View Full Version : CL Handsaw

Mike Hutchison
04-15-2015, 6:39 AM
This saw showed up on the local Craigslist
Wheeler Clemson and Madden
Asking price was/is $200
Ad doesn't spec length, tpi, rip or X
Don't recall hearing of that maker
or seeing that particular handle profile before
so thought would post it here

Stewie Simpson
04-15-2015, 6:44 AM
Wonderful example of early saw makers work.

Jim Matthews
04-15-2015, 7:28 AM
Nice saw.

$200? That's what Mike Allen's refurbed PERFECT saws cost.

It's the equivalent of 40 D-7s, around here in Millers Falls country.

Stewie Simpson
04-15-2015, 10:10 AM
Star Saw

Saws, registration No. 1620. February 3, 1874. Wheeler, Madden & Clemson Manufacturing Co., Middletown, N. Y



https://www.google.com.au/search?q=star+hand+saw&biw=1129&bih=514&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=DXIuVdmwC4Tm8gWEuIDYAg&ved=0CBwQsAQ#imgrc=XZAUI1JjvWantM%253A%3BKeHvawTMs t9xmM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.antiqbuyer.com%252F images%252FARCHIVE_PICS%252Farchivetools%252FSaws% 252FGood-Saws%252FP9170243.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.ant iqbuyer.com%252FAll_Archives%252FTOOLS_ARCHIVE%252 Farchive-saws2.htm%3B962%3B282

Cody Cantrell
04-15-2015, 6:17 PM
I believe a saw collector would love to have that saw, make the guy an offer.

Kent A Bathurst
04-15-2015, 6:38 PM
Star Saw

Saws, registration No. 1620. February 3, 1874. Wheeler, Madden & Clemson Manufacturing Co., Middletown, N. Y



https://www.google.com.au/search?q=star+hand+saw&biw=1129&bih=514&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=DXIuVdmwC4Tm8gWEuIDYAg&ved=0CBwQsAQ#imgrc=XZAUI1JjvWantM%253A%3BKeHvawTMs t9xmM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.antiqbuyer.com%252F images%252FARCHIVE_PICS%252Farchivetools%252FSaws% 252FGood-Saws%252FP9170243.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.ant iqbuyer.com%252FAll_Archives%252FTOOLS_ARCHIVE%252 Farchive-saws2.htm%3B962%3B282

1] Fascinating history, thanks for the links Stewie. Even includes bio on their politics, and changing parties due to passage of the KS-NE Act........great bit of history.
2] Those guys' parents knew how to conjure up impressive middle names.
3] Is that a nib I see on that saw? Still there?
4] I'm not a collector, but if I was, I'd have a hard time imagining doing a restoration to that gem.

Kyle DuPont
04-16-2015, 6:51 PM
I think Jim Bode had one listed a while back for $2000 or so. The saw listed was in really good condition and may have been slightly different. Yes I know that would make a huge difference, I just can't recall 100%.