View Full Version : Terry Hatfield announcement

Mike Worthan
06-04-2003, 9:07 AM
This is just a general announcement to those out there who have followed Terry Hatfield and his efforts to provide his cyclone kit. Personally I have not spoken with Terry, but his website has some pretty bad news on it. Seems he has had an accident on his tablesaw and has shredded a couple of fingers pretty bad. Bad enough that he has been forced to shut down operation of his cyclone kit business. Sounds like for good.

I know that Terry has poured his heart and soul into providing something for the guy who needed a quality dust collection system and has probably seen very little in return. I ,for one, wish Terry a speedy recovery and know that he is doing the best for his number one priority, his family. It is my fervent hope that he doesn't feel a shred of guilt or sadness over his decision to focus his efforts where they should be. I almost lost a finger myself several years ago in a horseshoeing accident when a horse stepped down on one and can sympathize with the pain he has endured so far. I wish him well and hope he continues to keep us posted here on his recovery and beyond that, favor us with his presence.

Get well soon buddy!:D

Mike Schwing
06-04-2003, 9:10 AM
Yikes! Hate reading about these kinds of things happening, and when it happens to someone you "know" its even worse. The fact that accomplished woodworkers suffer injuries gives me even a greater respect for the tools we use.

Here's to the quickest/best recovery possible.

Jason Roehl
06-04-2003, 9:13 AM
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Terry and his family. We hope for a speedy recovery and quick relief from the pain.

Jim Becker
06-04-2003, 9:33 AM
The prognosis on the fingers that were injured is good, fortunately. That's more important than any part-time side business..

Wishing the best to Terry for a quick recovery!

Ken Salisbury
06-04-2003, 10:01 AM
I just got off the phone with Terry. He is doing fine considering what he has been through. He had damage to the ring finger and the little finger of his right hand. A small portion of his little finger was shaved off. His description of his ringer finger was "like cutting a rabbet out of the top of it, through the fingernail area to the bone"..

He is in good spirits and is handling it well. He realizes it could have been a lot worse and considers the incident a wake-up call. The little finger should heal rather quickly but the ring finger will take considerable time to heal and get back to normal functionality (doctor's prognosis).

Terry is a good friend and I wish him well.

Ron McNeil
06-04-2003, 10:02 AM

I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. My preyers and thougts go out to you and your family. It's my hopes that you will recover fully and I hope the relief of pain will come quickly. I'm new to woodworking less than a year but I'm constantly concerned about safety and I feel deep sorrow when I hear of these accidents. But the joy and fullfillment that I get from being in my shop making sawdust keeps me going on.

Gods speed

Halsey MCCombs
06-04-2003, 10:06 AM
Wishing you a speedy recovery Terry. Hope you can still type with the other hand and keep us posted. Halsey

Terry Hatfield
06-04-2003, 10:58 AM
I wish to thank everyone for the emails and responses. I was scared to death that closing the site was going to create a bunch of mad customers but the exact opposite has been the case.

I have gotten many emails over the last couple of days and they have all been very positive. I truly appreciate that.

Working 18 or more hours a day had really taken a toll on me without me realizing it. While I sat in the shop floor with a towel wrapped around the remains of my fingers I came to the conclusion that something had to go. DE was it.

My family has taken a back seat to work for way to long, even before DE. It is time for me to get my priorities in line. My children are growing up and I am missing it.

Most everyone knows about our children. Payton is our 6'5" 300 lb. 16 year old left tackle. He has excelled at football and has also excelled with academics. Looks like he will be offered scholarships both athletic and academic. I missed all of his spring football practice because of work. I don't want to miss anything else.

Katie, our 12 year old turner recieved the President's Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence a couple of weeks ago, I was here working when she got the award. All these things were going through my mind as I sat in the floor bleeding. DE was not to blame for all of this. I am a workaholic with or without DE, but I am going to change that now. I need to be there for my children and my wife.

The fingers should eventually heal and be fine. It is just a matter of wait and see what happens. The doctors really feel that there will be no permanent damage.

The Lord has a funny way of getting our attention sometimes. He certainly has mine now.

Thanks again to everyone,


Steve Nelson
06-04-2003, 11:32 AM
God speed Terry, hope everything turns out well.

John Schreiber
06-04-2003, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Terry Hatfield
The Lord has a funny way of getting our attention sometimes. He certainly has mine now.

I feel like I know you a bit from this board and I hope you recover fully. The Lord has gotten your attention and ours too. What you saw when you sat on the floor with your hand wrapped in a towel is the clearest thing you can see. Experiences like those make priorities more clear. I am grateful that I can I see it through your experience rather than have to cut off bits of my own hands ;) (wink, smile).

Keep on taking care of yourself and your family. Everything else is way down on the priority list.

Tom Sweeney
06-04-2003, 12:30 PM
My thoughts and prayers are also with you. Sounds like you will fully recupurate(?) from the hand injury.

Also sounds like a very important wake up call. I wish you the best on both items. It's funny how life often gets in the way of living isn't it. Thanks for the reminder & take care.

Scott Coffelt
06-04-2003, 12:32 PM
I am glad I was one of the lucky folks to have gotten one of your high quality units. But more importantly, I have met a friend and know from my time speaking with you that you have wonderful children and a wife. So often we let them become secondary, time lost with them is lost. Things in the shop will be there tomorrow. I once got things done in the shop quickly, now days my projects take many times longer as I just don't put the time there like I did. Every evening is spent with the family, I see a few hours here and there, but wouldn't change a thing.

Here's hoping for a quick recovery. Accidents like this impact more than WW, you use them things in everything you do. I am sure typing on the computer has changed drastically.

Dave Avery
06-04-2003, 12:37 PM

Good luck and may God speed your healing. Striking a balance between all the things competing for our time is the most important (and hardest) thing to do. Time is the most precious of all commodities.... I wish you well in your time re-allocation efforts. Dave.

Chris DiCiaccio
06-04-2003, 12:56 PM
Glad you are ok. I agree with you, there are certain priorities that we must maintain. Sounds like you are getting yours in proper order. I believe with you for full recovery.

Ken Garlock
06-04-2003, 1:11 PM
Be thankful that it was not worse, and that you can expect a near complete recovery.

Listen to your doctor, he is your boss until he releases you.

Thanks for all the outstanding work you have done with your DC project/business. Now, many people, including myself, have missed the opportuinity to build your kit. I understand....

Please heal quickly and completely:)

Jim Izat
06-04-2003, 1:12 PM
I've been through a similar accident myself. Time does heal. It got my attention too.


Steve Jenkins
06-04-2003, 1:18 PM
bad as it is I'm glad it isn't worse and that you will be back in the saddle fairly soon. I think that sometimes our lives are like the farmer with the stubborn mule. Hitem with a 2x4 to get their attention. Sounds like a change of priorites for the better of all. Steve

Bob Lasley
06-04-2003, 1:28 PM

Sorry to hear about your accident. Don't you just hate it when you do something that you knew better about doing? I've been there more times that I want to admit to. Sounds like you have made some good decisions and I wish you all the best. Shoot, I didn't have room for one of your eliminators anyway. ;)

Heal quickly,

Bob Nazro
06-04-2003, 2:39 PM

You have our prayers and hopes for a quick recovery. It is amazing what we think about at crucial times in our lives. Good luck and I know we will see you here at the Creek.

Jim Fuller
06-04-2003, 2:40 PM
Also glad you are able to respond so quickly. Hope you recover as quickly as possible, with as little resultant damage as possible. As with everyone else you and your family are in my prayers.


Ed Falis
06-04-2003, 2:43 PM

Much as I would have liked to purchase a DE from you in the future, it sounds to me like you're making the right choice for you and your family, and you should have no regrets.

Best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery and for the right kinds of results in your life for making your decision. Those kids, they grow up fast.

- Ed

Dennis Peacock
06-04-2003, 2:43 PM

I hate it that it took a personal injury for the wake up call. I wish you a very speedy recovery and don't worry about DE. Everyone that wanted one got one and are happy because of what you did with DE. Thanks for all you did and now....get back to your own life and the life of your family.

Gonna finish your mothers cabinets soon? ;-)

Charles McKinley
06-04-2003, 2:58 PM
Hi Terry,

Sorry to hear the message came at such a high cost. It was great to meet you in IN. Enjoy your family and life. I feel very lucky to be able to be at home with my daughters. We hope that you heal soon.

Jack Diemer
06-04-2003, 3:00 PM
Now you can focus all your time planning the next big Woodworkers Shin Dig at your house.

Carl Eyman
06-04-2003, 3:09 PM
May we all be a bit more careful as a result of your mishap

Jim Young
06-04-2003, 4:07 PM
My thoughts are with you Terry. Hope you heal fast. Don't let this make you too soft, I like your contakerous style.:D

Marvin Keys
06-04-2003, 4:34 PM
That's a big gut check for those of us just starting out in the woodworking area. I hope its a lesson I have already learned and I can do without the experience.

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
06-04-2003, 4:43 PM
thank the Lord for looking out for you and making sure it wasn't worse than it was. I liked reading your response. Good luck in what you decide to do. Our prayers are with you and yours.

Mark Kauder
06-04-2003, 4:49 PM
Ah MAN.....Sorry to hear it, and my thoughts are with you.


David Rose
06-04-2003, 5:02 PM
hot dog detectors?

Seriously, our family is praying for your speedy and complete recovery. I get those powerful wakeups too. Do you think it has anything to do with the thickness of our skulls? God is good, though He often doesn't do things "our" way... fortunately. ;-)

And contrary to what Dennis said, not everyone got the cyclone kit who wanted one. Some of us procrastinated. So there are wakeup calls for that too, huh? ;-) That's OK.

The kids are with us for such a short time. DO it! Anything you put off is gone. Ours is back for part of the summer. Likely she will not live in our house again after this unless the Lord blesses us with it.

I admire your decision and respect it. Of course, it was sort of LOUD reminder wasn't it? ;-)


James Mudler
06-04-2003, 6:06 PM
God's speed to you and a fast recovery

Jim DeLaney
06-04-2003, 6:40 PM
Having 'hamburgered' my middle finger on a router table a few years back, ain't it amazing how something as small as a finger can generate so much pain!

I swear, I've been cut, shot, and had bones broken, and none of them caused as much disconfort as that chopped up finger.

I feel for you, buddy (pun intended).

Martin Shupe
06-04-2003, 7:09 PM

I was planning to buy a DE, right after I built my shop next year.


Tend to your fingers and family first, but I hope maybe you will still consider selling at least the plans for the DE system. You had me convinced that I needed one, and now nothing seems as good as what you have designed. If you developed a good set of plans and instructions, I'll bet there would be others like me who would buy them.

Maybe after the kids are in college, you will have more time to go back to kit production. Or, maybe someone else wants to buy your business and run with it. Maybe Oneida would hire you as a consultant, or you could sell them your ideas.

Again, I wish you a speedy recovery, and understand that you need to spend time with your family. I just don't want to see an outstanding product lost forever.

We will keep you in our prayers.

Terry Hatfield
06-04-2003, 7:12 PM
Thank you everyone so much.

I'm a bit overwhelmed by all this. I have a ton of emails and private messages in additon to all these responses.

I really didn't want a big deal made of this. I didn't know what to think or do when Ken called me this morning and said he had read about the accident on SMC.

It's hard to read all these wonderful responses and mails without a tear in the eye. I guess one does not realize how many lives have been touched until something like this happens. I appreciate all the encouraging words everyone has sent me very , very much.


Bruce Page
06-04-2003, 7:16 PM

I’m sorry to hear of your accident and hope you heal quickly. As bad as the accident was, it could have been much worse. In your post, you sound like you’ve decided to make some life changes, I know from personal experience that life changes are a good thing!

Ron Jones near Indy
06-04-2003, 7:29 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident. Sounds like it may have helped you get things together in other ways, so that is good. I wish you a speedy recovery and even sooner pain relief. Any enjoy those kids. They grow up too fast.

Jeff Cybulski
06-04-2003, 7:56 PM
Terry - God speed with you on a quick recovery. I know we only met once at Bob Lasley's house, but I wish you the best. Sounds like you have you priorities in line.

Take Care


Bob Oswin
06-04-2003, 8:28 PM
Hi Terry:
Like the others, I wish you a speedy recovery and a complete return to the business you love.
Happy to hear your keyboard clickin !


chris toomey
06-04-2003, 8:45 PM
hang in there...i wish you a speedy recovery. but don't sell your tools just yet........

Jim Shaver, Oakville Ont
06-04-2003, 8:51 PM
Hi Terry,

I am just reading about your accident today, I am very sorry to hear of the news. Please take it easy and I hope you have a pain free recovery, as much as possible.

It was my sincere pleasure to Meet you in Anderson in April, you are a kind and sincere man, you made a real impression on me....makes hearing this news all the harder.

My thoughts are with you, take care,


One day I'd like to talk to you about some North of the Border Business, but that can wait!

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-04-2003, 9:09 PM
Sorry to hear of your accident Terry. I wish you all the best and hope your recovery goes well. I am just glad to hear that is wasn't as bad as I initially feared when I first read the post. No injury is a good injury, but damaging your hands really does get your attention. Good Luck in all that you do, and enjoy and cherish your time with your family. Sometimes we under estimate how important we are to those who depend on us, and it is just not fair that is takes a tragic incident to bring it all home. I have never been so impressed as when I read your post in response to all the well wishes by the Saw Mill Creek Gang. Although I don't know you, I was moved by your response to your accident. You have your priorities in order, and there is no doubt that you will heal and be a better man than you are now, which is a tall order! Take care Terry, I will be praying for you and your family.

David Blangger
06-04-2003, 9:13 PM

Being real new on the forum and procrastinated so much I missed signing up on Badgers Pond all togeather you don't know me.

I had lurked here a while and seen the tremendous effort you were accomplishing and the dreamshop you created in *record time.*

God and family are the right order of your priorities. I too pray for your speedy recovery.

However advice from this stranger is don't be idle. You being a workaholic will not be happy sitting. Either replace or something but don't sit.

My accident was permanent and sitting has been the worst part of my life.


Dan Barber
06-04-2003, 9:19 PM
Having endured the agony of a severely broken left thumb as the result of a table saw battle, I can surely relate to your situation.

Keep the hand elevated, that will help the physical pain. Keep the head elevated too, that will help the mental pain.

Having a DE in the box waiting for a assembly when we get a bigger shop, I'll count myself among the fortunate ones who have received the fruits of your labor.

Above all else, you are doing the right thing concentrating on the family.

Best wishes on a speedy recovery.


George Summers
06-04-2003, 9:24 PM
Terry -

Sorry to hear of your incident. I know how you feel though, it has been about six months since I tried to butterfly my left pointer finger with the table saw blade. For a long time I didn't think that the feeling would be coming back, but in the last month or so it has (the Doc said that it would take 6-9 months). Keep your spirits up and remember that all things are good, drinks, fattening food, woodworking, etc, as long has it is in moderation.


John Miliunas
06-04-2003, 11:12 PM
Wow! Almost fell outta' my chair when I read about your accident! My prayers and sincere wishes for a speedy and full recovery. As others have stated, I believe you're putting your priorities in the right order! Terrible that the realization came in such rude way, but it sounds as though all will be well, including the order in your life. Hang in there! :cool:

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
06-04-2003, 11:30 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Terry, and will be interested in the healing process.

David LaRue
06-05-2003, 12:47 AM

Sure glad that the injury wasn't worse. Sounds like you have raised some great kids, and they have made you proud. God has blessed you. Get well soon

Take care


Keith Outten
06-05-2003, 5:15 AM

Sorry to hear about your accident, I've been woodworking for 25 years and have had my share of close calls but no physical contact with any equipment as yet so I have been very fortunate.

I also am self employed and can appreciate your position, often the long hours take their toll and in the last few years I have made a personal policy to stay away from certain tools when I'm tired. On the back side of 50 I have learned that my ability to mentally focus on the task at hand isn't what it used to be.

Of all the tools I have ever purchased the best money ever spent is the table saw slider I bought 4 years ago. Without a doubt it has improved the safety of my table saw and the production capability. Having the slider means most of the time my hands don't need to be anywhere near the blade for the majority of saw-cuts I make. I can't recommend a table saw sliding attachment enough. The cost of a slider is really inexpensive when compared to the medical bills from an accident or the physical pain and suffering.

Terry, get well soon and wait awhile before you make any decisions concerning your business. In stead of closing the doors you may consider taking another approach as some of our members have suggested.

Ken Wright
06-05-2003, 7:21 AM
sure am sorry to hear of your accident .... hope the recovery is quick!!

Dave Anderson NH
06-05-2003, 7:28 AM
Hi Terry-

I'm sorry to hear of your accident, but I think you've taken the right course. Your family only stays together for a certain amount of time before they all grow up and go off on their own. I'm sure that you will enjoy life and family more with the unfortunate wake up you received. Most things in life happen for a reason and you are wise enuf to understand that. I'm glad you chose to think of it as a blessing in disguise. Family is the most important thing in our lives. Heal quickly and well.


Dan Bundy
06-05-2003, 8:04 AM
So sorry to hear about the accident. Heal fast!. DB

Halsey MCCombs
06-05-2003, 11:14 AM
Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think? Something I ran across. Halsey

Ken Frantz
06-05-2003, 11:17 AM
Sorry to hear about those fingers, but they will heal up. Also they will feel better when they quit hurting

As I always say: "Respect those tools because they don't have any respect fer you!!!"

Lord's willin and the creek don't rise, I will see you at Christmas time.

Allan Johanson
06-05-2003, 11:20 AM
I'm very sorry to hear of your accident, Terry. From the posts I've read of your accomplishments, in record time I might add!, you seem to be a dedicated, "let's get down to business and get this thing done" kind of guy.

With your newfound attitude of putting your family first, I have absolutely no doubt you'll succeed.

I wish you all the best and I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Take care,


Perry Schmidt
06-05-2003, 11:48 AM
Very sorry to hear about the misfortune Terry - heal up quickly! And thank god it wasn't more serious. Like you mentioned - a good wakeup call - for both you and (hopefully) some of us too.


David Plaskett
06-05-2003, 12:27 PM
Hi Terry,

Sorry to hear about your accident. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sure hope it didn't affect your fork handling, what with all that good food your wife fixes. I still remember the brisket.
Take care and get well soon.

Daniel Rabinovitz
06-05-2003, 2:45 PM
Dear Terry,
As part of the extended family on SawMill Creek I only want to observe that a rich person is one that has a multitude of friends who care for them.
You obviously are a rich person! From all the responses on the "forum".

Since I was working very hard on the website for the last two "rain days", I didn't view the forum and hear about your unfortunate accident. I only work from 9 to 5 and take an half hour for lunch (while watching a cooking show on PBS).
Now, I reserve the afternoons for woodworking, so maybe 3/4 hours. In other words, why are you rushing around. Things can wait until tomorrow - nothing is vital today. Do the important things first - like family.

When I was teaching, I lived by the second (bell ring)(move to next class). Up at 5:15 AM; work on next days lessons at night till midnight (sometimes); think about how a dozen, or so, of the 100, or so, students projects were going to go together and what they might need to proceed and then, REST (sleep). Up at 5:15 AM, do it again. Thiry years of teaching - what a satisfying experience.

But did I miss my daughter growing up? I often reflect back and wonder. Now she is 29 and about to present Kay and me with our first grandson (any second now). Kay and I won't miss out on this one.
We've already spent a ton on toys and books for grandparents house.

So you take care and set your priorities.
Daniel - "slow but sure" :cool:

Scott Greaves
06-05-2003, 3:42 PM
I hate to hear about the fingers! I think you've made the right decision - nothing beats family! I'm one of the ones that missed out on DE, but I don't care - I'm just glad you're OK!

Heal up quickly!


Jack Diemer
06-05-2003, 4:58 PM
Anyone can still build their own Dust Eliminator cyclone using the directions off Terry's or Bill's sites.

The kits just made it all a lot easier.

Terry did everyone a huge favor by adding pictures and simplying instructions and techniques that made it much easier for anyone to build their own cyclone.

Probably the biggest impact that the short lived Dust Eliminator venture will have is that it put pressure on the likes of PSI, Grizzly, Oneida and Woodsucker to develop better products.

For instance, I saw that PSI had a blower curve on their website for their new 14 in impeller cyclones. This is a HUGE STEP because now the cyclone that was initially rated at "2400 CFM", now only really blows 588 CFM at 7.3 in of static pressure. (Compare that to the DE which does over 1000 CFM at 7.3 in of static pressure)

Now, we just need stationary power tool makers to add 6 in dust ports on their tools. We can always dream. :)

Anyway, I got to meet Terry 2 weeks ago when he and Dennis Peacock drove up from Arkansas to test my cyclone in Kansas City. I don't think I need to tell everyone how nice of a guy Terry is. Hopefully, Terry will now get the time to watch a few of his boys football practices, be able to finish his Mothers cabinet (last year's christmas present), and plan that next big woodworkers picnic. :D

Ken Wright
06-05-2003, 5:29 PM
I saw Mike's original post and responded to that but didn't see your post until this afternoon ....... somehow I missed the email notice hidden amongst all the spam I guess....

Sounds like a pretty wicked injury but glad the prognosis is good.

You've made the right choices Terry .... being a workaholic myself before retirement .... I completely missed my Daughter's growing up between the ages of 12 and high school graduation. I've regretted that ever since and its taken 12 years for us to really develop a close relationship ..... I missed a great girl when she was growing up .... stick close by your two kids and LOYL ... nothings more important .... it takes a surprise like colon cancer to make the bell ring so that you really realize that.

Take care my friend .... the roses are blooming in case you didn't take the time to notice yet.

Dr. Zack Jennings
06-05-2003, 6:02 PM
Please add my best wishes to the others. I still look forward to meeting you, Katie (the Pen Turner) & your awesome workbench.
I'll be leaving for Gatlinburg in 2 weeks for my turning class. We'll all have to get together after that.

Take care,

Aaron Koehl
06-06-2003, 2:35 AM
We are all sorry to hear of your accident-- but remember,

<i>Gray skies are just clouds passing over!</i>

To you a speedy recovery, and God speed from
all of us here at Sawmill Creek!


<font size=1>
(Quote from Duke Ellington)

Terry Hatfield
06-06-2003, 9:02 AM
OK...now I'm really overwhelmed by all this.

Thanks so much for all these responses. Not often that you see woodworkers really speak from their heart but you guy's have and that feels really good.

I have tried to put down what this community means to me in words but I can't seem to write what I truly feel. All I can say is a sincere thank you. What has been said here along with the many, many emails has meant more to me than I can express.


06-06-2003, 2:15 PM

I take a couple days off from the Creek and this happens.

Terry, I am terribly sorry to hear about your fingers. Hope that the physical recovery progresses quickly. It sounds as though you are healthier emotionally than before the accident. You may want to mark this date on a calendar, and take a look back a year from now. My bet is that you will be pretty happy with what you see.

On the lighter side. You could probably put the last couple DE kits that you have left up for auction and set yourself up for retirement.:)

Good Luck and "see" you around

David Rose
06-06-2003, 4:01 PM
want a big deal made of this? Think what responses would come otherwise. :D

David, who's praying

06-07-2003, 12:59 AM
Hi Terry,

I'm doing some catching up over here at the Creek and just saw this thread. I am so sorry to hear about your accident. Please take care of yourself and spend some time with those you love. But don't make yourself scrace around here though : ) We'd miss you!

Get better soon.

Jen :)

Jay Albrandt
06-07-2003, 4:27 PM

I haven't visited in a few days and look what you go and do! I am truely happy that the accident wasn't worse and that the prognosis is good.

An old friend of mine is an insurance adjuster, and she always said that statistically, each and everyone of us is likely to have a major accident by the age of 35 that could redefine our lives. So look on the bright side, you beat the odds and it came much later in life (no age related insult intended :)). Did it redefine your life? From what you said about your priorities and your family, it looks like it did, and for the best I'm sure.

But I will say this Terry; you can't keep a good man down! I look forward to your posts of your work, all the changes you may (or should I say will) make to your shop, and any other thing you care to share with us.

Heal quickly Terry!


Wayne Johnson
06-07-2003, 5:42 PM

I was sorry to hear about your accident, but your first message on this thread was touching. I think it has made all of us think twice about our 'priorities' - I know I have. I pray that you will have a speedy recovery!


Guy Kowalski
06-07-2003, 9:02 PM

You have my prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Joe Pack
06-08-2003, 12:59 AM
Sorry about your accident, Terry, but glad to hear about your decision to spend more time with family. One dad to another, you will never regret it.

The old saying is that no one has a head stone that reads, "I wish I would have spent more time at work."

Go watch your kids, then go watch your grandkids. They will never forget it, and neither will you.

Peter Stahl
06-08-2003, 3:30 PM

Sorry to hear about your accident. I know what you mean about missing your kids events. I did everything I could to make every event my kids had and when you miss even one it bums you out. I never thought your business had grown that fast. Maybe once you get back on your feet so to speak you can hire people to run it while you go about you other business. I was always told that being a good boss was knowing how to designate work to others, can't do it all yourself. I'm sure you'll still do some of it as a hobby, you did a lot great work in a short time. Heal fast, hope to still see you around the creek.
