View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-29-2015, 7:54 AM
29 June 2015

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope that this finds each of you doing well. The weekend got started on Friday evening with a storm that went through with I'm glad it did because it cooled things off a bit outside and made it more tolerable to work outside on Saturday. My sons and I put up a small retaining wall along side part of the driveway near the house. This will be the LOML's flower bed and will make this part finished from all the construction work that we did just last year moving the MIL in with us. I was reminded Sunday morning by my body to not punish it again like that...as I had sore muscles where I never knew I had muscles. :)
Good progress was made and we should have the rest of the wall done this week after the LOML goes to pickup a few more landscaping blocks. The it will be time to move a lot of dirt into the new flowerbed.

I got the poly finish sanded off my guitar body and now it's back to coloring and then topcoating with a gloss lacquer this time. :( Oh well, live and learn.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.!!!!

Shawn Pixley
06-29-2015, 9:25 AM
The company I work for shuts down for a week in summer. I'll add a bit of vacation to the far end of that. So, LOML and I spent the last two day getting ready for our trip. Doggie play dates set up, food stocked for the son, etc…

Gregory King
06-29-2015, 10:59 AM
First real chance to use the Kreg pocket hole jig that I got about 6 years ago. Building a gable frame cabinet and used the jig to install the drawer rails. Works well. Need to order a screw kit from LV now. The K4 kit only has enough screws to tease you a bit. Greg

Mike Ontko
06-29-2015, 2:23 PM
I got back from a two-week work trip to the Netherlands this weekend, and though I really wanted to jump right back into my platform bed project the moment I got home I decided to wait a day to be sure any latent effects brought on by jet lag wouldn't interfere. I'm cutting notches (half-lap edge joints) in the side, head, and foot rails. The rails are too long and heavy to run on the tablesaw (5"h x 1-1/4"w, at 83" and 86" in length) so I've been using a jigsaw to cut out the bulk of material for the notches and then using a router with a long straight bit to clean up the edges, and a chisel for the bottom and corners. It's not a completely precise process, especially because I'm using a straight edge/guide clamp for the routher instead of a dedicated jig.

Jim Becker
06-29-2015, 10:15 PM
I took leave for this week and have a "kitchen refresh" in-progress...'got started Saturday with the "gift" of diagnosing and fixing a minor plumbing leak under the sink; said diagnosis included a wonderful jaunt crawling through the not-quite 2' tall dirt crawlspace that featured a few years work of dense spider webs. LOL. But aside from that, I managed to get all the doors and drawer fronts pulled and got the lower face frames and panels primed and painted on the weekend. Today, thanks to my friend "Benny Moore", I solved a paint problem for the upper cabinets that "Mr S. Williams" just couldn't satisfy. I also got all the lower doors and drawer fronts primed and the backs of the upper doors primed and sprayed with color. I also finished up a few new doors for the island and under-sink...all four had water damage and I felt replacement was appropriate Tomorrow, I'll complete the cleaning on the upper face frames and panels and get them primed. and hopefully get the fresh wall pain applied, too.

Nothing like a ripped up kitchen...


Oh, I'm ready to spray finish on my most recent tack trunk commission as soon as the appliqué is received and glued on.

Joe Craven
06-30-2015, 9:32 AM
I did a batch of vanity storage boxes. Here's a couple of examples that came out of a unique piece of purple heart.


Here's one in walnut:


I did others in a couple of different flavors of maple, and a few in padauk.