View Full Version : Alan Trout's 'Pro-Rail Hollowing System'

Glen Blanchard
04-23-2015, 11:40 AM
At last years SWAT I caught a glimpse of Alan's hollowing system. I was too busy to really check it out, but it appeared very stout and well manufactured. Surprisingly, I have only seen a few references to it here and other forums. Are these in production? What's the price? I'm not in the market for a hollowing rig - just curious.

Scott Hackler
04-23-2015, 1:32 PM
Glenn, I believe Alan is making them to order now. I know he has sold (or had orders for) 10-15 of them, when I saw him last August. As far as price, I believe it is north of $1k but not 100% sure on the actual price .... but it is likely the sturdiest hollowing rig ever made. I would send Alan a PM and get more information if your interested in one.

Jeffrey J Smith
04-23-2015, 7:33 PM
At last years SWAT I caught a glimpse of Alan's hollowing system. I was too busy to really check it out, but it appeared very stout and well manufactured.
There's some photos and a description on Alan's website http://www.tobinhillturning.com

Dave Fritz
04-24-2015, 9:58 AM
The link to his tools doesn't work for me. I wonder if he's still working on it, or my computer is having trouble?

Dave Fritz

Alan Trout
04-24-2015, 10:19 AM

I think you computer is not working. I just checked the link and it works. First this is no advertisement for me as all I am producing have been spoken for. These are very limited production units. I personally produce everything in my studio except for the bearings, handles etc. I have a well equipped metal working shop. Currently I am working on several that are all sold. I try to avoid putting anyone on a waiting list as I cannot give an accurate time frame when they will be done. I still have a day business that comes first, My hollowing rigs and art come second. After this batch I will probably start another batch (about 10-15 units) in late summer or early fall. I am going to try to source some of the more repetitive parts machining out. I am hoping to produce these more efficiently. I designed/made these out of my own frustrations. Everything I turn is hard and dry and very few systems can handle that well in a deep hollowing system. I started selling them after people who used mine wanted one. I guess that is how must of this stuff starts.



Doug Ladendorf
04-24-2015, 10:52 AM
Link works for me. Looks like a beautiful system.
