View Full Version : Badger Pond CD's (Please Read)

Andrew Field
06-05-2003, 10:14 PM
First off, I'm posting this with permission....

It's been about a month since I started sending out the invoices for the Badger Pond Archive CD's and shipping them out. I have fixed all the Win9x problems.

Problem is that I have gotten no response from about 30% of the invoices I have sent out for CD orders. I have been sending out reminders once a week because I know people forget and things get lost in the email at times. It occured to me the other day that my emails me be getting filtered out as junk mail by your email software. If you need to cancel (just don't everyone cancel on me) or change your order then please let me know. I just need to know so I don't keep sending out reminders and packaging up boxes.

Having 30% of the orders still outstanding, with no response, means that I have 2 boxes of mugs, piles of CD's and jewel case parts, a stack of shipping boxes, bubble wrap, peanuts, and other supplies still sitting in the dining room (and my wife is no longer thrilled with that arrignment).

Anyway, if you placed an order please take the time to respond to me (a_field@winisp.net (mailto:a_field@winisp.net)) so I can update the status. And if you haven't placed an order, then you are welcome to do so (there's plenty of mugs and CD's left still), just go to http://www.winisp.net/a_field/badgerpond.html.


btw, Thanks to those who have taken the time to get back to me.