View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-15-2015, 8:30 AM
15 June 2015
Good Morning Everyone,
The good news is that I come OFF oncall duty in about 30 minutes.!! So glad it's over.

The finish on the guitars is about ready for sanding, polishing, and buffing. I think they turned out pretty well for our first guitars ever. My birthday was Friday and instead of being off on my birthday, I worked and was oncall. My family gave me money for my birthday and it is to go towards a new bowling ball. My boys and I have started bowling and the ball that I bought and bowled with in 1978 on the Air Force league doesn't fit my hand any more. I'm thinking about filling in the finger holes and have them redrilled for one of my son's hands so that they can have a ball that fits.

The great thing about today is that I come off oncall duty and I get to sleep really good tonight. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Charles Taylor
06-15-2015, 9:15 AM
This past week we converted from a 50-gal electric water heater to an on-demand unit, propane-fired because natural gas isn't piped into our neighborhood. The installation included burying an LP tank in the yard. Friday evening and Saturday morning, my wife and I moved soil and leftover sod to level the ground where the tank was buried and the equipment had been run.

We spent Saturday evening on the lake with some good friends. Sunday afternoon I actually saw the inside of the workshop. I hung the second of two big upper cabinets on the shop wall and cleaned up some clutter.

There's another eight feet or so of lower cabinet I want to build for the workshop, and then I can turn my attention back to some other unfinished project. :rolleyes:

Jim Becker
06-15-2015, 9:33 AM
Charles, good choice on the water heater...I have two tankless/on-demand units in our home and they are awesome.
Dennis, 'hope you had a nice birthday, despite having to work, and great idea getting that bowling ball re-holed (or whatever the correct term is) for one of your sons!
I did spend a bit of time in the shop this weekend completing all the construction tasks for my latest tack trunk commission, but had a minor setback in that I totally miscalculated the material requirement for the sapele trim...and the supplier was closed for the remainder of the weekend by the time I discovered the error. So I have to acquire some more sapele sometime this week during regular business hours so I can mill up more trim and complete that final work next weekend. I do not know when I'll move on to the "finish finish" phase as the client still has not provided artwork for the appliqué that will grace the front panel so I can get that laser cut and installed before starting to spray finish.

I also primed some new cabinet doors for a few places in the kitchen and painted one existing upper door to the new color to check out what application method I'm going to need to use to get the best result. That kitchen "refresh" is scheduled for the beginning of July when I'm taking some time off from work.

Otherwise, typical weekend...rode the pony, ran errands, mowed the lawn, attended to the herb garden, etc.

Shawn Pixley
06-15-2015, 9:43 AM
LOML had a girls weekend in LA so DS and I were on our own. I felt exhausted over a long week, so only essential items were prioritized. For recreation, I little guitarwas played. Knives were sharpened (not really recreation, but the stones were out and the knives needed a touch-up). I read a bit and watched the Women's World Cup. I did a bit of assembly on the colectors' box.

Charles Taylor
06-15-2015, 11:03 AM
Charles, good choice on the water heater...I have two tankless/on-demand units in our home and they are awesome.

Everyone we had talked to who has one loves it.

We had been talking about it on and off for a while, and maybe three weeks ago I told my wife that we needed to start planning for it, because whenever our old water heater decided to go, it wasn't going to give us much time to react. It was only a few days later that I noticed it leaking.

So far we're happy with the new one, although we weren't excited about having to do the replacement so soon after the last time we'd talked about it.