View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-08-2015, 8:48 AM
8 June 2015

Good Morning Everyone,
I've been really enjoying the weather over the past week (no rain) and the land is starting to get dry enough to mow and such. Many water ways are still fairly high compared to what they should be this time of year under normal conditions. Just glad to see no more rain for at least another week or so. :)
The guitar project is in the "finish is curing" phase and I hope that we will work on getting the finishes rubbed out this coming weekend if all goes well and the oncall duty for the day job doesn't call for my attention too much.

We had out of town family last week and I took the week off to spend it at home with family for the entire week. It was a really good week of visiting, doing things with family, and just catching up on family stuff for once. A wonderful time was experienced by all of us and I look forward to the next time we all get together like that.

My 2 youngest sons and I have taken up the sport of bowling. It is something that they like doing and something that I used to compete in. Man, I never dreamed that not bowling for over 30 years could have such a negative impact on all my old bowling league day memories.!! :)
At least my sons and I can do something together that doesn't involve work but in building relationships and allowing me to spend time with them that isn't tied to a computer.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jesse Busenitz
06-08-2015, 9:28 AM
Had family reunion with my dad's side of the family. 12 siblings in that family and including the great grandchildren we were close to 140 people. Way to much fun, but I'm about ready to call it a day, and it's not even 9 am.....:( I did do a little planning/drawing for my new shop build.

Shawn Pixley
06-08-2015, 9:48 AM
LOML and I worked on complete our next trip plans. Twice last week I got up at 3:00 to call Europe to address an issue that couldn't be resolve over the web. In any case we got the trains and hotels all worked out and reserved / purchased. I serviced my car and got two new tires for the rear. I took LOML out for dinner and a movie. Sunday she wasn't feeling well, so I cleaned up the shop after a little work on my collector's box / case. I then scored a '57 Fender Champ Amp (5F1) for a really good price (stealth gloat for the guitar players). Three weeks to go before my company's summer shutdown.

Mike Ontko
06-08-2015, 10:38 AM
Spent the bulk of the weekend working on the platform bed project I've mentioned in other posts. Got the legs completed (pics later, and in another thread), and then started milling the pieces for the side rails and head/foot rails. I stopped after removing just a little over half of the material that I'll need for final sizing, but for now they're resting in a stickered pile. To help me complete the legs, I also spent about 3 hours flattening and then sharpening/honing the blade of my cheapie Buck Bros. No. 5 jack plane. It certainly cuts (and rips and tears) cleaner than it did before, but I'm convinced now that I need to upgrade to a LV 4-1/2 or something similar.

Tom Hyde
06-08-2015, 11:18 AM
I'm in a race against the grapes!

With the sun and the heat I've watched them grow a foot off the old mature vine in just the last week. I thought I better get the top lattice on the grape arbor in place before I'm overrun so I started work on finishing the 500 sq. ft. arbor. Built the main structure out of all 6x6 cedar last year. Now I'm putting on the top "lattice" for the grapes. Developed a template and started cutting the curved supports (notched 2x to go on top of those). 8 down, only 32 more to go! Back at it today. Plane, joint, trace, saw, sand, plane, joint, trace, saw, sand, plane, joint trace, saw, sand, plane, joint, trace, saw, sand ...


Charles Wiggins
06-08-2015, 11:50 AM
Finished splitting and stacking the maple I took in for firewood at the beginning of March. Made about 2 cords total. (Still want to take in 2 cords of oak.) Replaced the valve on our rainwater collection tank. Adjusted both storm doors so they would actually close - one involved shims, the other, replacement screws. Replaced the pocket door hardware for the kid's/guest bathroom - still have to reinstall the door trim and patch the access hole I had to cut in the bathroom wall. At least they don't have to pick up the door and put it in the doorway for privacy anymore.

Saturday night is always Bible study time for Sunday morning. Sunday is always laundry day.

Jebediah Eckert
06-08-2015, 11:58 AM
Grew the log pile.......


Anthony Whitesell
06-08-2015, 1:57 PM
After asking why I looked so sore, I added up what I did this weekend. I moved 2 yards (~5klbs) of fill, cut and moved brush and limbs (~3klbs), then cut and moved 5klbs of firewood rounds on Saturday. On Sunday, I milled ~800 bdft of lumber (~3klbs) and then hauled and stickered 2/3 of lumber (~2klbs). In total, I moved 18,000 pounds of material plus hauled in a weeks worth of groceries. Now I really understand why the old body is feeling old. Better yet, I get to do it all again next weekend.

Greg Hines, MD
06-08-2015, 2:40 PM
I cleaned out a couple of truckloads of garage crap, most of which I am not even sure why I ever bothered saving it in the first place. I also found a pair of Incra Miter bars, which I did not even remember I had bought, and in the mail received two pairs of Woodpeckers X-mat secure strips, which I plan to use to make a storage area for their L-brackets. Those are handy, but cumbersome to store, so a rack they can fit into is in order.


William A Johnston
06-08-2015, 3:52 PM
I had a great time doing yard work and cleaning out a back yard shed Saturday. We have had so much rain this year I have neglected my honey doo's around the yard. I ended up taking a truck full of old junk to a dumpster on sunday, burned a bunch of rotten wood that has been in my yard for years and sprayed some flee and tick and spider pest control. Got to plane some boards Friday night but that was the extent of any woodworking.


Jim Becker
06-08-2015, 8:10 PM
Made significant progress on my latest tack trunk project, getting the drawer built and the "field" colored and ready for the sapele trim to be installed. While it's not a product I normally use, Minwax Gunstock stain was the perfect coloration agent for the QSWO to get the exact contract my client wants between the trim and the "field" of the faux frame and panel design I do.

I also replaced some worn components on two toilets, bought the paint for the upcoming kitchen refresh and got the herb garden mostly planted. Oh, and rode the pony. :)

Lastly, made a delicious cedar plank salmon with puréed yukon gold potatoes and carrot with grilled asparagus for Saturday night's dinner.


Mike Wilkins
06-09-2015, 10:39 AM
OK Jim, you need to stop posting pics like that. Plank salmon and asparagus combo is one of my favorites. Probably my lunch choice tomorrow.
Mike, currently sitting at my work desk salivating.