View Full Version : DIY transmission jack adapter?

Phil Stone
04-15-2015, 2:06 PM
Has anyone fashioned something to cradle a transmission on top of a floor jack, preferably from wood as I don't have welding equipment?

This will be for a Subaru transaxle, which is fairly large and unwieldy as far as manual transmissions go.

Thanks for any tips.

Mike Lassiter
04-15-2015, 3:56 PM
What about this hydraulic floor jack adapter from Northern Tools @ $49.99

http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200332755_200332755?utm_source=CSE&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=Automotive%20%3E%20Jacks&utm_content=144423&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=144423&gclid=Cj0KEQjwmLipBRC59O_EqJ_E0asBEiQATYdNh5AFyRMp nsbZJWYi9DxlJRKdcbMODzCtru6k2Fj6FB0aAkRA8P8HAQ

Phil Stone
04-15-2015, 4:11 PM
I know there are off-the-shelf solutions, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for making one out of lumber. Thanks for the link, though.

Bryan Rocker
04-15-2015, 5:57 PM
My recommendation would be to go to your local tool rental store and rent a tranny jack for a day. I have pulled tranny's before and a standard floor jack is a PITA, they are just not designed for it.


Phil Stone
04-15-2015, 6:27 PM
My recommendation would be to go to your local tool rental store and rent a tranny jack for a day. I have pulled tranny's before and a standard floor jack is a PITA, they are just not designed for it.


OK, that's good to know, Bryan. Thanks.

Steve Rozmiarek
04-16-2015, 12:12 AM
I have done it with some creative use of ratchet straps. Come to think of it, by the time I got a transmission jack, i paid someone else to use it. Shish. Bolt a plate or piece of ply to the Jack to make a platform for starters. Attach the trans to it easier then.