View Full Version : How to build a 38" Diameter Segmented picture / mirror frame.

Tim Boger
06-08-2015, 8:25 PM
I have a potential customer asking if I can turn / build a 38" picture frame similar to one pictured. This one was just under my lathes max of 14 inches.

How would you do this ?

How much would you charge?


Malcolm Tibbetts
06-08-2015, 8:51 PM
Tim, I hate to sound like a salesman, but in my Volume 8 DVD, I show the assembly and turning of large diameter rings (up to 46"). Regarding cost, it would partially depend upon wood species. It would also depend upon how many layers of rings you stack into the assembly. I would recommend not building this with just one segmented ring; three brick-layed rings would be much better.

Doug Herzberg
06-08-2015, 8:52 PM
Router and jig, but then it wouldn't be a turning.

Tim Boger
06-08-2015, 9:01 PM
Hey Malcolm, Thanks for the feedback.

I can imagine how much stronger a 3 layered design would be. I currently own volumes 1-5, perhaps this project will allow me to purchase the rest of your dvds.


Tim Boger
06-08-2015, 9:04 PM
I figured the router would be an option, I'm not so sure I want to be standing in front of a 38" spinning segmented piece.

Thanks Doug,

Michelle Rich
06-09-2015, 6:10 AM
I don't think Doug meant to use the router on the lathe while the piece spins..he is saying ( I think) to skip the lathe..make the segmentation and use a router to round over the edges.

Tim Boger
06-09-2015, 6:50 AM
Morning Michelle,

I do understand the method using a router requires, I've worked through the project in my head and it's doesn't seem to difficult.

Thanks for your thoughts.
