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View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Bill Lewis
08-15-2005, 6:35 AM
I've been in the mindset most of the summer that I wouldn't start any projects in the shop until this fall. I figured I'd be too busy with outside projects and such to spend any time in the shop. It's been so hot around here that I ended up doing neither. Well, I decided to change that this weekend. I started by culling some useable lumber from some cherry boards I have. I planed them awhile ago to get them out of the rough and get a good look at the grain etc. This weekend I stared jointing, ripping, planing, and cutting out the good. Basically making small sticks from big sticks.

This was also the first real trial for the new unisaw. I found I need to adjust the fence indicator, and investigate the "thunk" noise on startup (bad belts, or bad belt tensioning?) Otherwise it did awesome.

I also got to try out some resawing on the bandsaw using a new 1/4" bimetal blade and high tension. I installed the blade and some cool blocks I bought last winter, tensioned it up as per the recomendation, and went to town on this massive chunk of cherry I bought several years ago for leg stock. It started out as a 4.5" thick x 10.5" wide, by 8' long plank. I started by cutting a 3 ft. section to work with. The resawing on the bandsaw went great. I was amazed at how well this little blade was able to handle cutting through this thick stuff. So far I have about 5 useable 2"x2" legs and a couple of more possible.

I've got to sit down and do a little more planning for the table I'm building, but hey, I can't wait to get back to it.
What was I thinking!?

John Hart
08-15-2005, 7:12 AM
My BIL bought a lathe and was disappointed when he mounted up his first piece of wood only to watch it spin for 2 or 3 seconds and then die. I reserved Saturday to help troubleshoot the problem since it was really too big a hassle to return the lathe especially if the problem was something we could fix. Well, it only took about 20 minutes, and the help of a voltmeter, to discover that the problem was the power cord. We replaced the cord....Back in business!!
I spent the rest of the weekend working on pens and technique....a little website programming, time with the kids, getting ready for homeschooling, and other small stuff.
A very relaxing weekend for a change.:)

Kelly C. Hanna
08-15-2005, 8:07 AM
Only accomplishment was getting the last big load over this weekend. I am exhausted!

We're losing Lamar so I have to get back into the training mode. He's opening his own cabinet shop, everyone wish him luck!!

Earl Reid
08-15-2005, 8:27 AM
We had a busy weekend. went to the Ashtabula Co. Fair. Attended a open house in Albian Pa at a co that builds all kinds of flatbed trailers, they also held a old truck display, met some nice people. We went to a 50th wedding aniversery party and a birthday party. Also was able to turn a few pens. I didn't get the lawn mowed, :( maybe today.

Dennis Peacock
08-15-2005, 9:03 AM
Well...looks like Bill took my job from me this morning.!!! :eek: :D

Well, another weekend has come and gone and more work has been done on the church cabinet project. Some assembly has begun but the age old kids toys instructions seems to stick in my mind: Some Assembly Required!!!! Sheesh!!!! I got a LOT of parts to put toghether.!!!!

Anyway, cabinet work on Saturday and Friday evening with church on Sunday, family time Sunday evening and back to work for "work" today.

Been really HOT and Humid here this weekend, so staying inside is best for me.

So what did YOU do this weekend???

Best of weeks to you all...!!!!

Jim Dunn
08-15-2005, 9:06 AM
Started the retaining wall for a small shed I'm going to build for my wife. Posted pic in the Off Topic forum side. Wish it was for a dedicated shop:(

Keith Christopher
08-15-2005, 9:41 AM
Saturday lotsa shop time. Got alot accomplished. I started with a list of things to do. but then ended doing only a few actually on the list. This was because I went into the shop and I had needed to clean a little. And I decided I needed to organize my shop and get some of the clamps that don't have a rack in a rack. So off the the scrap pile I go. Then I decided I had too much scrap so I cleaned it out, spent alot of "why the heck did I keep this piece ?" then I worked on the cabinet I'm building, finally cutting out the robin's house for my daughter, milled up some 8/4 x 10' x 11" wide -heavy as all get out- lyptus for a bed I'm making, lots of assembly on the cabinet, cleaned up the shop BIG time. . . a few pics.

Robin's house




Milled lumber


clamp rack


08-15-2005, 9:50 AM
Like Bill, I'm usually a cold weather woodworker. But with temps near 100 and high humidity, I hid out in the nice cool basement shop Saturday. I started the drawer base units for beds for my kids. I was planning on getting the lumber and prepping it for the main bed, but the Wilson bridge revamp on the Beltway had the local wood supplier closed down for the weekend. Other places I could go would've put me in danger of getting caught up in the monster traffic jams myself, so I stayed put and will wait until next weekend.
Sunday the honey-do list caught up with me. I started painting the foyer. The 18' ceiling makes it slow going. I need one of those little giant type ladders.


Keith Foster
08-15-2005, 10:11 AM
Had a family reunion on Sunday, so Saturday was my only day in the shop/garage. I have a brand spanking new G0586 Jointer/Aircraft Carrier to assemble, but first I needed to make some room. So Saturday was spent getting the Bandsaw on a mobile base (G0513 - also new) and rearrainging the work space so that everything would fit. With that accomplished I was out of time and my arms felt like Godzilla had been setting on them. But the wife was quick to point out that I must have been doing all the heavy moving right this time, because my back was fine for a change. :D

I really wanted to begin the Jointer assembly, so I think I'll extend the weekend to tonight and play in the garage a while longer.

Scott Coffelt
08-15-2005, 10:12 AM
Man what a busy weekend, it rained heavily all weekend long it seemed. I think we got around 5 inches at my house. I really had planed to do much outside work, but instead stayed inside.

My main goal was to get the garage cleaned of boxes and such so I could park the vehicles back in. So I aranaged and rearranged brackets for ladders, bikes and such. I also have about 400bdft of lumber I had bought for the new house, so what to do with that. I wound up buying some of those heavy duty standrads and brackets from HD and mounted them on one wall in the garage. I set some scraps of wood ont he floor and began stacking, then continued with the brackets. I have a nice 4ft tall wall of wood now.

I did get my main task accomplished so the garage was full last night with vehicles.

SoI had a fork int he road this weekend, make some shelves for the guest rom or buy something. I must say, I failed the WWing moto and bought some inexpensive shelves from Lowes. I decide for the $60 spent on the shleves, I couldn't make for that cheap and fast. I must be banished. I also hung pictures back up, and installed a new ceiling fan, new combo printer/fax/scanner/copier for the office pc.

Somewhere I got a chance to watch a movie.

Hank Knight
08-15-2005, 10:25 AM
I bought a 10" 1HP bench grinder at an auction last month. It is almost unused, but it had sat in the owners work shed for a long time and was pretty grimy. I took it apart to clean before we left for vacation several weeks ago and the parts were scattered all over the shop and in the way. I spent Saturday finishing that task. I now have a clean, shiny monster grinder that runs smooth as silk. It should easily take care of any grinding job I can throw at it.

Last week the final installment of Lie-Nilesen replacement plane irons and chipbreakers arrived for my Stanley planes. I spent Sunday afternoon flattening, sharpening and installing them. They really make a noticeable difference - a nice upgrade.

Now that I have recovered my shop from the array of grimy grinder parts and have my planes back in order, I can get back to work on the cherry kitchen press I've been promising SWMBO for several years (she's been very patient).

Mike Ramsey
08-15-2005, 10:46 AM
Saturday attended a Turners club meeting, Got two big chunks from a Palm
tree, got home and rough turned them, man were they wet! Had to clean
and wax every tool within 6 foot of the lathe. Sunday was spent turning, cleaning and building a couple of jigs and a tool holder for the lathe tools.

Charles Hans
08-15-2005, 10:48 AM
Pretty relaxing weekend here, spent some time Saturday finishing up the Vacuum chucking system for my old lathe, I still have to get a couple of hose fittings to complete it. Sunday after church, I went to the IRL race at Ky speedway with my daughter and son in law. We had a great day tailgating and getting toasted in the sun, but time well spent. Today back to the basement shop for some play time.

Matt Meiser
08-15-2005, 10:56 AM
No woodworking for me. We pulled a few bushes and trimmed the rest on Saturday. Sunday was spent doing family stuff. Tonight I plan to spend a little time in the shop working on some small projects, and I'm working on what will hopefully be a wood gloat for next weekend.

Steve Clardy
08-15-2005, 11:00 AM
Been working on a set of kitchen cabinets all week, and did a partial install of the lower cabs and counter tops.
Trying to finish up the upper cabs saturday, and also did my taxes, before my extension expired. Got them done late sunday.
Now on to getting my books done for this year. Yea. I haven't done hardly any bookwork for this year. I just keep getting farther behind.
Start fresh this morning I guess. Finished up a kitchen island for this job, then start the raised panel arched doors.

Ed Lang
08-15-2005, 11:26 AM
Had fun with a little larger bowl blank

I got the following three bowls out of it

Michael Gabbay
08-15-2005, 11:26 AM
I finally got back in the shop for some real woodworking. I started on some replacement doors for a built in that I did last year for a friend. I also started to mill the lumber for the doors and drawers for the vanity I'm working on for our master bathroom.

Finally, I finished spraying the vanity cabinet. 8 coats of Oxford USL semi gloss white for the frame and exposed side, and 5 coats of clear satin USL for the interior. Given the heat and humidity that we've had for the week I think it came pretty nice. I'll post pictures this week once I get it installed.


Tyler Howell
08-15-2005, 11:38 AM
Spent part of the weekend tuning up the DJ20. Can only spare an hour at a time as there are so many other demands on the time.

A little family time and yard work.
Got out and enjoyd the beautiful weather.

Jim Hager
08-15-2005, 12:05 PM
I mostly spent the weekend visiting my son who was home from Farmington.
I did get a plywood cart welded up on Saturday. Man was it hot or what in Arkansas. Sunday afternoon late I finally got around to doing stuff that had been ordered in the middle of last week.

Today I'm in my office at school getting ready to fire off another school year. :mad: This one is #27 of 28 needed for retirement.;) I dread getting started but bring it on, only one more to go after this one is over.:D
I've got to finish an office project this week so I can fire up on a kitchen that I was supposed to work on this weekend and didn't get to.

Jeff Sudmeier
08-15-2005, 12:38 PM
I didn't get much work done this weekend... We had a relay for life event Friday night and ran errands on saturday, on Sunday we went to the in-laws for my MIL bday.

I did get a little work on the final one of the SUPER SECRET projects :)

Von Bickley
08-15-2005, 1:24 PM
No woodworking this week-end. Spent the week-end at Tybee Island, about 18 miles from Savannah, GA. Great beach to lay back and relax. Savannah also offers some great tours of the city. You are also about 45 minutes from the outlets at Hilton Head if that's your thing to do. ;)

Jim O'Dell
08-15-2005, 1:43 PM
I was off this weekend. Spent time working on the cyclone, both days. Knew I didn't have everything I needed to complete it, so worked slow in the heat. Painted the "tree that I'll hang the cyclone from. I found that the black styrofoam that Ed ships the Cear Vue cyclones in is a great sound deadening source. I've cut pieces to set the "tree" on, and some to keep it from touching the wall. Makes a dull thud when you hit it with the butt of your hand. Hit the closet wall and the whole wall rings. It's primed and painted. I've got some bolts to attach the cyclone mounting ring to the bottom of the blower housing (Thanks for the help Phill W.!!!) I got to the point of mounting the impeller to the motor shaft, and no set screw!! But that's life. And I still don't have electricity to the shop, so it's no big deal.
Did find the Mosquito Magnet on sale at HD for 190.00 1/2 acre model. Hopefully it will make being outside in the back yard a little more tolerable.

Andrew Ault
08-15-2005, 1:59 PM
Put in 220 in my garage so the used Unisaw I purchased, cleaned and adjusted will now...ready for it?...RUN. My neighbor, the technical director for a television station, helped me wire it (I watched and asked questions). What a great neighbor he is.

I really like the power of the thing when I hit the big green button. It's been a long, long road of no space and portable tablesaws. In the last three years I found the LOML, house, dog and...half of a two car garage for a workshop. I feel like I won a lottery.

I spent some time tuning the saw, getting things flush, parallel and slick. The top looks good...burnished and slick instead of stained and rusty. I think I'll end up replacing the belts with link belts as the belts on it were sitting in one position for years and vibrate.

Vaughn McMillan
08-15-2005, 2:56 PM
Busy weekend and the temps were down a bit here in Lost Angeles, so I got some shop time in. After a trip to the local Rockler, I milled some walnut, maple and purple heart stock for the next few cutting boards and got the first glue-up in the clamps.

Also made a bit of progress on a couple other cutting boards that are close to being ready to finish. These two have a "frame" around the rest of the board, and I'm thinking of doing a spline on the edge of the corners, at 45* in relation to the sides of the boards. (I'm betting there's a name for this type of joint; I don't know what it is, though.) Anyway, I figured I'd use a jig for doing these, but to really make it work right, I needed to make a new aux fence for the TS. I built one similar to the one in Jim Tolpin's Tablesaw Magic, and now I'll build the rip fence sled that's in the same book. (This is the first thing I've built out of 3/4" BB plywood, and I'm lovin' the stuff.) With the vertical sled, I'll be able to do the splined corners for my cutting boards easily.

The rest of the weekend was used up running errands and taking care stuff around the house (as little as possible) and visiting with the future MIL, who's been in the hospital for a week or so.

- Vaughn

Jim Becker
08-15-2005, 5:19 PM
Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. I did a lot of that...


DVD of the week was Sideways, a nice mild comedy...not as good as I was expecting, but entertaining.

Lee DeRaud
08-15-2005, 7:13 PM
SoI had a fork in the road this weekend, make some shelves for the guest rom or buy something. I must say, I failed the WWing motto and bought some inexpensive shelves from Lowes. I decide for the $60 spent on the shleves, I couldn't make for that cheap and fast. I must be banished.Great minds think alike.:cool: Spent Saturday assembling my old oak TV stand and stereo cabinets into an impromptu entertainment unit for my GF, plus setting up her new computer. Sunday went shopping for shelves and brackets to put on the wall at my place where the stereo cabs had been. Found some really neat extruded aluminum brackets at Ikea of all places, ended up getting some of their cheap beech veneer shelves. Installed them today...redeemed myself somewhat in the "sawdust" department by ripping the 11" store-bought shelves down to 9". The brackets are good enough that I won't mind putting some good wood shelves on them eventually if the need/opportunity arises.

Norman Hitt
08-15-2005, 7:35 PM
I cleaned the Pine cones/needles & leaves out on One of the shop gutters that was FULL and discovered they installed it with the slope going AWAY from the drain end, (will have to redo that and probably the other one too), then dug up and replanted some night Lillies in another bed for the LOML. Hobbled around on my "Recently Bum" knee Very late Friday, (when I saw it was going to rain all weekend), trying to keep up with the Green & Yellow machine over the front & back yard, (what a sight that should have been), but I had to stop short of the alley as the "sprinkles" became a downpour. Oh well, the yard looked nice Sunday nite when the LOML & her Mom got home from their Dallas Area trip. Cleaned & polished the water/mineral ring buildup in three toilets with Useless chemicals, and finally with 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper, and white 3M scrub pads, (Nice White & Shiney again), worked til my back gave out scraping LATEX paint & texture from a long ceiling crack to get ready for repair, (there's just no EASY way, that I've found, to repair a textured ceiling that's been painted w/latex). Spent about 45 minutes picking a key out of a deadbolt lock that broke off when I inserted the key to lock the door at the MIL's house. I don't know how it waited until "I" used it, to break, as a close inspection showed that it had been cracked almost completely through for a long enough time that the metal in the crack had turned dark. Watched it rain for the rest of the weekend and I swear I could see that Grass growing. :(

John Cavanaugh
08-16-2005, 1:49 AM
Got back from date night saturday with the wife (Pizza, Ikea & Lowes). We had stopped at lowes to pick some stuff up. as i got out of the car, i grabbed the lowes bag and the handle on the bag broke.

The bag dropped to the ground and somehow punctured the can of bright orange spray paint that i bought, spraying it all over the place. I managed to kicked it out of the way of the car quickly into the rose bushes on the side of our driveway (This was especially important since the car door was still open!!). My shoes definitely took one for the team and were covered in orange...

I was able to clean up the car pretty easily since the paint was wet etc. But a ton of bright orange paint on the driveway highlighted the path the bag/can took on its way to the rosebushes.

So here its like 10pm and completely dark out and Im firing up the power washer, turning on all the outside lights and trying to wash the driveway guiding my progress with a flashlight.

After about an hour or so I was able to get most of the paint off the driveway. So I called it a night.

Next morning when I went to take a shower I noticed something. Since I was wearing shorts, I ended up with a ton of orange spots on my legs from the paint. It looks like I have some wierd disease/rash. Pretty funny actually. Sorry, no pictures, even if you ask. ;)

John Cavanaugh