View Full Version : Robo the Pharaoh

Russell Neyman
04-28-2015, 7:07 PM
Recently I "subscribed" to one of Reed Gray's YouTube videos, and today this reminder popped up in my email inbox:

Isn't it ironic that his instructional that deals with chainsaws and bowl blanks is filed amid "The Engineers of The Great Pyramids" and "When Dinosaurs Ruled Earth"?

If you've ever spent any time with Reed you'd understand why this is so funny.

Reed Gray
04-28-2015, 8:35 PM
I got filed with pyramids and dinosaurs???? Cool!

I have another clip up also on some roughing cuts with gouges. Yes, I do still use them, and went through a recent series of attempts roughing out bowls with them. I can say that I tried, but scrapers work far better, at least for me. It is good practice though to freshen up gouge skills, especially on the inside of the bowl.

robo hippy