View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-26-2015, 8:44 AM
26 May 2015

Good Morning Everyone,
Besides the day job work, I've been continuing to work on the guitar build project. The law office table project was a success and delivered on time. The guitar build project is now at the stage where color is being applied as well as clear coat. The plan is to be able to have the finish work done by the end of May and be able to play them by mid-June. I would have posted last night but we were without power due to the storms going through the area last night. I hope this finds all of you safe and sound from all the crazy weather/storms that many of us have been experiencing.

My youngest son graduated high school this past Saturday and now he is closing one chapter of his life to being a new chapter. I'm so proud of him..!!!!!

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.!!

Shawn Pixley
05-26-2015, 9:57 AM
Congrats Dennis on the graduation!

I've been working a lot and this weekend was the first one off for quite some time. Well needed I assure you. Friday was LOML's birthday (she declines to say which one). I took her to a very nice restaurant and gave her a small piece of jewelry. (In addition to the hydraulic press she got earlier. You gotta love women who like tools). Saturday, i worked on my leg supports for a cabinet I am making. She judged a art competition at a local beach festival. Anyway, I got the apron inlay done and dry fit it to get the exact measurement for the cabinet support. Sunday, I inlayed the cuffs on the legs - tedious but turned out well. Yesterday, It got glued up and grain filler applied. Most of the construction is done and now to the finishing stages.

Jim Becker
05-26-2015, 10:00 AM
I did spend a bit of time in the shop, both cleaning it up in preparation for a new tack trunk commission that came in as well as moving along some replacement doors for a minor kitchen refresh I'm planning for a vacation week in July. Other than that, rode the pony twice, helped my younger daughter with a HS photography assignment and generally enjoyed the long weekend.

Dennis, congrats on your son's graduation!

Jebediah Eckert
05-26-2015, 10:18 AM
14" grizzly BS out (will be missed), 6" delta jointer out (also served well for 15 plus years), sold and delivered to a friend's basement. 450 pound Laguna into basement and Grizzly 8" moved into place.

Also moved a few stumps I dug into a pile and filled the holes, the tractor helped with the larger tools as well.


Mike Ontko
05-26-2015, 11:25 AM
I purchased lumber (white ash and poplar) for a platform bed project (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?231242-Platform-Bed-Design-Critique) that I'm just getting started on. The wood is currently getting acclimated while I wait on my new G0513X2BF 17" BS to be delivered later this week (excited!). In the meantime, I finally installed the Jorgensen 10" bench vise that I've had sitting in the box for almost 6 months. It's beginning to feel like there's an actual shop in my garage, instead of a clutter of boxes with a few tools sticking out.

Ken Kimbrell
05-26-2015, 12:53 PM
Congratulations on your sons graduation Dennis.

Yard Sale Finds!

Sometimes 'stuff' just follows you home. :cool:

Kay and me checked out several yard sales in and around Winston-Salem and I found a lot of tempting tools, like some old braces, some old Stanley wooden bodied levels, plus lots of other tools that I was able to resist except for these two.

Our printer went out a few days ago and I've been debating on what to do for a replacement because we do not print very often, mostly just the odd copy now and then.
So... for $5 I could not pass this one up, works great and it still has some ink in the tank.

And this Workmate 550.
My shop has plenty of bench space and movable/portable stands so I didn't actually need this Workmate, but you know how it goes... wanted it and there it was! I was never willing to spring for the cost of a new one and the ones that I've seen in yard sales have been over priced, but at $25 this one seemed just right.
