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View Full Version : Help thinking through a plane station

Phil Mueller
05-08-2015, 10:22 PM
Maybe this belongs in the shop forum, but I thought those who do a lot of hand plane work might be able to provide some insight.

My shop is very space challenged. I do not have a free standing work bench...only a built in. There really is no room for a heavy work bench for plane work and the built in as is isn't a good option. There is nothing in my shop heavy enough to work. So the thought was to try to build something that would integrate with the built in, but extend out for better use.

Per the pictures below, the idea is to either remove a drawer and insert a robust table of some sort or a "bench top" to attach to the top of the open drawer. The insert or table top would have a vise and holes for bench dogs.
I realize either option would potentially limit the length of stock, but perhaps something could be built to extend across several drawers.

Anyway, do you think this merits further thought, or is it destined to fail?

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PS: sorry these pics are sideways...can't figure out how to rotate them

Jim Koepke
05-08-2015, 11:19 PM
Some folks use a planing beam. Google > planing beam < and you will find a few examples.

It will likely be a bit more supportive than anything across open drawers.

You may be able to build it with removable legs so it will be easier to store in a corner when not in use.


Brian Holcombe
05-08-2015, 11:31 PM
Jim beat me to it!

Chuck Hart
05-09-2015, 12:45 AM
Phil, I have somewhat the same problem this helped me it's not an answer for you but it may give you some ideas:


Kent A Bathurst
05-09-2015, 1:18 AM
Check out this recent thread by Glenn Bradley - pretty snazzy piece of work, IMO....


Georg Zudoff
05-09-2015, 1:31 AM
Phil, I think Jim's answer - planning beam will be the best solution. I often play with wood on my kitchen. It's Soviet kitchen, not American, it has only 6 square meters. So I place planning beam made of two boards in between small kitchen table and kitchen armoire. Boards are 2 meters length, 30 mm thick and 250 mm wide. It's enough for planning and sawing. Of course I have a Moxxon vise for sawing.

Jim Matthews
05-09-2015, 3:07 PM
Joshua Finn has an elegant storage solution that would work in your shop.

There's no way you could make a sliding benchtop that would be secure enough at
full extension - there's too much lateral force imparted.

The current built in would be an ideal anchor for one end of a modular bench solution,
using something like a sawhorse and either a robust planing bench,
or Joshua Finn's clever torsion box derivative.


Phil Mueller
05-09-2015, 11:44 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I think a combination of your input will make for a nice solution. I had never heard of a planing beam or the modular bench idea...and the bench on bench gives me ample ideas for clamping to temp legs.
Really appreciate your help!

Jim Matthews
05-10-2015, 7:15 AM
Please post photos of your build.

This is a common problem, begging
for a clever solution.

Phil Mueller
05-12-2015, 8:51 PM
I will Jim. I have a lot swirling around in my head. Be patient, this time of year, my time seems to get absorbed by yard projects...but I promise I'll post what I come up with.