View Full Version : Referring to threads

Byron Trantham
08-13-2005, 9:19 AM
How do I point to a "picture" I previously posted in a new thread?

Jim Becker
08-13-2005, 9:23 AM
Theoretically, you can right click on that photo to get the link and then use it in the new thread. I've frankly had problem with that working...the link appears rather than the picture. Perhaps Aaron can clear up the specific quirks of the forum software in this respect. (I have zero issues with linking to photos at other sites)

Gary Bingham
08-13-2005, 11:45 AM
If you just want to refer to the original post, and only the original post, you can right click on the number at the top right of the post (for example, the #3 on this post) and select copy link location, copy shortcut, or whatever it is for the browser you are using. Then paste it in a new post. Then when someone clicks on it, it'll automatically take them to that individual post. Here's Jim's post above as an example:


If you want to link to a whole thread, and have it go directly to a post, then one way to do it is to copy and paste the link to the thread, then add #post followed by the post number that you want it to go to. You can get the post number by moving the mouse over the number to the top right and looking in the bottom of the browser at the status bar. The p=xxxxxx is the post number. Surely there's an easier way to do it, but this way works. Again, Jim's post as an example:


If you want to basically copy an attached image in to a new post, probably the easiest way is to just copy the html from the old post. For example, I'll use this thread:


Right click on the image and select properties. In the image address you can get the attachment id, for the first image it's 22572. Go to view, page source, and it'll open the page source in a text editor. Do a search for the attachment id number, and it'll go to the source for that image. If you want it to be exactly like normal attached images (with the border around it, and text at bottom) you can copy and paste from the fieldset class part down to the /fieldset. Like I did here:

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Attached Images</legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">

<img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=22572" target="_blank"><br />
<span class="smallfont">(08-13-05 005s.jpg, 89.8 KB bytes)</span><br /><br />


Or another way is to just get the image attachment address and paste it in an img src tag then just close it. It'll post it just like a regular image. Again, there almost has to be an easier way to do it, but either of these ways will work. I'm not sure why you can't just use the attachment address with the bracketed IMG tags that the message editor uses, but it'll work fine with the img src= way of doing it.

Byron Trantham
08-13-2005, 2:22 PM
ok, let's try it...


Byron Trantham
08-13-2005, 2:24 PM

Byron Trantham
08-14-2005, 1:41 PM
try #3

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Attached Images</legend>
<div style="padding:3px">
<img class="attach" src="attachment.php?attachmentid=9628&amp;stc=1" border="0" alt="" />&nbsp;

Byron Trantham
08-14-2005, 1:42 PM
well try#3 worked fine. :D Boy is it convoluted (from an end user's point of view) :mad:

Aaron Koehl
08-15-2005, 10:09 AM

Yeah, I'm trying not to make too many modifications to the software which complicates upgrades. However, this appears to be an issue they're working to make easier in the new versions.

Just as a side note, it's probably better to just post a link to a previous post rather than the picture itself-- that way the picture can be viewed (and the previous discussion seen) in its original context.