View Full Version : plywood cart

Jim Hager
08-12-2005, 9:42 PM
Tomorrow morning early I'm gonna be building a plywood cart for use in my shop. The one I have now seems to have a mind of it's own when it comes to going where I want it to. So Wed. I bought two fixed and two swivel casters of the 6" size and today procured some lengths of 1 1/2 square tubing and some 3" channel iron to constuct a better cart with.

Now with the materials in mind how would you guys make the cart? My idea to to lean plywood into the center of the cart from both sides against an "A" frame, Except that this time the top of the "A" will be about 8" across so I can put thin sheet goods in there.

Anybody got a better idea. Welding begins in the morning before the heat sets in so better chime in early. Photos at noon tomorrow.

Roy Wall
08-12-2005, 10:18 PM

I like the idea of a "spacer gap" at the top......so big sheets of ply won't hit each other at the top...

Could you also integrate the other sides...so this thing is kinda like a "pyramid"?? to allow more storage space on all four sides... ??? Just a thought - you may have this already planned.........

sounds like a fun morning!!

Peter Pedisich
08-12-2005, 10:24 PM

Sounds like your well on your way to success just by having the large 6" casters.

Whenever my mobile carts have been a problem it's the casters being too small or light duty or not having the two swivels at the same end.

Good luck, with the heat that is...


Peter Pedisich
08-13-2005, 7:57 AM

How did it go? I'm interested to see the design.


Jim Hager
08-13-2005, 9:10 AM
You're really johnny on the spot this morning, but then why is your name Peter? Here it is just now 8:00 and I've only been up for about 3 minutes. I know I'm lazy but my son came home last night from across the state and we stayed up past my bedtime visiting.

I'm gonna start welding in a little while and I will post some pics later today, maybe.

Mike Weaver
08-13-2005, 9:21 AM
You're really johnny on the spot this morning, but then why is your name Peter? Here it is just now 8:00 and I've only been up for about 3 minutes. I know I'm lazy but my son came home last night from across the state and we stayed up past my bedtime visiting.

I'm gonna start welding in a little while and I will post some pics later today, maybe.

I'll add a "me too" - I'd like to see the design too. Only up for 3 minutes?
...must not have rugrats running around;) Mine rarely sleep past 7am (and hence the reason I usually get up about 6am for my best shot at shop time :D)

What you've said about the design sounds like it'll fit the bill nicely. The large casters & spacer at the top sound like key ingredients. Wish I had more thoughts for you, but my coffee is wearing off from being up so long this morning. :eek:

Good luck, be safe, and please do post pics if you can.
