View Full Version : Something found at habitat for humanity restore

Michael Weber
06-05-2015, 7:31 PM
King Machinery 15 inch planer. Evidently just arrived as it's still outside on a pallet and unpriced. No idea if it works or possible value. Single Phase 2HP 220V. Looks kind of rough. Potential value if the motor runs?

Steve Kinnaird
06-05-2015, 7:40 PM
Just the fact that it is 15 inch is a great find.

Wade Lippman
06-05-2015, 7:56 PM
I presume you are asking what to offer for it? If you mechanical, enjoy a project and need a planer, maybe $100? If it turns out to be impractical it will make a great boat mooring and it is for charity.

Matt Day
06-05-2015, 8:26 PM
I have a feeling they're going to price it around $300 if I were to take a stab at it, based on the restore pricing at the one I've been too. They price old beat up cman RAS's at $100.
The one you ask about doesn't look in that bad of shape. I'd offer $150-200 if you get time to inspect it and check it out thoroughly.

Michael Weber
06-05-2015, 8:38 PM
Fred, its a 15 inch planer.

Steve Kinnaird
06-05-2015, 11:58 PM
The Habitat Restore in my area is usually very low on the pricing.
I have picked up some great deals there.

Keep us posted if you try to buy it.

Michael Weber
06-06-2015, 7:22 PM
Couple of more pictures taken in my daughters garage. Will stay with her until I make it back with a pickup on the next trip. Haven't started it yet. Wired for 110 volts and no 20 amp outlet available. May try rewiring for 220 and hooking it in some where. Thought I was going to bust a gut getting off the pickup bed. $150 plus I made a 20 dollar donation so $170 altogether.

Steve Kinnaird
06-06-2015, 8:51 PM
It looks like it is in great shape.
Look forward to hearing how well it works.

Michael Weber
06-07-2015, 4:21 PM
My daughter had a 20 amp outlet in the garage so plugged it in and seems to work well. Blades seem pretty sharp and it came with an extra set as well. Ran a pine board through and got a floor full of nice long shavings. Need to lube and de-rust a little. No dust collection hood but looks like it will be easy to adapt an HVAC boot. Missing the knife setting gauge it originally came with:( but I'm pretty happy:D Even though I'm practically deaf it will be a relief to not have my DW 733 screaming. Ironically, just last week I disassembled my 733 to clean, lube the chains/posts/gears, replace the belt and sharpen the blades.

Steve Kinnaird
06-07-2015, 8:39 PM
That's excellent news.
Enjoy your find !

julian abram
06-07-2015, 11:28 PM
Hey Mike, great find and great buy! After you get it all fixed up you can sell it to me for what you have in it!

david brum
06-07-2015, 11:55 PM
Mike, I have an identical planer. Mine is converted to a helix head, so I have a knife gauge that I don't need. You're welcome to it. Just PM me.

Rod Sheridan
06-08-2015, 8:59 AM
Hi Michael, $500 is reasonable starting place for the planer...............Regards, Rod.

David Nelson1
06-08-2015, 10:10 AM
Looks like the blade changes and adjustment will be easier than on an old Delta Invetra(???) 4 posts

Michael Weber
06-08-2015, 7:42 PM
David, I PMed you but it says your inbox is full and cannot except any more PMs until some are cleared. I would be happy to accept your offer and happy to pay for it and for sure will pay postage. I can PayPal or send a check.

Julian, sure thing :rolleyes:. Be a bit of a wait as this thing is in my daughters garage in Medford, OR where it will await my next trip up in my truck later this summer. So patience Grasshopper. LOL. BTW Advanced Bionics has agreed that my CI is not performing properly (soft failure, meaning nobody knows what the heck the problem is) and will pay for a re-implant. Going with a longer array and hoping it works out better this time.

Rod, that's what I was thinking and told my daughter if something happened to me :eek: before I could pick it up to list it on CL for 550 and not take less than 475.

David N. Good to hear. I've no experience with either but easy is always better. David Brum's generous offer will surely help.

lowell holmes
06-08-2015, 7:52 PM
The DW screaming is the reason I have ear muff hearing protection in my shop. And if I leave them on, I can tell SWMBO I didn't hear her.;)

(not really)

david brum
06-08-2015, 11:00 PM
OK Mike, try again to PM me now. Who knew I had so many PMs?

You can certainly have the gauge for the price of shipping. It's not the prettiest tool, but it does work.

Rick Potter
06-09-2015, 1:26 PM
I am still shocked by the fact that the blades are still sharp and working......plus extra blades!!

That never happens. Never, never, never.

John Hubbs
06-09-2015, 2:24 PM
I don't have any experience with that particular planer. I believe you can find a manual for it on Grizzly's site. I believe Grizzly, Delta, Woodtek and a few others sale or sold similar models. I have read the motor over the cutter head models are more difficult to change blades in as the motor gets in the way some. I know one person with one and he likes the fact he can set up aux outfeed and infeed tables and not have to move them again as the head goes up and down, not the table.
Enjoy, and be sure to wear that hearing protection even if the tool seems "not too loud". It will take it's toll non the less...

Michael Weber
06-09-2015, 4:09 PM
John, always good advice. I am one of at least three members here that have been implanted with a cochlear implant device. If noise bothers me I can simply pull the head piece off and I am totally deaf. Not ideal but better than listening to loud noises:) interestingly, since a cochlear implant bypasses the ear structures that are damaged by loud noises, my "artificial" hearing will not deteriorate from exposure to noise.

julian abram
06-09-2015, 4:21 PM
Mike, you know a "real" motorcycle rider could tow that little planner in a cycle cart down from Medford!

Bob DeWolfe
06-09-2015, 4:33 PM
If you try King Canada.com and look for the CT380C you should be able to print off a manual. I believe it is the same machine.

There is also a parts manual available.



Michael Weber
06-09-2015, 9:19 PM
Julian, I had made plans to ride my bike to Medford but that got cancelled at the last couple of days due to a variety of reasons. Maybe later when I have more time. I have a bike that could pull that but not something I want to do for 2200 miles:eek:

Bob, thanks for that info, I will check it out. Always nice to have a parts source.

John Hubbs
06-10-2015, 11:33 AM
I too am hearing impaired. My new hearing aids have a remote for them I keep in my pocket and are Bluetooth. I just hit the mute button and everything is silent. One of the only advantages of our disability.
Interestingly, as I am an Industrial Electrician, I have found I can detect eddy currents and harmonics in motors and transformers that other people are not aware of. The feedback in my hearing aids makes it
easily detectable. Perhaps I should ask for a raise? LOL

Michael Weber
06-10-2015, 2:33 PM
LOL John. Maybe you should. I wore HA's for 45 years and and am aware of that magic hearing ability. Leaking microwave ovens were my forte :) Amazing what one can pick up on telecoil mode. Made it impossible to use around strong electrical fields.