View Full Version : BEAT by A NOSE -- REALLY!! - A HORSE!!!

Bill Stevener
08-12-2005, 7:30 PM
Hi All,

Well, Gerri and I just returned home from a day at the Illinois State Fair. I entered the DVR treadle lathe I completed this year in the State Fair Professional Art Exhibition. The lathe was juried by a group and defined as a Sculpture, first time I have ever had one of my turnings considered as being a sculpture :confused: .

The judgeing took place, and I was awarded 2nd place in the exhibition. Attached are some photos, includeing the winner. I must say the winning entry ( Best in Show) is an outstanding work of art, it is consturcted of break tubing, is life size, and very very well detailed. It took the artist 1&1/2 years to complete.

So, all in all, if you are not the first place winner in the race, it's not so bad to be out run by a horse, but it was a photo finish.

We had a great day at the fair, and now that I am a Sculptor??? I may consider changing the shop to a studio.

Just another fun experience in life.


Don Baer
08-12-2005, 7:36 PM
Nah-- You sudda took foist place. Yours is a lot better then that ole Nag

Congrates on beating all of those other guys.

Ken Garlock
08-12-2005, 7:45 PM
Excellent work :eek:

It is a blue ribbon winner in my book :cool:

John Miliunas
08-12-2005, 8:25 PM
I totally agree w/Don! Not even a contest, in my eyes. Don't know what those judges were looking at! Ahhhh...No accounting for some people's taste, I guess.:) Well, as far as I'm concerned, that's a #1 for me! Great job:) :cool:

Karl Laustrup
08-12-2005, 8:58 PM
Bill, I was in awe of your work when you first showed us the pictures a while back.

Congratulations, although I, like those before me, think you should have the BLUE RIBBON.

I'm not really following how or why your treadle lathe was/is considered a "sculpture", but my little pea brain has not always followed the logic of those that consider themselves more educated than I. Oh, Well!


Ernie Nyvall
08-12-2005, 9:04 PM
Well Bill, if the other guy could get his horse to walk, I could see some competition, but I don't think he did that. I'm with the others that you got it hands down.
I once ran over some wire with my bush-hog and it came out looking a little like that horse. Just kidding, for to actually beat yours, it must be something very, very special.


Keith Burns
08-12-2005, 11:21 PM
I had not seen this lathe before. Man I'm IMPRESSED! That wire horse thing won? There is no comparrison.

John Hart
08-12-2005, 11:39 PM
When I first saw the lathe a while back, I thought it was sculpture too! The Horse? I'd stick it in the yard and hang christmas lights on it!! You shoulda took First Place.

But...Congratulations on Second.:)

Ken Fitzgerald
08-13-2005, 8:08 AM
Bill.....while your treadle lathe is certainly a work of art.....why those judges decided it was sculpture is beyond me! I'm with others....when that nag can eat that hay then it might be in the same class as your lathe but in the meantime...I'm sure the judges got the ribbons reversed!

Glenn Hodges
08-13-2005, 8:39 AM
I had to chime in on this one. The judges had no idea the amount of expertise and level of art in your work. Sure your lathe involves craft, but art without knowledge and mastery of the craft is junk in my book. Your not getting the blue ribbon is the result of judges lacking the knowledge of woodturning. You took woodturning to a higher plane, and get the blue ribbon as far as I am concerned. I for one appreciate you sharring the picture with us.

Jim Ketron
08-13-2005, 10:54 AM
Outstanding Job on the Lathe! simply beautiful:eek:

I agree with Glenn! Congrats on comming in 2nd!

Charles Hans
08-13-2005, 11:11 AM
I must agree with the others Bill . I also think that the lathe is a mastrepiece of turning. I think the judges missed the boat on this one. I'm from Kentucky and love horses, but I sure like woodturning a whole lot more, and you sure did an outstanding job. Congratulations on the second place .

Bart Leetch
08-13-2005, 12:07 PM

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<p><font color="#0000FF" size="4"><b>Next time you show it bring along a nicely turned
Billy club &amp; get the judges head on straight before the judging.</b></font></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000" size="4"><b>That is a first place winner if I ever saw
one. Besides that it at least is able to move &amp; could create something its
self with a little help from the operator. That's something that pile 'O' wire
could never do. The Judges were quite apparently ignorant of the work &amp; artistry
required to make the lathe.</b></font></p>
<p><b><font color="#0000FF" size="5">Here is your Blue Ribbon.</font></b></p>
<p><img height="351" src="http://www.lisarosscenter.org/Pages/Staff/first-place-blue-ribbon.gif" width="239"></p>



Dawn Sunkle
08-13-2005, 2:57 PM
I agree with everyone else.. that is a great horse.. but that lathe is so much more. It's a piece of art, but its not sculpture in my book. Sculpture is something to only look at, not functional. That lathe is definitely functional... you'll be able to turn when no one else will be able to. The judges need some "learning" on their categories.
oops.. got on a soapbox there.. stepping down now...

Congratulations on a great showing (even if you do have the wrong ribbon)

Jerry Clark
08-13-2005, 9:20 PM
I agree with the others-- the horse looks like those things you get at the nursery where you train a bush to grow and keep trimming it to look like an animal. DisneyLand has those, but no beautiful hand crafted lathe! You are a winner in my book.:D

Bill Stevener
08-14-2005, 10:53 PM
Hi All,

Just want to send a big thank you for all of the very thoughtful words. Realy makes one feel like a winner. The competition was tough, several nice turnings, however the girl that made the horse, realy did a fine job. As the old Dodgers say, "Well, better luck next year;) .

For anyone that missed the post on the lathe, you can type, in the search block -- treadle lathe, and it will come up.

Thanks again, you sure are a great bunch of folks.


Dick Parr
08-15-2005, 12:28 AM
Your number 1 in my book Bill, that is one beautiful lathe you built. ;)

Mike Ramsey
08-15-2005, 9:59 AM
Absolutely Amazing Lathe Bill!!! I would demand a Recount!!!!:mad: I'm with
John, they should hang Xmas lights on that Nag!!