View Full Version : Inexpensive Utility Scroll Chuck

Kurt Aebi
08-17-2005, 3:11 PM
got my e-mail special notification from Penn State Industries and their 4-Jaw utility chuck is on special for $44.95 with 2 sets of jaws and the screw adapter.

Here's the link: http://www.pennstateind.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=E-10229 I hope this is not against the TOS - if it is, moderator please delete it and PM me for the link.

I hava had this chuck for quite a while and decided that I'd get another one, so I could just keep my jumbo flat jaws on one and use the other for bowls, etc. When I first got it there was a runout problem, but it was the 1" x 8 adapter that was out of true and they replaced it. The only issue I have had with this chuck has been getting used to the Tommy-Bars.

Just thought I'd pass on this to my friends here SMC.

I also have ordered one of the new Baracuda2 T-Handle adjust chucks as well.

I know it is not a Nova, nor is it a Oneway Talon - But it is not a bad chuck for the hobbiest and has served me well.

Mike Ramsey
08-17-2005, 5:09 PM
[QUOTE=Kurt Aebi]
I also have ordered one of the new Baracuda2 T-Handle adjust chucks as well.

Kurt, pls let me know how the Baracuda2 performs for you. I can't find anyone
that's purchased one to give me a review and I am thinking about ordering
one myself.


Steve Knowlton
08-18-2005, 9:53 AM
I Have Bought 2 Of These Chucks. They Work Great, But Both Have Broke. The Week Point Is Inside. Both Of The Chucks Have Broke Onthe Piece That Makes The Chuck Expand. I Dont Know If I Am Trying To Tighten It To Much Or What. I Like The Chuck Because Of Its Wide Range Of Holding Powers.

Kurt Aebi
08-18-2005, 11:22 AM

PSI usually stand behind their stuff, did you contact them about the broken chuck for replacement? If not, definitely do so.

Steve Stube
08-22-2005, 8:53 PM
Can anybody tell me if the jaws are interchangable between the utility chuck and the Barracuda chuck?

Kurt Aebi
08-23-2005, 7:49 AM

I asked the very same question ot the Tech guy at PAI and he said that they most likely are, but he couldn't be certain. He told me to try them when I get my Baracuda.

He did say that ALL jaws WILL be interchangeable on the Baracuda line of chucks because that was part of the Baracuda design criteria. But as for interchangeability between the Baracuda and "CUG" series it would be trial and error.

I know I didn't answer your question with any certainty, all I did was relay what I was told by PSI

Steve Stube
08-23-2005, 1:40 PM
I ordered the utility chuck yesterday and noticed the Baracudas are on backorder. Kurt, when you have one in your hands (take delivery) will you try swapping jaws with the utility chuck and report the findings? I wish to buy a "T" handle scroll chuck and prefer to get one with jaws that are interchangeable from one chuck body to another - if possible. I wonder if there is any standardization in the center to center spacing of the individual jaw bolts among the various manufactured chucks. Bolt size, type head and thread type are other factors to consider but I think the spacing between bolts would be most critical. I have the equipment to make accessory jaws but not the time for another project, the list is too long already.

Kurt Aebi
08-24-2005, 7:43 AM
You got it, Steve!

I'll definitely report my findings. I will measure the bolt pattern on the jaws on both chucks that i presently have.

Linda Creatore
09-22-2005, 1:17 AM

Anyone try that new Baracuda chuck yet?
