View Full Version : Cherry Moisture Content Question for DC Area Creeker

Bob Coleman
05-31-2015, 3:20 PM
Would someone in the DC area be so kind as to measure the moisture content of 3/4" thick, well seasoned cherry? I'm making a piece headed that way and am curious how much different it is from here (it has been a super humid spring here)


Ed Aumiller
05-31-2015, 9:58 PM
Live about 70 miles or so from DC...
The MC of cherry in my house right now is about 7.6% on furniture that is 5-10 years old..
The MC of 5 year old rough cherry in my shop which is semi-heated in winter (keep it about 60 degrees) is about 8.5%
Measured with both a Delmhorst pin meter and a Wagner pinless meter..

Normally the MC will be similar for most homes that are heated in the winter...
Recommend you use 8% MC wood if possible.. if higher, allow for shrinkage in the winter..

Bob Coleman
05-31-2015, 11:49 PM
Thanks Ed! It been ridiculously wet here (rained everyday for the past three week until yesterday) and the board I'm working with is at 10% (Wagner pinless). Pieces I finished last fall are around 8.5%.

Really I'm just looking to see which end of the slot I should put the screw in.

Thanks again!

Brian W Smith
06-01-2015, 8:04 AM
Brought some homecut 4/4 Cherry in the shop on 5/14..........Just before we pegged on the humidity,which has since backed of a bit(lasted about a week,and was brutal).

Cut 15 years ago?Air dryed in a barn loft.In anycase thanks for the brain jog,I needed to check it anyway.8-9%