View Full Version : An Adventurous Maple Bowl Morning

David Delo
06-08-2015, 2:49 PM
Maybe stuff like this doesn't happen to you........but I wake up today all excited and ready to go tackle this maple pile because I had some extra free time today. Wanted to get at least 3 good sized bowls from this blank that measured 14" x 6" once I got it all rounded off and flat. This is the 3rd blank from this batch of maple and it's got a few punky spots that I've been able to clean up to acceptable levels with a little walnut oil and a sharp 40/40 grind.

This blank was the same way but as I inspect everything before putting the coring tool on the lathe I discover a few cracks (see pics) and found a pith the entered the top and exited the side of the bowl near the top edge and top. After hemming & hawing & thinking about what I should do......decided to dig into the bowl down about 2 1/2" to see if I could get rid of it.

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Well it didn't look any better underneath than it did on the surface............so next decision point......what to do next? Decided to core out the inside and get at least 1 bowl out of this mess. It would be a 9.5" bowl maybe 3" deep. At this point...okay I'll take whatever I can get.

I start coring and everything is going well and know I'm just about to a point where I can break away the core and I'm about 1/2 second away from withdrawing pressure............and the core pops out and falls to the floor and splits into 2 pieces!!!!!!!!!


After a couple not pure thoughts..........back to the drawing board. The inside of the remaing bowl looked and felt solid and crack free so I faced off the rest of 2.5" from the top of the bowl and cleaned out the inside to uniform thickness. Ends up being 14" x almost 4" and just shy of 1.5" wall thickness. CA glued all the cracks and achorsealed it. It's stored away for now not to be seen again for awhile.


I'm no expert at all this stuff and maybe I was being too cautious and could have just cored the thing from the start but just didn't feel comfortable cutting through suspect areas with a coring tool.

Michael Mason
06-08-2015, 2:58 PM
I have had quite a few pieces that after I started roughing had cracks become visible. I either cut the cracked portion off if possible with the bandsaw, or make firewood out of it. It is too dangerous to me to have a piece of wood spinning in circles with cracks in it. It hurts my feelings to throw it out, but hurt feelings are better than a hurt head!

Doug Herzberg
06-08-2015, 4:19 PM
David, I've spent a lot of time saving bad wood. Occasionally, it's worth it. as for the danger, well, I've had a good life. Just kidding. I take every precaution.

This looks like a beautiful tree, but you have a bunch, don't you? I've been having trouble with yellow CA stains, as you know, but I know a guy who's good with an airbrush. Hope to see it when you're done.

charlie knighton
06-08-2015, 5:08 PM
......cracks = danger.............not good stuff........there is more wood

punky places.....use imagination as long as not going to come apart or in your tendon.......in travels out west I see pottery in museums that are "in the style" of the ancients, then the next display is glued together pottery shards......they are great......they would go for much more outside of a museum, sort of name your price......I try to incorportate that value/oldness/antique in my calabash zia series

David Delo
06-08-2015, 7:31 PM
Charlie, Doug & Michael,

Thanks for the advice and wisdom about safety. I've got a few more pieces of these blanks and if I get another one like this one.........it will become a bunch of birdhouses.

hu lowery
06-08-2015, 8:19 PM
CA doesn't withstand shock well at all. This type of repair wood glue may be best. Maybe two part epoxy.

I bought a bunch of CA awhile back, looks like I am going to eat most of it, limited uses for it.


William Bachtel
06-08-2015, 9:23 PM
If its cracked find a piece that is not cracked, make firewood out of it. Start with sound wood, so you end up with a nice bowl, and no damage to your head.