View Full Version : Neoprene Bottle Stoppers

Russell Neyman
06-04-2015, 10:48 PM
I have a summer season demand for low cost items that passersby at my shop door want. For the past few years, bottle stoppers selling for 8 to 25 dollars each has done the trick, but I've never felt confident that the neoprene version would stay put. There really isn't a glue that sticks to both wood and the "rubber" sleeve. Today, I whipped out this one, and added a series of grooves that really seems to grip tightly onto the sleeve.

Pat Scott
06-05-2015, 11:22 AM
I have several silicone stoppers that I made years ago and we use at home. Only until recently has one of the stoppers had the silicone slip off the dowel. I think I put a couple drops of CA (because it's a clear glue) to keep it in place. I like your grooves idea.

Michael Armstrong
06-05-2015, 3:01 PM
I've added aquarium silicone and even shoogoo and both just add a little more friction that prevents slippage. I bet the combination of the grooves and some silicone caulk would be even better.


Alan Morris
06-05-2015, 3:31 PM
I used silicone stoppers too (during several years). But I faced with the same problem as Pat mentioned. It's an awesome idea, Russel! You're a generator of ideas! Keep on doing that.