View Full Version : Sawdust

Jesse Busenitz
05-26-2015, 4:34 PM
I'm a one-man wood shop and usually end up filling a 55-gal drum every week, sometimes more. What do ya'll do with your dust? I've got a friend who uses some occasionally for dog bedding, but other than that I've been burning it. Probably the biggest annoyance is when it needs dumped it needs dumped and I don't feel like storing it until it convenient for someone to come pick it up. I'm hoping to set up a dust trailer at my new shop and vent outside which will hopefully make it a little less often, but I still got to get rid of it eventually.

eugene thomas
05-26-2015, 4:46 PM
I like my burn barrel gets used often.

Erik Christensen
05-26-2015, 5:25 PM
in my locale they have a recycle container for yard waste - sawdust and metal free solid wood scraps go in there to be turned into compost

Mark W Pugh
05-26-2015, 8:41 PM
My bother uses the sawdust for end-of-the-world/zombie stuff. I guess multiple uses for the survivalist.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-26-2015, 8:42 PM
My local yard waste recycler accepts it so I put it into the containers.

Rod Sheridan
05-26-2015, 9:03 PM
Hi, my in laws use it for bedding for their chickens..............Regards, Rod.

Scott Brandstetter
05-26-2015, 11:21 PM
I don't have a burn barrel but do plan to get one.....not a problem in my area.....I'm in the country. Maybe a stupid question but I always thought that if I got a small fire going in the barrel and then dumped 35 gallons of sawdust (varying sizes) on top of the fire, I would smother it and then have a pain in the rear to get re-started. Am I a fool for thinking this? Would love to be able to simple light, dump, and burn.

eugene thomas
05-27-2015, 12:27 AM
I am thinking throwing sawdust in burning barrel probably not the best method. Can be hair removing moment.

Mike Schuch
05-27-2015, 3:06 AM
All my saw dust is piled up around all my plants as mulch... but I have a really large yard.

Burn barrel? I have a burn pile!

Allan Speers
05-27-2015, 3:49 AM
I make my own MDF.

(just kidding.)

Dennis Aspö
05-27-2015, 4:47 AM
I fill a 200 liter bag and put it next to the trash the day before trash pickup. I had looked att all kinds of tips for what I could do with it but it's not worth the effort.

Mike Ontko
05-27-2015, 5:37 AM
The last bag of "clean" sawdust went to the stable owners where the LOML keeps her horse. They have a rather large manure pile that they added it to for composting. This probably won't be a regular thing but it does take care of a bag here and there.

Jesse Busenitz
05-27-2015, 8:03 AM
I don't have a burn barrel but do plan to get one.....not a problem in my area.....I'm in the country. Maybe a stupid question but I always thought that if I got a small fire going in the barrel and then dumped 35 gallons of sawdust (varying sizes) on top of the fire, I would smother it and then have a pain in the rear to get re-started. Am I a fool for thinking this? Would love to be able to simple light, dump, and burn.

When I burn my sawdust it does smolder a bit but it generally all burns up.

Frank Ashmore
05-27-2015, 8:10 AM
mine goes to a horse boarding farm too

Jesse Busenitz
05-27-2015, 8:34 AM
I am thinking throwing sawdust in burning barrel probably not the best method. Can be hair removing moment.

Yeah especially when it fine sanding dust....

Roy Harding
05-27-2015, 8:48 AM
My shop is on my rural property, set about 10' in from the fence line, in a corner. This means that I have a 10' wide "L" shaped space on two sides of the shop - one leg measures about 60' long, the other about 80'. That is where I dump my sawdust. It inhibits the unsightly vegetation that usually grows there, and keeps the area generally clean and tidy without having to get in there with a "whipper snipper" or other gardening implement. After six years, producing a barrel of sawdust every one - two weeks, the entire area is covered, to a depth of about 6". My wood cut-offs and scraps are used in winter in my house wood-stove to supplement the firewood supply.

I realize that this method probably wouldn't "cut it" in an urban setting, and it's really nothing more than the garden mulch or composting solutions already discussed by others.

John A langley
05-27-2015, 9:00 AM
Jesse I pay $55 a month dumped once a week both the house the shop and my neighbors trash The neighbor pays me in beer yuengling to be exact and occasionally help me with something That's heavy I did the burning barrel bit and its pain

Matt Krusen
05-27-2015, 9:08 AM
Jesse I pay $55 a month dumped once a week both the house the shop and my neighbors trash The neighbor pays me in beer yuengling to be exact and occasionally help me with something That's heavy I did the burning barrel bit and its pain

Yuengling, good stuff. Sounds like a good deal to me!

Jeff Ramsey
05-27-2015, 9:33 AM
I'm a one-man wood shop and usually end up filling a 55-gal drum every week, sometimes more. What do ya'll do with your dust? I've got a friend who uses some occasionally for dog bedding, but other than that I've been burning it. Probably the biggest annoyance is when it needs dumped it needs dumped and I don't feel like storing it until it convenient for someone to come pick it up. I'm hoping to set up a dust trailer at my new shop and vent outside which will hopefully make it a little less often, but I still got to get rid of it eventually.

Someone once told me they get paraffin, and with coffee cans he makes fire starter with melted paraffin and saw dust. Pressed in the can (both ends cut off) until it firms up, then he can push it out and use it in the winter. Although, I've never tried this.

John K Jordan
05-27-2015, 10:24 AM
Animal bedding is good (animal rescue organizations function on donations). Shavings and chips are better than fine dust. Must have no walnut which can be harmful to horses and probably other animals. I've used it at times for horses, donkeys, goats, dogs, chickens and peacocks. Cedar form the planer is premium! We will not use wood waste for our llama and alpacas since it can get into the coat and make processing the fiber difficult. I have plenty of land so what I can't use elsewhere I dump in the woods.

Jim Becker
05-27-2015, 10:44 AM
I compost what comes out of the cyclone's barrel except for walnut which gets put with the yard-discards in an area reserved for that on our property.

J.R. Rutter
05-27-2015, 4:15 PM
Maybe pick up a second barrel and get someone on a schedule to pick up and return?

At home, I used it for compost, but am in the woods so the big pile didn't matter. The cedars LOVED it.

Now that I'm in a business park, I've managed to find a few people who take mine away. One leaves a trailer parked under my cyclone and hauls it once a week. The others take 45 gallon bagged up superfine dust from my sander. Before that I had no choice but to pay to have a dumpster hauled away as needed.

peter gagliardi
05-27-2015, 4:47 PM
I have 5-7 yard hopper on my cyclone. I have a local stable owner that picks it up for free when I call him. Perfect bedding for horses, but don't let any walnut in the mix.

Brian W Smith
05-28-2015, 4:04 AM
Back from whence it came........haul it down into the woods.