang out at the cabin! :)

But I finally, after an un-godly long time, finished up the wiring in the new shop this past week, and I get connected to power on Monday!!! This has been so long in coming! My new Oneway lathe has been sitting there - just sitting there - for a month, and now I'll be able to plug her in and fire her up! Yahoo!

Next on the list for the shop is insulation. Wish me luck!


BTW, it has been sunny and warm here - sorry Noah!

Dan Bussiere
06-06-2003, 1:24 PM
Yea it's been raining here for ever! Thank God I can still work inside. This weekend will be cornaces for the living room. And....if the sun peeps through, I'll BBQ something, anything!

Scott Coffelt
06-06-2003, 2:16 PM
Going to see "The Full Monty" tonight at the local music hall. Should be a hoot, as I am getting cultured.

I head to Lost Wages next week, so I probably will not get as much shop time as I would like in this weekend. Doing that family thing and maybe a nice bike ride if the weather holds up.

If I do see the shop, I will take alook at the new 5HP Leeson motor that arrived last night, continue construction of the DE blower. Sure seems like I have been working on this DC forever. But it will be great once done. Five or six hours a week ain't cutting it, takes me half that time just to remember where I left off the last time in the shop. Summer sure sucks the shop hours.

Might pour a small pad under the arbor, sense I can't get grass to grow very well there.

That's it... lots of projects, so little time.

Ben Nothstein
06-06-2003, 2:17 PM
I cut & weed Whacked the lawn this morning ,tomorrow its going to rain Again..soo will spend the day in the shop,Sunday will go to flea markets with wife..

Dennis Peacock
06-06-2003, 6:00 PM
Not too much. Trying to recover from all the work I did this week for my real job. I hope to get some shop time in this weekend while it is raining and see if I can get a few things done in the shop before I start this custom CD Cabinet for a guy at work.

Stay dry.....

Ken Salisbury
06-06-2003, 6:17 PM
Get out the old Poulan chain saw and whack out a couple bowl blanks from the hickory log I picked up from a customer's yard the other day (tree blew over during recent tornado) to make a couple of bowls for her. Plan to rough turn and get them in a soap solution so I can finish turning sometime next week.

Need to clean the shop -- don't know if I will take on that chore or not.

Need to wash and wax the Silverado (have been putting that off for 3 weeks now). Wanted to do it today --- but wouldn't you believe it --- rain started in at noon.

Also need to get in a little "Bud Time" :D
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Terry Hatfield
06-06-2003, 6:26 PM
I assume it would be OK with everyone if I didn't do ANYTHING this weekend.:D


David Rose
06-06-2003, 6:54 PM
do something for a distraction. The neighbors already probably think you are a Charismatic with your hand in the air all the time. :) MY neighbors have complained about wailing from your direction off and on lately.

Just feel better, OK? Whatever it takes.

David in sympathy

Jeff Cybulski
06-06-2003, 9:12 PM
Like Ken, I'll be using the Poulan....to cut down some slash pine limbs. Maybe a little work in the garden and of course golf on Sunday. No shop time this week

Have a great weekend!!


06-07-2003, 12:42 AM
Hi Bob,

Well, Weston and I have decided that it's time to leave our little 2 bedroom bungalow and find a bigger place to grow. So I've been working on getting our home ready to put on the market. You don't realize how much work there is to be done until you really start looking at it like a prospective home buyer would. So there's lots of little nit picky things I need to tend to in the next few weeks to get it ready to show. Not a lot of woodworking in my near future I'm afraid to say : (........but I will say, a minimum 2 car STUDIO is a pre-requisit to my home buying purchase : )

Have a great weekend everybody!


Mike Evertsen
06-07-2003, 1:06 AM
saturday painting the furniture for the living room,,
sunday is graduation at the school where I work have to there from 6:30 am until ??????? for setup and just in case some thing dose what is not suppose to,,,,,,graduation is at 2:00 pm God please let it rain or let the sun shine but make up your mind,,,,,,,,,, :confused:

David Blangger
06-07-2003, 1:11 AM
Hi Bob,

I bet that cribs looking good.

As for me it started raining 40 miles from home with 150BF of walnut in the back of the truck and swmbo began muttering something like "I told you to get the tarp".

Oh well it will be sitting long enough to dry out.


Everyone have a great weekend.

Yes Terry you need to do something....keep healing;)


Jim Baker
06-07-2003, 4:37 AM
Not too much shop time this weekend. I plan to put the last coat of finish on some cabinet doors and then prepare and haul in a couple more storm damaged logs. The rest of the day will be a trip to a 50th birthday celebration in Springfield, IL.

Sunday after church, we will spend the afternoon at our church picnic.