View Full Version : Grizzly G0766 - Dilemma

Mark Greenbaum
06-15-2015, 8:57 PM
Hey folks - here's the problem: I have the new Grizzly G0766 on order, and the confirmation said it should arrive at their depot on July 10th - apparently it has not been received yet, or my credit card would have been charged. The problem is this - we just sold our fix-and-flipper house. Good things and bad. Now I don't know if I should contact Grizzly Sales, and have them hold my lathe for later delivery, because I don't know where we're going to end up. I really don't want to receive it and have to put it into storage. Do you know if Grizzly would hold my machine until I am better situated to actually receive it? And I just got a nice big chunk of cherry to start practicing on, too. Oh well.

Scott Brandstetter
06-15-2015, 9:04 PM
That is a good news bad news story. It's always worth a call but I can't imagine them holding it. It seems the lathes are coming in regularly and I would ask about future shipments vs orders. Maybe pass on this and reorder once you get your new place decided

Roger Chandler
06-15-2015, 9:04 PM
Mark.............I would think that you could call them and set a later delivery date, and they would put a hold on it. I think you would need to explain your particular dilemma and they would likely work with you. I would also let them know that I wanted to go ahead and purchase so it will be ready when you are, but just have them hold it until you give the notice and new address to ship to, and in the mean time, under no circumstances ship your unit to someone else, as you have waited long enough! I think it is worth a try!

david privett
06-15-2015, 10:17 PM
I was told by grizzly that they could only go 30 days hold a order,if the item is in stock. I was having back surgery when I ordered the g0766 but the way it worked out the back was healed but still had to wait on the lathe almost 3 months, but I like it when I got it!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-15-2015, 10:40 PM
Have you considered calling Grizzly?

What you get here at best will be 2nd hand information.

CALL GRIZZLY! They can give you an official answer.

Paul Gilbert
06-15-2015, 10:48 PM
Yes, Ken and then call you credit card company. I believe (I am no lawyer or expert on this) that there are special rules on "holder in due course" credit card purchases. I think it would be painless to just cancel your order via the credit card company.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-16-2015, 12:08 AM
Most companies that I have dealt with will cancel an order if they haven't begun the shipping process. It would surprise me if the OP contacted Grizzly and they wouldn't agree to cancel the order. Once it lands on the loading dock, however, all bets are off. I doubt contacting the credit card company would be necessary.

Randy Red Bemont
06-16-2015, 6:57 AM
I would call Grizzly and see what they say. It sounds best though to cancel the order until you are settled and ready for the lathe. Good luck on your new adventure!


Mark Greenbaum
06-16-2015, 7:16 AM
Thanks, all, for the responses. I don't want to cancel the order, because the price may go up out of my financial reach. I'd rather postpone the delivery, hold the price where I purchased it, and wait for a different batch to go through the depot and inspection, so I have time to relocate and get settled in. I definitely want to get this lathe, and don't want to pay more than this introductory price. Darned the luck; I also just got my hand engraving bench setup, and doing more freelance work, too. Limbo, I hate the unknown sometimes. Maybe all will work out to my advantage, and I'll have the shop I dream of, and a place for the family and dog to settle down.

Al Launier
06-16-2015, 7:46 AM
Do you have a friend willing to have it dropped off at their place until you are ready for it. The downside is that wherever it's delivered to, the warranty period starts ebven if unused. So, if you expect a long wait before being able to receive it, you might want to discuss this with Grizzly & pursue options if the warranty period is going to be jeopardized.

Mark Greenbaum
06-16-2015, 8:34 AM
No, I don't have a friend that I can have it delivered to. And the warranty thing is a concern. I wrote to Grizzly CSR this AM, and hope to hear back soon. I keep you appraised of what the options are. Thanks. Say a prayer, or cross your fingers, that we find a good place to land quickly. Thanks again.

Do you have a friend willing to have it dropped off at their place until you are ready for it. The downside is that wherever it's delivered to, the warranty period starts ebven if unused. So, if you expect a long wait before being able to receive it, you might want to discuss this with Grizzly & pursue options if the warranty period is going to be jeopardized.

Klaus Waldeck
06-16-2015, 2:37 PM
Since my order hasn't even mentioned a word of when it will ship, when it will arrive, or anything, just a "some point in the future," I am willing to generously trade my order with yours. See what a nice guy I am? You can't get that kind of consideration from just any old swindler.

Mark Greenbaum
06-16-2015, 3:21 PM
Thanks, Klaus, but I think I'll hold off on that one right now.

I did get a reply from Grizzly CSR:
We are happy to assist you with your order# XXXXXX. We are happy to hold your order for you for a short period of time. Please note that we expect to receive a shipment sometime next week of the G0766 Lathes. Please reply to state approximately how long you would require the order to be held for so that we may update your order accordingly. Also, we would require the new address as soon as it is available."

Yours may be forth coming very soon. I wrote her back, and said to hold it for 30 days unless I get a new address sooner. I am going to pay for it as soon as it comes in to lock that price regardless. Otherwise I might end up buying a really cool all-tube guitar amp instead. (NOT).

Since my order hasn't even mentioned a word of when it will ship, when it will arrive, or anything, just a "some point in the future," I am willing to generously trade my order with yours. See what a nice guy I am? You can't get that kind of consideration from just any old swindler.

Mark Greenbaum
06-18-2015, 12:52 PM
Well, folks - right after I contacted Grizzly, and got that reply, my wife texted me to say she'd put a contract on a house in the neighborhood she and the kids (and the dog) love. Big yard, 2.5 car garage with area for me to work on my engraving and woodturning, and best of all no HOA. Looks like I'll only have to delay the shipment of my G0766 for about a week. YIPPEE. I am glad to read so many successful shipments of these lathes, and seemingly great reviews (with exception of the tool rest height deal). My fingers are crossed hoping no wrenches get thrown into the spokes of the house deals.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-18-2015, 12:57 PM
Good on Grizzly and on your wife, and potential new home!

Randy Red Bemont
06-18-2015, 2:44 PM
Let's hope for a happy ending all around. Good luck.


Mark Greenbaum
06-18-2015, 2:58 PM
Thanks to all of you. I have had a bit of a stressful few days with all of this, but I hope it'll all come out in the wash.

Mark Greenbaum
07-01-2015, 8:59 AM
UPDATE: We have the go ahead for me to be in debt for the rest of my hopefully long life. The house will be in need of TLC and a lot of repairs, but the schools for the kids are top-notch (for TN, that is), and the yard is big and flat. There's adequate space to land the Grizzly G-0766, so when I get the confirmation it has arrived in USA, I can give them the new address. The house has barely enough electrical to suffice (I did locate an unused 220v outlet in the Master BR, that I can relocate below into the garage to power the lathe). I will have a room for designing and hand engraving that actually has AC/Heat. And I received a $25 coupon code from Grizzly for shipping that's good till the end of the year. Life is good.

Roger Chandler
07-01-2015, 9:46 AM
UPDATE: We have the go ahead for me to be in debt for the rest of my hopefully long life. The house will be in need of TLC and a lot of repairs, but the schools for the kids are top-notch (for TN, that is), and the yard is big and flat. There's adequate space to land the Grizzly G-0766, so when I get the confirmation it has arrived in USA, I can give them the new address. The house has barely enough electrical to suffice (I did locate an unused 220v outlet in the Master BR, that I can relocate below into the garage to power the lathe). I will have a room for designing and hand engraving that actually has AC/Heat. And I received a $25 coupon code from Grizzly for shipping that's good till the end of the year. Life is good.

I love happy endings! :) Congrats, Mark!

Dok Yager
07-01-2015, 3:02 PM
NICE!! Congrats Mark! Sounds like an all`s well that ends well to me. :)

Mark Greenbaum
07-01-2015, 3:08 PM
Still have to get the new house appraised, so the loan can qualify (shouldn't be a problem, because it's the most inflated price area of Middle TN). Then the moving out, and moving in (oh, my aching back - I really am way too old to enjoy this again).

NICE!! Congrats Mark! Sounds like an all`s well that ends well to me. :)

Mark Greenbaum
08-11-2015, 1:11 PM
We sold the old, moved to the new (35 years old - different) house, and although I am not really ready - I got the GRIZ Call. The unit will ship on Thursday August 13th via SAIA Freight. Grizzly has it noted to open the crate and inspect to make sure the unit is intact and undamaged and re-secured prior to shipping to me. Hopefully I'll get decent notification to be there when it is delivered in my driveway, so I can open the crate then and there while the driver is present. If it's damaged, I will have it notated. Hopefully all will be fine, and I'll be turning by ....... sometime in a few days? Whoopee !!

BTW: I have walked 8.5 miles several days unpacking boxes, installing new garage doors, and generally making the house habitable. Previous owner was there for 10 years and never lifted a finger to fix anything, so guess who gets to?

Roger Chandler
08-11-2015, 4:05 PM
We sold the old, moved to the new (35 years old - different) house, and although I am not really ready - I got the GRIZ Call. The unit will ship on Thursday August 13th via SAIA Freight. Grizzly has it noted to open the crate and inspect to make sure the unit is intact and undamaged and re-secured prior to shipping to me. Hopefully I'll get decent notification to be there when it is delivered in my driveway, so I can open the crate then and there while the driver is present. If it's damaged, I will have it notated. Hopefully all will be fine, and I'll be turning by ....... sometime in a few days? Whoopee !!

BTW: I have walked 8.5 miles several days unpacking boxes, installing new garage doors, and generally making the house habitable. Previous owner was there for 10 years and never lifted a finger to fix anything, so guess who gets to?
Congrats all the way around Mark [except the backache! ;) ]

Jeramie Johnson
08-12-2015, 12:50 PM
We sold the old, moved to the new (35 years old - different) house, and although I am not really ready - I got the GRIZ Call. The unit will ship on Thursday August 13th via SAIA Freight. Grizzly has it noted to open the crate and inspect to make sure the unit is intact and undamaged and re-secured prior to shipping to me. Hopefully I'll get decent notification to be there when it is delivered in my driveway, so I can open the crate then and there while the driver is present. If it's damaged, I will have it notated. Hopefully all will be fine, and I'll be turning by ....... sometime in a few days? Whoopee !!

BTW: I have walked 8.5 miles several days unpacking boxes, installing new garage doors, and generally making the house habitable. Previous owner was there for 10 years and never lifted a finger to fix anything, so guess who gets to?

Great news. With all that house work, hope you get some time on the lathe!

I have been loving turning on my G0766. Bowls, plates, HFs from other people's firewood: Cherry, Mulberry, Silver Maple, Boxelder, Elm......it's been a blast. I was even able to use the WoodCut Max core system to rough out some bowl sets, which are now in bags to dry out some more.

Mark Greenbaum
08-12-2015, 1:50 PM
Post some pics of what you've been making. Do you have a mobile base for the G0766, or keep it in one place? Hollowing system?

Great news. With all that house work, hope you get some time on the lathe!

I have been loving turning on my G0766. Bowls, plates, HFs from other people's firewood: Cherry, Mulberry, Silver Maple, Boxelder, Elm......it's been a blast. I was even able to use the WoodCut Max core system to rough out some bowl sets, which are now in bags to dry out some more.

Mark Greenbaum
08-17-2015, 10:10 PM
My lathe was delivered today at 4:30 pm. The truck driver from SAIA Freight was so helpful, he used the pallet jack to wheel it into the garage. Then I opened the crate, and voila, the hold downs were tight, the packaging was protecting all the ways and legs. It was too late to unpack, as I had to still get to HD and get the correct wiring Romex, and i had to clear an area large enough for the crate (no easy task, as we just moved in). I am very excited and thankful that I waited to get delivery at the new address. Photos tomorrow.

Roger Chandler
08-17-2015, 10:13 PM
My lathe was delivered today at 4:30 pm. The truck driver from SAIA Freight was so helpful, he used the pallet jack to wheel it into the garage. Then I opened the crate, and voila, the hold downs were tight, the packaging was protecting all the ways and legs. It was too late to unpack, as I had to still get to HD and get the correct wiring Romex, and i had to clear an area large enough for the crate (no easy task, as we just moved in). I am very excited and thankful that I waited to get delivery at the new address. Photos tomorrow.
Congrats Mark! Looking forward to the pics!

Mark Greenbaum
08-18-2015, 9:58 AM
IT'S A REAL THING OF BEAUTY. BELATED BIRTHDAY PRESENT TO MYSELF. Now I am going to need a bench grinder dedicated to sharpening gouges. I could use my water-cooled Crytallite Ringleader Lapidary grinder, or the jewelry buffing station, but HF has a $39 6" grinder, so what the heck. I'll probably make a Cap'n Eddie wannabee wolverine gauge, and holder.

Congrats Mark! Looking forward to the pics!

David C. Roseman
08-18-2015, 10:14 AM
Congratulations, Mark. If you're going to invest in a grinder, I strongly recommend a "slow-speed" model with an 8" wheel capacity that turns at 1725 rpm. The HF grinders run great, and are fine for many things, but they turn at the conventional speed of 3450 rpm. Yes, a very experienced user can grind a gouge or chisel at that speed with the right wheel. Doug Thompson does it when grinding all the gouges that he produces, but he grinds more gouges in a month than most of us will in a lifetime. It is way too easy to remove too much material too quickly and/or overheat the metal at 3450 rpm.

Roger Chandler
08-18-2015, 10:40 AM
+1 on David's advice..........a SLOW speed grinder [1725 rpm] is what you want and preferably in the 8" wheel size......trust us Mark, this will save you having to replace it in a few months as the standard most turners use is the 8" wheel and that is what most grinding jigs are made for..........this is the voice of experience, trying to help you avoid costly newbie mistakes!

Also get a grinder with at lest one white aluminum oxide wheel, preferably at least 120 grit to start......that will be plenty aggressive, and once you get some sharpening experience under your belt, then you may want to go CBN wheels or perhaps the much better 3X blue wheels from Norton.

Scott Brandstetter
08-18-2015, 11:22 AM
Congrats Mark on finally getting the lathe. It's funny to read your posts and with the last one I can see you have the same feelings of excitement that I did when the beast was finally set up. You are going to love this lathe in every possible way. I still am at awe when I turn on it. Looking forward to see some of your work off the lathe but would love to see your shop come together in your new house also. Happy Days!

Mark Greenbaum
08-18-2015, 12:56 PM
..."shop come together in your new house..." Ha Ha - It's a huge congested mess right now. The only neat thing about it is the tidy crate in the middle of the floor. Since moving in 3 weeks ago, I have installed 2 new garage doors (removed and disposed of the old ones), a new entry door, and built 3 separate 2'x8' x 6' tall wooden shelving units. And gone to work everyday. I cannot wait to get time to turn and enjoy that grand prize, and try out the new 5.5" diameter chuck system to see if it's worth keeping or returning to Grizzly. I do have a few pieces of wood to test out the lathe on, but that's probably a few days away. It's going to a fun experience for sure. I will measure up the base legs for making a mobile base, and post pdf's when I have it drawn up. A guy here at work has a good welder and has welding experience, so I see some bartering in my future. It will all come together eventually.

Congrats Mark on finally getting the lathe. It's funny to read your posts and with the last one I can see you have the same feelings of excitement that I did when the beast was finally set up. You are going to love this lathe in every possible way. I still am at awe when I turn on it. Looking forward to see some of your work off the lathe but would love to see your shop come together in your new house also. Happy Days!

Mark Greenbaum
08-18-2015, 12:58 PM
What about using my lapidary (diamond wheel) grinding unit? They're 6" diameter, and should really have water coolant, but I can modify it so it won't splash or run down the grooves of the gouges.

+1 on David's advice..........a SLOW speed grinder [1725 rpm] is what you want and preferably in the 8" wheel size......trust us Mark, this will save you having to replace it in a few months as the standard most turners use is the 8" wheel and that is what most grinding jigs are made for..........this is the voice of experience, trying to help you avoid costly newbie mistakes!

Also get a grinder with at lest one white aluminum oxide wheel, preferably at least 120 grit to start......that will be plenty aggressive, and once you get some sharpening experience under your belt, then you may want to go CBN wheels or perhaps the much better 3X blue wheels from Norton.

Roger Chandler
08-18-2015, 1:07 PM
What about using my lapidary (diamond wheel) grinding unit? They're 6" diameter, and should really have water coolant, but I can modify it so it won't splash or run down the grooves of the gouges.
Might work for a temporary set up till you can get the time and $$$ together for a better set up. I have a friend who is a gemologist and lapidary, and I have made a couple of cabachons on his wheels, so I know what you are talking about.

You also probably would benefit greatly from finding a club in your neck of the woods and be able to see what and how more experienced turners do it. It will cut your learning curve by leaps and bounds!

Mark Greenbaum
08-18-2015, 1:27 PM
Like this one?

Roger Chandler
08-18-2015, 1:30 PM
Like this one?
Yep, that grinder is in a lot of turners shops! Pretty decent grinder & decent price also.

Mark Greenbaum
08-18-2015, 1:40 PM
OK, Going by Woodcraft tonight. I can make the Cap'n Eddie jigs to hold me over for a while.

Yep, that grinder is in a lot of turners shops! Pretty decent grinder & decent price also.

daryl moses
08-18-2015, 2:58 PM
Like this one?

Mark, I have that same grinder and it's been a good one. I don't think you'll find a better one for the price.
BTW, congrats on your new lathe. A friend of mine has one and from what I've seen it's a great machine.

Jeramie Johnson
08-18-2015, 3:25 PM
That grinder is in my shop, works great. I have the Wolverine sharpening system with a CBM wheel on it, and is that ever a $$$ saver in tools lasting.

Mark Greenbaum
08-18-2015, 10:07 PM
Sorry, no pics tonight. I had a late start (I got a new microwave/oven combination to offload for the house), and I barely got the crate opened up. I have to give them credit - this was buttoned up nicely. Every bolt is tight, and all of the packing cushions are in place. No scratches or dings, yet. I might have to wait for a friend to come by to help tomorrow evening, as I don't want to get hurt, or have an accident trying to get the legs on it. The packing crate will make a nice under lathe storage cabinet, and I'll probably include a drawer for sand weight (although I don't think this beast needs it).

Dok Yager
08-18-2015, 10:35 PM
Help is Good Mark! I had some putting my legs on the ways and it certainly wasn`t easy even then. Glad to hear you received it in good order. Sounds like you are a Very busy man between work, the "new" house and your shop! Here`s to getting time to turn :D.

david privett
08-27-2015, 8:10 AM
Has anyone communicated with grizzly and asked if the reengineered banjos will be for the g0766 be out this year?

Klaus Waldeck
08-27-2015, 9:21 AM
I just bought that exact same Rikon grinder. I agree, it seems to be the best deal for a slow-speed grinder out there. I'm going to try learning to free-hand grind my chisels using the Robo Rest. I figure when I wear out these stones, I'll buy a CBN wheel.

Oh, Mark, I can commiserate with you about having the "prize" but not being able to use it. I've had my G0766 set up for weeks now and I still can't get a minute in edge-wise to turn something on it. Oh, well. It'll be waiting there when I do.

It is possible to set up the lathe yourself, though if you can get help I would highly suggest it. I put the legs on by leaning one end of the bed against the first leg in a sort of triangle fashion while I bolted the leg on, then raising the other end of the bed and setting it on top of the second leg. To get the headstock on, I had to remove the motor first. It is simply too heavy to pick up all at once.

Mark Greenbaum
08-27-2015, 12:47 PM
My little son & I took the nuts off of the crate base last night. I could not even get the light end off of the pallet. If help does not come over tonight, I will attempt to remove the power head/motor, and get the bed on the legs by myself. I have the clone of the mobile base designed and metal will be about $90, and a friend said he'd weld it. I also measured the center-to-center of the PM 3520B and Jet 1642 feet (front to back) and the Jet is wider by 3/8", so the Lift Lock & Roll for it would be a good match by widening the slots by 1/4" (but that $400 I don't have right now). Then the BIOS flash on my Dell laptop crashed the computer, and I have to get a new Mobo to get the data off for the mobile base design. YIKES - will it ever end? I did see a stack of cherry logs about a half mile away in someone's driveway, and I will be brave enough to see if a piece can be donated to me for a test run. I hope he's not going to burn it as firewood!

Mark Greenbaum
09-25-2015, 12:59 PM
A few weeks ago I did manage to get the lathe on its feet and wired up. For the past 2 nights I have turned a small bowl and I have to say this is a great lathe. Once I figured out that L-O-R means LH - OFF - RH (not reverse), I was able to get wood removal to occur (DUH). The tool rest is too high, and too large for my meager little bowl turning, and the E-Stop button is not familiar like the PM type. But the lathe is solid, quiet and very powerful. I have not yet tried the 5.5" diameter Grizzly Chuck Set I purchased, and had to shave the straight section of the shaft down to accommodate the NOVA G3 adapter. But there does not appear to be very much runout on the chuck. Maybe 0.005" TIR. I'll put a gauge on it later. Mobile Base and under storage cabinet are next projects, after cleaning out a safe place to turn. Too much move-in clutter, still.

Matt Schrum
09-25-2015, 2:07 PM
..... Once I figured out that L-O-R means LH - OFF - RH (not reverse), I was able to get wood removal to occur (DUH).....

I'm at work, but I could have sworn my 0766 has F-O-R on the direction switch. Interesting that it sounds like they changed the faceplate/labeling later on.

Mark Greenbaum
09-25-2015, 3:27 PM
I'm at work, but I could have sworn my 0766 has F-O-R on the direction switch. Interesting that it sounds like they changed the faceplate/labeling later on.
I am at work, too, but... maybe I am wrong. Either way I had it to R and was not making sawdust effectively.

BTW: I just looked at the manual online, and it is L-O-R, L=Counterclockwise, R=Clockwise as viewed from tailstock.


John Keeton
09-25-2015, 5:06 PM
F-O-R sure would make more sense!