View Full Version : Went to an auction today...

steven c newman
06-27-2015, 5:52 PM
BIG auction, at that. Auctioneers were working their way through one LARGE tent load of Glassware, Toys, and other antiques...about an hour an a half later, they sent a helper over to start the sale on these items...

About 15 minutes into THIS sale, I finally got a winning bid. Spent a whopping $5 on a pair of Stanley planes..as in $5 for the pair.

Paid for my stuff, after watching a couple of old coots fight it out over most of the tools...walked through Downtown and through about three antique stores....

At the third store.....ever see a LARGE dining room table covered with old tools, plus bookcases all around it also full, and a smaller table the same way? Found a decent Carpenter chisel (says so right on the blade) and a gimlet looking bit for a brace...$7.51. I guess thing cost more at an Antique Store after all..

My little haul for this rainy day.

The fellow that was selling all those tools was merely clearing out shelf space in his shop, and needed the room. There were FIVE of these tran-planes for auction, including a Liberty Bell 129.

Not too bad a day...:D

Mel Miller
06-27-2015, 6:06 PM
I suppose you passed on the beam boring machines because they went too high - say $6. each? :rolleyes:

steven c newman
06-27-2015, 6:20 PM
Try $35-50 each....

Moving Filister Planes? $25-40 each

Have too many braces as it is....they sold the entire lot of a dozen braces.....$35....

Almost like FeeBay during the last 5 minutes,...bleeding crazy...

Mel Miller
06-27-2015, 7:39 PM
Decent beam boring machines bring $200. and up on Ebay. :rolleyes:

steven c newman
06-27-2015, 10:11 PM
Then the three fellows that bought these got a bargain....

That Long chisel I also picked today, has the name "Karpenter" stamped on the face of the blade, up near the handle. 90% of a leather washer is still on the end of the handle. MIGHT be a Timber Framer's chisel, but it is a bit on the small side...

steven c newman
06-27-2015, 11:02 PM
Ok, the chisel first
Just under 15" long, with a 1" wide edge. "KARPENTER" stamped on the blade. Next.
Almost like a Gimlet, but fits a brace, has a number 12 stamped on a flat. Next..
One of the pair of stanley planes. Iron is about 2-3/8" wide. Body is just under 20" long
I even planed the sole flat, as it was worn a bit along the one side.
The rear handle is a replacement, and a second bolt was added
There is no lateral on this one, as the area that held the lateral lever is broken off. Not a big deal, small hammer will adjust.
Japanning is about 90% . A few spots where it is missing is all. Will get to work on the "Bailey" one tomorrow.
Not too bad a day, even with the rain....

Jim Koepke
06-28-2015, 1:14 AM
My recollection is "Karpenter" chisels were made by Winsted Tool Co, the same company that made Witherby chisels.


Moses Yoder
06-28-2015, 8:49 AM
This is what I want to avoid at the end of my life. I appreciate this post for that reason. Here we have a person who hoarded tools he or she probably never used in their entire lifetime. It makes zero sense. There is a Fray brace at the front of the pile of braces. This is a great brace, simple and easy to use. It looks like it is missing the thumbscrew to tighten the chuck, making it totally unusable. What would be the sense in owning something like that?

george wilson
06-28-2015, 9:35 AM
What makes you think that all those tools came from the same owner,Moses ? It was an auction,not an estate sale. Or am I missing something? The second group was at an antique shop. No tool hoarder that I can see.

And Mel,you seem to sound rather sarcastic. Newman is on a tight budget,he has let us know. We have to respect that. Who needs a beam boring machine for his home shop anyway? No one can reasonably expect that beam boring machines would go for $6.00 anyway. Or,even $35.00-$50.00 for that matter. Newman is allowed to buy whatever he sees fit,isn't he? Why the roll eyes? I wouldn't have bought the beam boring machines myself because I buy tools I will use,not to collect. And,I'd get a terrible charlie horse trying to get into position to use one of those things anyway!!:) Well,if I found a 4" bit,I might could use one to bore the soundhole of a guitar. But,NAH!!!!:) I'll leave that sort of thing to Roy U.

steven c newman
06-28-2015, 11:14 AM
It was an estate sale....of sorts. Fellow's folks amassed a semi truck load of stuff. His Dad, and Grandfather used some of these tools. There were 8 transits/builder's levels, in their cases, in this sale. There were also the current owner's "extras" so he could free up shelf space in his woodshop. I even met the owner, and got an invite to go see his shop sometime, as he lives about 5 miles away from me.

There were at least two, maybe three old coots that were trying to buy up everything that looked like a tool. Did I say there were six of those cardboard trays with molding planes, along with the 5 moving fillister planes. There was a tray with a dozen block planes....

I had $16 for the budget that day. The two trans planes
will help complete a set I have ( No. 26, and No.31 are already working) Paid my $5, and went to look at the three antique stores that were within walking distance. Spent another $7.51 for that chisel and gimlet bit, counting sale tax... Then drove home about 17 miles or so. rained off and on all the live long day, too.
BTW: there was one old coot, who stood right over the table ( so nobody could see what was selling?) who had a pile of stuff by his feet.....3' diameter, by waist high. Must be nice to be able to bring a grand to spend at an auction...Sheesh.

steven c newman
06-28-2015, 12:26 PM
Lets see...Stanley No. 5 type 6, Stanley No. 6c, type 10, Millers falls No. 14,9, and 8, plus a low angle #56B, and the 1455. Wards Master Quality #3 (Stanley, WWII) Wards Master Quality #78 (Stanley) Stanley No. 5-1/2, type 17, and a Millers Falls No. 11, type 2.

Sorry, but I need the price of a L-N #4 to pay the van loan payment, sorry about that.

I really doubt IF any of those planes I just listed, and keep in my plane till,

He was free to attend this auction, admittance was free, and he could pay whatever he wanted to, for whatever items he would have wanted. Includeed were several NEW IN BOX MINTY Millers Falls smooth planes. A Stanley NIB 60-1/2? M-F #16?

IF I could have brought along enough cash.......

Mel Miller
06-28-2015, 1:39 PM
The key word in my post that you obviously missed was "mostly".
It seems like you do closely watch my postings - not ignore them. You always have a quick come back.
Seeing as how I'm out on the west coast, there isn't much chance I will be at any of your local auctions, although I have been back east to the big tool auctions.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-28-2015, 2:22 PM

A friendly reminder.....keep it friendly as per the TOSs.

Stew Denton
06-28-2015, 6:32 PM
Hi Steve,

Looks like you did great to me. That chisel looks like a great buy. I don't have a transition plane, but am happy with the old Stanley bench planes, so probably will never us a transition plane, but the ones you bought look to be in nice shape.

Would have loved to have a chance at some of the molding planes or moving fillister planes, but I don't have room for what I have so am probably better off not to be there.


Moses Yoder
06-29-2015, 7:31 PM
Steven, you are not missing anything. I would bet my Ted Williams lantern that your are having more fun with $16 than those guys are having with their thousand.

I am sending you a PM.

steven c newman
06-29-2015, 8:25 PM
PM recieved...

I was by your town a couple weeks ago. On my way to Woodstick 2015 down in Martinsville. A large group from Stumpy Nubs' group of friends over on Lumberjocks ( I can say this, can't I?0 spent a weekend swapping food, stories and tools.

Actually, I am having a ball...

Archie England
06-29-2015, 9:06 PM
Major "Suck-age" for $5

steven c newman
06-30-2015, 9:13 PM
Those two will complete a "set" of this type of plane
L-R: A No. 26 Jack, a No.28 Fore,a No.29 small jointer, and a No. 31 Jointer. There is a small one
Liberty Bell No. 122, about the same size as a Stanley #3.

Not that I'm a collector, or anything. They will make shavings
As in the "New" No. 28 Fore Plane vs Cherry edge grain.

steven c newman
07-04-2015, 10:24 AM
Put the No.28 through it's paces yesterday
A lot lighter to use than the Stanley T-10 No.6c. Made some decent shavings, too
I think the other planes were getting a bit jealous?
I think I can now use that Millers Falls No.8 as a smoother on the flat areas?

Neither of the are "L-N" or "Veritas" items, but they do seem to work, even on Curly Maple....