View Full Version : SketchUp Resources - INVALUABLE

Sam Murdoch
06-12-2015, 10:08 AM
I'm a casual SketchUp user by definition. I use it real hard - every 3 or 4 months - and then nothing until the next little project. Been like this for years. My models keep getting better but I am still "a SU beginner" as I really need to teach myself practically every time I start up again. Self taught and my workarounds are often wayyyyyy too time consuming and barely workable. I can make a pretty picture but geez I work too long and hard. That's my situation and my problem.

Anyway - I still fantasize that one day... Towards that end - I have at least subscribed to receive SketchUpdate emails and as a result get huge bursts of inspiration which leads me to create this post.

I'm sure there are others here on the Creek who have tried SU and gotten discouraged or are casual users like me who never really use it to the best advantage. Beginners, wannabes, pretty goods and better - if you aren't on the SketchUpdate mailing list you are missing out. The most recent includes two great items for beginners - woodworkers and interior designers (excellent, even if you are only doing one wall at a time - like a kitchen or library). http://blog.sketchup.com/sketchupdate . I recommend the quick read "Six rules for success..." and the hour long video "SketchUp tips for interior designers". Worth the time just to get excited about all the possibilities. Mostly - I encourage you to sign up. Just sayin'

Cheers, Sam

James Tibbetts
06-12-2015, 11:58 AM
Great info Sam. I'm in the same boat....project every few months and learn all over again. This should help.

Dave Richards
06-12-2015, 5:29 PM
Another excellent resource is Sketchucation (http://sketchucation.com/forums/) which has a very active forum, a huge collection of plugins and extensions as well as tutorials and resources for materials, components, styles, etc. The PluginStore plugin makes it easy to automatically install plugins and manage them. Combined with the SketchUp Extension Warehouse there's over 1000 plugins/extensions available.

glenn bradley
06-12-2015, 7:28 PM
+1 on Sketchucation.