View Full Version : Edge Banding Woes

Jack Hogoboom
08-14-2005, 2:43 PM
I was working on a birch ply shop cabinet this weekend. I applied birch edge banding that was pre-glued wih hot melt adhesive. Everything seemed to go fine. I put a coat of boiled linseed oil on the cabinet, including the edge banding. This morning, the edge banding just peeled right off. Any thoughts about what went wrong and how to avoid similar problems in the future would be greatly appreciated.



Don Selke
08-14-2005, 3:27 PM
Hi Jack:

I think you need to supply more information concerning your edge banding, How did you apply it (what heat source etc.) How old was the edge banding is another conscideration. A hot iron seems to work best for me, I have never had any success with a hot air system. When I apply the edge banding with the hot iron, I also apply pressure to the edge banding with a rubber roller the same one I use for counter tops. I am not an expert on edge banding but this method has worked for me on all my projects requiring edge banding. Another conscideration would be to laminate thin strips of material to the edging of your product rather then to use edge banding. I am sure that some of the experts will jump in and give you some more options.

Jack Hogoboom
08-14-2005, 4:56 PM

I used a heating iron left over from my model airplane days. The edge banding is probably a year or two old. I did not use a roller, but used my fingers to press it down as I went. I was pretty sure it was all adhered when I started to finish it.



Charlie Plesums
08-14-2005, 6:15 PM
If you pressed it down with your fingers, either you don't have any skin left or it wasn't hot enough. I suspect you could just heat it again with a hot iron.

After showly ironing, I press hard/rub with a hardwood block until it cools... sometimes taking 10 seconds or so before it cools enough that I can touch it.

John Renzetti
08-14-2005, 6:38 PM
Hi, Unless the glue itself has a problem you might be able to reheat and reapply. If the whole strip of banding came off make sure the edge is clean and then reapply a new piece of banding. Finger pressure is probably not going to do it. You a block of wood like Charlie suggests. A roller will provide more pressure. If this piece comes off then discard the remainder and purchase a new batch.
take care,