View Full Version : I think I finally have them well trained!

Chris Lee
08-15-2005, 7:29 AM
This weekend I celebrated my 28th birthday(I know I am just a baby). For the last couple birthdays I have received mainly gift certificates to keep everything simple. Well, my wife has been doing her homework and actually listening when I said I needed to get some of these new tools(who'd a thunk it?). She relayed the messages to ther family members and I wound up with a heck of a birthday.

The MM16 is a combination birthday/anniversary present from the wife. The festool ES125 sander is from the in-laws and the lie-nielson LA adjustable block plane is from my parents. The mule cab router table and fence is from my daughter(read I paid for it, she delivered it). You should have seen her trying to drag the bax across the floor to give it to me.

I thought you all would get a kick out of the cake! It is suppossed to be a workbench.

Jeff Fritzson
08-15-2005, 7:44 AM
You are a lucky man. That is a pretty toolrific family!

Jim Marshall
08-15-2005, 7:47 AM
Happy late birthday Chris, man are you one lucky dude. Congratulations on the great tool haul. Now you will have to make a bunch of really nice things for your great family. LOL

Keith Starosta
08-15-2005, 8:03 AM
Very cool, Chris! Happy birthday to ya! I'm gonna have to make my way over to your place one of these days......


John Hart
08-15-2005, 8:04 AM
Looks like they accomplished the Toolriffic part! Happy birthday Chris.

Ed Lang
08-15-2005, 8:07 AM
Happy Birthday!

I guess you and I will never understand those who have to beg for tools or hide them! A fantastic family.

Chris Lee
08-15-2005, 8:25 AM
Thanks everybody,

Keith, you and any other creekers are always welcome. Allthough I am still trying to get everything organized! Right now it only looks like a small hurricane came through instead of a big one!:D

Jeff Sudmeier
08-15-2005, 9:39 AM
Chris, Happy birthday, looks like you had a great one, full of great gifts!
