View Full Version : A new box

Tim Leo
08-16-2005, 6:37 PM
A friend of mine asked me if I could make a box...I said I'd give it a try.

Here are a few pictures of the completed box.

Don Baer
08-16-2005, 7:25 PM
Nice box, Exellent joinery (is that a word :confused: ). Some details please, wood types, finish ?

Larry Reimer
08-16-2005, 8:40 PM
Nice box, those look like some very well done dovetails. Something you sure ought to be proud of there. Thanks for showing us.

Bob Noles
08-16-2005, 8:46 PM
Excellent work Tim. I really appreciate you taking the time to share it. If you get a chance, give us some additional details.

Tim Leo
08-16-2005, 9:09 PM
I haven't figured out how to get the photos intermingled with the text yet, so I have to do it in two messages.

The wood that the box is made of is 1/2 inch thick cherry, the lid has a 1/4 inch thick birdseye maple inset. When I was shopping for the wood, I saw that maple and it called me. It had to come home with me.

I hand cut the dovetails with one of Nordic's saws, and a few old hand chisels. I was surprised how hard the cherry is. I hadn't cut dovetails in wood that hard before. The dovetails aren't perfect, but they are still respectable. I made sure that the grain runs continously around the box and that the grain of the edge of the lid matches the sides. A few swipes with the Stanley planes really leveled things out and made the lid fit nicely.

A few coats of Ace Hardware's finest house brand Tung Oil Finish - Low Gloss and a rub down with pumice and paste wax complete the finish.

I really love the way the birdseye shimmers when you move it...photos just can't capture that.

Doug Cowan
08-19-2005, 2:12 PM
Very nicely done, good combination of woods. I especially like the miters on the dovetails.

Keel McDonald
08-19-2005, 2:18 PM

It looks like it would be a nice cigar box. Great job!

Roy Wall
08-19-2005, 2:24 PM

Real nice work.....great DT's........

I like it!!:)