View Full Version : knockdown guitar stand in cherry - (video)

Art Mulder
05-27-2015, 9:37 AM
Hi Everyone,

My son is learning to play the bass guitar. For his birthday, I promised to make him a guitar stand. We wanted something nice, so that the guitar could be out on display in his room, instead of hidden away in the guitar case.

After looking around online I came across takeastandinc.com. They sell a very interesting guitar stand, with lovely flowing lines. Even more importantly, their stand comes apart. I was very interested in making a knock-down stand, so that it would be easier for him to move or transport.

My design is based on one of their designs. It is not a direct copy -- for one thing I have no idea what the dimensions are of their product. But it is heavily influenced by them.

http://i.imgur.com/ozm4Ze1.jpg (http://imgur.com/ozm4Ze1)
http://i.imgur.com/qHK1W28.jpg (http://imgur.com/qHK1W28)
http://i.imgur.com/eqRVQo5.jpg (http://imgur.com/eqRVQo5)
http://i.imgur.com/lBvD6xY.jpg (http://imgur.com/lBvD6xY)
http://i.imgur.com/XeaO7eL.jpg (http://imgur.com/XeaO7eL)
http://i.imgur.com/i7Sd9uL.jpg (http://imgur.com/i7Sd9uL)

Scott Shepherd
05-27-2015, 9:59 AM
That looks great Art! Only thing I'd do is get rid of the felt and replace it with something that looks a nice as the rest of it does. Maybe some leather?

Art Mulder
05-27-2015, 10:38 AM
That looks great Art! Only thing I'd do is get rid of the felt and replace it with something that looks a nice as the rest of it does. Maybe some leather?

What felt?

The head/neck support is wrapped in black cowhide, left over from upholstering my love seat 10 years ago.
Where did you get the idea that it was felt?

Scott Shepherd
05-27-2015, 4:10 PM
My mistake Art! In the photo of the area that holds the neck, it looked like black felt to me. Once you said it was cowhide, I took a closer look and I see it's not felt! My mistake, carry on, nothing to see here.... :D Good job :)

Rick Moyer
05-27-2015, 5:38 PM
My mistake Art! In the photo of the area that holds the neck, it looked like black felt to me. Once you said it was cowhide, I took a closer look and I see it's not felt! My mistake, carry on, nothing to see here.... :D Good job :)
Scott, I thought is was felt also at first glance. Art, nice looking piece!

Art Mulder
05-28-2015, 6:48 AM
Thank-you, gentlemen!

(I was really confused by the felt question... ;))

Jim Becker
05-28-2015, 9:00 PM
I really like that, Art. Very nice design and end result!

Eduard Nemirovsky
05-28-2015, 9:43 PM
Nice stand!! And I really like this felt:D parts on stand .

Art Mulder
05-30-2015, 5:07 PM
Nice stand!! And I really like this felt:D parts on stand .

thanks guys, ha ha, Eduard. :D

Phil Mueller
06-08-2015, 8:36 AM
Hi Ed, really nice work. Enjoyed the video. Would you mind posting the basic dimensions...I'd like to build one, will probably need to modify some, but your dimensions would be helpful as a starting point. Thanks!

Eduard Nemirovsky
06-08-2015, 11:46 AM
Phil, dimension of what? and what video you are talking about?:confused: If you are talking about bench I posted in another thread - I choose to use 4 by 8 3/4" MDF and play from there. I bought magazine from Germany with Guido's Super-MFT worktable but modify it a lot to suit mine needs.
If you need more pictures - let me know.

Phil Mueller
06-08-2015, 4:40 PM
Sorry Ed, confused you with the OP of this thread...my bad.
Art, this was meant for you.

Christopher Charles
06-08-2015, 5:08 PM
I like the design and execution. I too thought felt, but a trick of the camera... A potential alternative would be wound cord, e.g., danish cord or a satin cord.

Nicely done!


Art Mulder
09-26-2015, 12:55 PM
Hi Ed, really nice work. Enjoyed the video. Would you mind posting the basic dimensions...I'd like to build one, will probably need to modify some, but your dimensions would be helpful as a starting point. Thanks!

Sorry Ed, confused you with the OP of this thread...my bad.
Art, this was meant for you.

My apologies, Phil, I missed this post when you submitted it... Given that I based this on a commercial product, I am reluctant to post any sort of a plan.
I will tell you that it is about 43" tall. The base is 16" wide. The notch for the base is about 4" up from the bottom, and the notch at the top is about 41" above the floor. A lot will depend on your particular guitar. There are a lot more photos and details on my website. If you click on my name you will see a link to my website.

Phil, dimension of what? and what video you are talking about?:confused: If you are talking about bench I posted in another thread - I choose to use 4 by 8 3/4" MDF and play from there. I bought magazine from Germany with Guido's Super-MFT worktable but modify it a lot to suit mine needs.
If you need more pictures - let me know.

Eduard, I produced a youtube video of this project build, but the video link was removed by the mods. Again, if you visit my website you will be able to find the link to the video and my other youtube videos.